8 .21is., ine for Insertions-cîa tI .dYVto Tsday 9 P.wL for TE LITE or Ail three pauers; WVednesday 9. P. M.: for CA TAIK and Thursday à P. M. for GLENiCON NEWS. a: WOiimtte 4800, Wtinetk 2#00 (Wtznnetki $00 after,8 P. M.). tue0 or,,Sheidrake 1811-1T., 1' mdmv mLO ir1M mAT=e WFOUN PAS fg LAUNDUYW LAJM-511.UWDJMALE P UPr I VI I short legs; wearlng. red coia, wt brama pega. Answers hi name Mg. Reward. Pleame'phone Wlnnetka 1243.: ILTN34-l1te LOST- PEKINGESE PUPPY, 6 nionthm oId. Fernale. Curly hair. Colon .beôown, shading to black; White: chient. -Wearing round leatiier colar. Wlnnetka 266; 3LTN34-ltc LOST - BLACK CARACUL-MUFI! Tuesday eve., Dec. il at Washington and Ridge, Evanston or Asbury near tuclid, Winnetka. 't'd. Winnetka 1116.. _______XL34- tp LOST - BLAC-K POCKETBOOK, LET- ter J. on outmide, lni or close to Coni- munity House, Wed. night,~ Dec. l2th. Reward; Phn. Wkim.tma 2433. 3L34-ltp $5 ReWARD FOR GOIAD FOUNTAIN pen, lost Wednesds.y, near Giencoe North Shore Sta. Phone Giencoe 58. 3LT34-ltp LOST-RED PEKINGESE WITHR VERY fiuffy tail. 4 years old. From 1029 Green Bay Itinad, Hubbard Woods. Re- ward. Phone Winnetka 23. 31,24-1tp WE ARE NO FURTHER AWAY, FROM you than your phone-Just eall NEWCASTLE 1290 and reverse the charges. W. do ail iinds of aheet metal work. Fuirpaces and fuar- uace repairs for ail upakes. Atl types of VoUuwn. 1IILTN834-Itp WISCONSIN SEASONED FIREPLACE WOOD OAK $8. MAPLE $10.50 TON DEL.. E. G. Hagiund 514 Birch St. Winnetka 2108 ISLTN34-1t]p NLECTRIC WELDING. BOILER weiding, automotive machine shop and> parts Jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE IENILWORTa 280-820 16LTN25-26tp il I&A UANDRESS, lu AAi-iW A9511NU home. Cail and deliver. Refe rences. PhoneGlenvliew 369. 94L04.ltp FOR SAlàE-LYON AND HEALY, 1925, 1walnut grand piano. costing' $976. Prie,$800 càash. Phone Kenilivorth 1329. 4>LTrNS4-Itc ADAM SCHAAF GRAND PIANO, FULL si»e. Perfect mechanicai condition. Exceptional ýbargain at $200 for quick sale. Richard A. Ballenger. Phone Winnetka 894.. 40L,34-ltp PAINTING AMPD DECORATItI Paint, Paper 5 Rrns., $45 SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. walipaper cleaned, 75c; bathrooni enanieied, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 5 rn. tirs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 60c. flefs. Free estimates. Mateniais furnished. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 -42LTNý34-1 tp QUALITY PAINTING AN-D- DECORATINGl We make old fionrs like new witb eiev- trie machine. Neat, reliabie and very reasonablo on oxlterior and intenlor work. We cover entire North Shore. E-5tiniates cheert1u1Iy given. 'Fred I3roberg Bri. 1061 42LTN28-4te PAINTING AND DECORATI7NG. FIRST CLASS WORK VERY REASONABLE PRICES C. W. ANDERSQN WILMETTE 4621 42LTN31-4tp PIEDIGREED SPUINGER SPANIEL Spuppy. 5 months, maie, liver and white. E'Jeaithy puppy. Avondale blood ,jne. A. M .1i, 730 Laurel. Ave.,, Des.; plaines, phoneE charge to lempoyersi . Rfferences. un- vestigated. Under State aupervision. Reinhart's E p.Agec 7M8 Eui St. Winnetka 3399 684TN2$-tfc DOMESTIC HELP, EXP. AND WZLL IIECOMMENDE9D No Charge to Employer Lindgren Empl._ Agency Established 25 years 799 Eum St. . Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfe Excellen t Ho0liday Hclp: Dinners and cleaning by'hour or day. Winnetka 2166. 6L3lt ;TSîl àO IELP WORK SMALL ntoýrt- on Thirsday ail day, and Satur- day afterion. Can cierk, do house work. Refs. Write B-61, Box 40, WiT- mette, 111. 68LTN34-ltp EXP. CATERESS, 1ST CLASS COOK- CHARGE HOLIDAY LUNCHEONS, DINNERS. ANI) PARTIES. MRS. EK- HOLM. WINNETKA 2947. 6SLTN31-4tp BIT. WTD.-MAL.E AND FEMALE EXPERIENCED COUPLE. 14 YEARS on North Shore, wtfe good cook, housenian, chauffeur, etc. Phone Green- leaf 6374. 7OLTN34-ltp COUPLE--COLOILEp, CHAUFFEUR, houseman, wifeý good eÔÔk and server. Ist. class N. S, refs. Phone Lake Forest 1201. 70M84-ltp HELP WANTEO>-FEMAI.E lOOK1U3EPER. AGE 21-35. MUST have traininlg and experience ln mak- Ing .financia1 atatements. Nô others iieed apy. Stenographlc, real estate and general office experience desirable. Salary $75.00 per inonth. Phone Kenli- worth 1630 froni 8 to 5. 71LTN34-ltp EXP. MAIDS, SECONDS, COOKIS. NO REGISTRATION FEE. Pauline's Emp. Agençy '4th & Linden Opp. 'IL" Tor. 71LTN34-ltc Expert Manicurist Wanted. Henry's and Martha's Beauty Salon' 547 Chestnut St.'. Winnetka 119 HIGHLAND PARK B65 ob-o-lInk Rd., 6 rnis., 1 bath ...... $60 HIG HLAN'D PARJK-2404 N. Doee, Park Dr., 8 rins., 4, bàths.,Matke offer.ý BAIRD'.& WARNER, .mc. 522 DAVIS'ST., EVANqSTON Greenleaf 1855 ý .Hollycourt 185 523 PARK ýDRIVE, KENiLWORTH- Kenllworth.4785 Rogersw Park, 6161 346 P'ARK AVENUE, GLONCOE Gienicoe,1553 Bria gate 15 1THIS, MAGNIFI.CANT.ý BRICK COLONIAL. RESIENCETO BE SOLD AT ABOUT one-haif of -purchase,-price, of a te., years> ago. Thirteen, large handeome robms-1four- baths, large Indoor tii. swimmilng poëL Conîpleteiy finished and wellappointed ballrooni, occupying entire third floor. P~our-car motor roo)m in basement. Formai garden surrounded by select spruce and evergreen' tre'es affording additional charm and privavy. Ideaû location ât 1111 Sheiérdan ÏRâd. Wiiniette. Northwest corner of Elim- Wood Avenue, one block, from Lake Michigan. Shown by appointment only. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc.. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Uni. 2600 lllLTN34-ltc RE AL BARGAINS 10 rms. New brick. 3 baths. ILge. lot. Exc. location of new homes ...$25,00ê 7 rnis. Brick. 2 baths, strictly mode'rn. Exc. location, near transp. $168,000 7 rnis. 2 batha. East Winnetka. 2 bloeks to lake. Large lot $7.500 6 rooni brick bungalow (West .Wii- mette). 2 lots. 2-car garage $6,000 8 rnis. Brick (West Wilniette). 2 deep lots, fine vlew. 2-car garage .$4,500 Reasonabie ternis. Other good values, Improved and vacant. B. H.BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 111LTN34-ltp REAL ESTATE LOAIS We Desire Application FOR FIRST MORTGAGJES IN AMOUNT $2,500 to $10,000 on North Shore rest- dences, Evanston to Lake Forest. W. have funds available for Immediate coni- '9h' A T. I "OaU5Ký i 1