Firmns Urging Home Repairs Added stimulus -to the Moderniza- tion Programn of, the Federal Hlousing Administration, now being cârried forward ,-by more than 3,000 Better Housing Campaign. cohim i tt ee s throughout the United States, isgiv- en by the. country's largre insurance compaies. heseinstitutions are cir- cularizing hundreds of tbousands of property owners w*hose mortgages they hold, calling attention tu the uir- g'ent need for immediate tion of itir properties. Mortgage Holders Insurance companies are among the largest holders of mortgages in Amer- -ca 'and thus, come, directly in contact with probably the greatest number of property owners. Several companies have more than a billion dollars face value of mrtgages each, with consid-7 erably more than 100,000 mortgagors on their books. One company has gone even further to emphasize its belief that moderniza-ý tion is vitally important to the prop-' erty owner. It has agreed to adjust amortization on its mortgageS in or- der to permit the property owner to carry more easily the charges of the Modernization Loans. Its representa-, tives also are instructed in the Mod- ernization Credit Plan in order to be able to advise the property owners how to go about getting such loans. CamipaigiiS,1Loam s Iuoa»* In the meantime. both the nuniher of Better Housing Campaigns and the volume of Moderilization ILoans con- tinue to gainin all sections of the country. Latest reports show the fol-> lowîing figures: CommumitY Comifittees .. ..4,132 Campaigns In Progress: -... - 2,966 Approved Banks ...... 11,226 Nunîber of L oga8: ..... 49,800 Volume of Loans ... . $20,992,571 Average iLoafl .$422 Actual Modernization work devel- oped by these cainpaigns is estimated at around $100,000,000-at least five announced tney wilî not 'increase tax' assessments on property modernized under theBetter Housing Prograni of the Federal Housing Admüinistration.. 2?- being in New, Hampshire alone. Garage Needs Material That Is Fire Resistant The hazard of ire 'in a garage if: ever present, althoug.h f ew property owners appear aware'of the -fact. The partition walls between the garage and the house should be built of a fire- retarding material and1 the w vindows, doors and.franies should be ire resist- ing. The walls to be ire retarding should be of.brick, tile, masonry, plasteron metal lath ' or other fire-retarding«i materials. If of wood frame construc- tion they should be fire-stopped at top and bottoni by placing wood or other, stops betmeen the studs. -Where leltt open these hollow spaces- act as a' flue and spread the flames. Insulation placed between the studs so as to 'Close these -spaces will also help. The other walls of the garage mayý be simitary treated to further prevent this hazard. Leaky Gutters Cause of Damage, Annoyance Lealcy, corroded and loosened flash-!I ing2 gutters and dom-ispouts cause serious bulding. damage and discorn- fort to owners. Thev result in ruined and unsightly walls and ceilings. as; well as causing unnecessarv deteriora- tion of the building mnaterials. The Federal Housing Administra- tion reports that many building own- ers. are maýking repairs of. this. kind' with insured moQdernization boans'. E.perienced mechanics can easily repair or install1 new . lashinlg over, door and window openings and roof intersections, around the chimney, H TOW frame houses ame improveci when coveed Lwth Carcystone Siding! Instead of weather- wonsurfaces wliicii require frequent painting, we set attractive walls which wilI neyer need any such protection. And the extra thicirneas added to thie walle by Careystone will maire the, house cooler in summer and warmer ini wanter. Modernizing a house with Carcystone is an, mvest- ment, not an expense-an investuient which repays its cost uiany th>mes in paint oavinps comfort and in- prove4 appearance. Let uzs give you a fr.. etimate. Mercer LubieCompanI 2738Woet RaiIro*d Awmu4 £vstom 15 Gb.»oe. Roed Iubbu-d Wooids 0, 7 ADE OFWSESOSAN CM ENT-, It-s Nûtas Bad asYom Think- competent carpenters anad painers are employed, with enotagh work in pros- pect to keep them busy for many weeks. Among other cities, reporting an actual shortage of, skillcd construc-, CHAM BER OF COMMERCE BUILI University 3840 "Rosidance Specilist's ING, 518-526 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Hig bland Park 5 01 the North Short"'