AneN, LolnpIetL drug serv ice for Nou WILMETTE DRUG STORE il'i/mielte Afe. ai Main St. A Boitloa'd of Greetings Lianda carnest hopec that this vear. wil11. realv ec our."hp mille in. Llewellyfl Bowen- Texaco Service N*'\a's a,%Ldnd Health, .happiness and good fortune. May they' ail be yours during 193 5. MRS. CHALLINOR, 1148 I'i/mnette Ave. The very best of everything is no more than goôd friends deserve. COFFEY'S AUTO CEAI SHOP 732 Ticfth Street Nc w Year types ings 'for a year and prosperity. our gree.t- of health Bille Borg Keýnïlworth Beauty Shopý 52 1 Park Drive A happy timne to you ail during the coming yearl Peace. ,Prosperity. Mac's WILME1TE. CONFECTIONERY Juit If"esf of BIwk STHE PATTY SHOPPE 15 3 Wi mette A venue ing 95 CULLISON MOTOR CO. 7,Z5 Mainl Street Wilmette Ice Co. 7,3 Main St. Wilmette 53t PAUL BLESER Wil. 79 725 Ridge Avenuet 1~ ,137 Centra/ Ave. 7 32 TfLelfth Stre et