Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1934, p. 39

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dent of letter and pubi ýsed ta *iJeai ini the Public inipart as tollows: "This letter is to eall ymur to certain (lefiite natuai that inay be gained hy voU anl Trier Hig1, scbaol, if. 011. cal ta pay y olir 1933 taxes. now ttn. ta \Mr. Sanhoru H1ale.' lco.at the State ,Banik of o borlefore Decenîher 22, have rea(l carefti.11%,the fiV4 definite tmultual avIaîiitages" but failt to sec that therc 1: muiitual about tlicr, but ICa tlhe adv-antageý is al lbis if 1- the nîonCe Paid. Iventure t that ev'ery taxpayer %N-111 pay hefore c p nltydate iiflit only aitage.,that cati acc ax-pavèr is to bave bis taxi Hc)%%e%7r. nir Ne% ' Trier H~ tax1)i11 for V)33 lbas heer froîn $131 ()ii evcrv $100 va 1932 t(i $1.30 ()n1 every $104 for 19,33. Whille it is truc t!, *cre 1ase ~ less than tute incrE village and District 39 raàtes Iess. :ît is aninicrease at a til ç hould be lower. Ti is 1nuttualF advalitage spasof the $32.000 initerest (70111(l be niateria lv reduced. a otsiderahie interest itel fol ike -cta see it redu NVOlider if it bias ever occlt b . Gafîîeythat . îî the elilfiil P'arents," as ne must IUIUw, mai iansb1A1J orunîi, said I cannot pay. 1 f tel that hie must know%% that this is true, because so manY have rattention flot been able ta pay their taxes that dvaitages the New. Trier Township comniittee id by NeW was appo-nited ta make a survey, and n arrange last june ýa letter wvas rnailed toalal. lit collec- This letter was publishéd- in. the June toWn icpl- 21. 1934,- issue of VILME4TTE LiPE.. This Winetk..of itseif. should he evidence enioughl. 0934" 1 to tell thestax spenders, that the tax- e"*certain pavers must have lowver taxes, and tiot eýj teL igher,-but 1 rnsorry, ta have to .say anyhin tatNe TrierAHigh school ison of ni see that the nt tat bas iot made rniuch peog- le cati get ress ta that end. 0 add also r Gaffney is asking that. the tax- V is taxes )laer cooperate byý paying his taxes ecati. Trhe pronptly, and nîo doutih those whio are rite to' the able to pay will do so withoùt.,being -s reduced. asked, if for no other reason than ta lighl scihooi Save the, penalty. but there are rnafly 11i încreased who sirnply have no rnoney with which aluation for ta pay. It wvould be a good thiiîg if the fi valùtation ta-, spenders wotuld set the exaniple iat tis i- by coopératiflg thernselves and. lower ease ini aur aur taxes rather than raise theflt If slevertlbe- thev cannot deteriie how this cati be inie \\lien ih 'done. they might-ask-f.or a cornrittee <oî taxpayers ta make a surv-ey; and in N o. 2. lie the case of Ne\w Trier Hiigli school, item wvhich tell then . what fads and frilis ta dis- 1$32,000 is continue. in.' and we 1-. F. Briggs. aced. but I____1____ rred ta 'Mr.I ation of the HUMAN S PROPERTY RIGHTS 1 c1îook .the. Wilmette, Ili., Deceniber 4,. 1934 It s 1iitc trul eIe a s uv l'. L-,- -,a . .. prfl.p a\yîîîeit of mir taxes will belpliao Hurnanity. cmiaino )t binicsiderabhly ut1 fail ta see. a A harmnoniaus c biatoofoh lie àls( stated..that. it wi'li resut iii a"Ny are absolutely essential for the crea- defnit saingta the taxpavel'. hecause tian of an "abundant life." as stated a.bov'e 01r Neéw Trier tax-, ti thlREOTRY is ant bit! for 1933ihgie thaii it was forielitc od. Its futuristic passi- (131.an it 'ill he jtust the samne bilities are in doubt. -Arelaps.e.iight. wh'ether it is paid ta Sanhboru Hale or> he seriaus. ta th-e Couinty treasur er. Nor have 1. Therefore, 1 wauld 'suggest, ta the fargotteli that ollv last sumnier (Au- re-orgaflizifg Republican . Party a gust, 194.Nw re ig ocal substitute for aur bureaucratieC 'Re- at a referendiflr was told by the tax- covery" a progranil . of harmoniolu ilir aiwords, that ,"Resumption." - By C. W. BRADY,~ Read the Want A ds t/ireugh t/w' messages of, PAGE, Art UItif (<...................M ltobvml, P1'arnîn<> 4 Itlit ro4I.................. 44V ThhIeI o nrthwctPWuI ~ R41,ttIr...........41 'flîcittri'.......... - ______ . . :4 . or <'.....................41 ,ie11iii ra ,1 stIbîleth. .. .. ..l VEn3art Vitl oti FOI. Frickoi>1tBn ..............3 y1i'1t C C e (jÇkri%t, ... ..I5 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . llberty LOati CrP>.......U LIindstroiu's Jok Sbop ...I Link's Uo.este d .. ....... ... ; -Loril'P...... >...... .. . 28e Ly hiipia rmIly .. ... .. ADVERTISER' PAGE 'lur~',a1 FelE & Co0 . .. .. ~Iberéer [.unifier ('.IbflJiablIeS.3 M.tIilBroç.,lue 2 Milieu lHarolware9 Mtrs ervice, Ine............2 Murinle CO. -. . ... .... 3 ribrply-.NI 1es 0 . .. ... ..21 NeCI%e'it Launéiry........Cover.111, Noia Iore QalyLauU&dIriCi.23 l>iitty sthoppe,Tite....... * I>etI4.k Ice Creai........ il-ii,r-.iiil's 3arkt4............ . * ilIvilila 01 (o...... kenileckar Drue C 4 igidgeAveaue FlarntCy.... . 'lseot.t, wM. M....... Ir V sihawnceClesuera.............. t liore j.Iue .Clepiers.........44 skokle Vailley COUI k Mt~I*4................2 SilIiejrC azel Drug Co. .......1 WjilUu'tte Theatre.. ........7 lrortise's . .. .... . . . .. WILmETTE,32 UNIvEIIsiTy 7317 ADVERTISER Tysou

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