are but three of a com- prehensive selection... all moderate ti price. and fashion-sponsored. Lef t:- Golden rcid yellow- is the su nny color of this jaunty thort-sleeved crepe shiltwaist frock wjth clever che.cled corduroy coatf.. .... $22.0; Right-A snappy navy pique coatdringly checed if, «hite tops a cool leeveless. white. pque frock. ... 4$10.95 Left t-Ador* ably brie4 short. c oim - pl.tely lackinq We bck addJe e-nd seporate skrt . . .1 gaiIy plaided - _mS ~G oing Sou th'" Shop- Second floor Sandalled Feet Valk in the Mode kid, black or whi4ýe satn or fai Jormal accessories Twin-kle."A Happy New _Yeor" Gold and stver se5quins. seed Pearis and sparklmnq brilliants combine varously ini oxquisitely dainty evening bals et $2.98 Feshion favors most consistentiy the *spoiless long gloves of steak white kidskin....................... 450 *This rhiniestone jewelry bears close in- spection!1 Mot alone for the unusual bru - Diance of our stunning $4.98 clips. the flexibility of the lovely bracelets et $1.98 and $4.98. but also because the fascîn- atinq ear rings et $1.98 are actualiv $4.98 values I Others a+ $1. WIEIIolD CHARG« PUR on Devis Street ON JANUAN DEcEPILBER 27, 1934 WIIm.fte i ~w 29 . ý ýkk