Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1934, p. 28

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Wedcling Anniversary The chapel of the First Metho- dist Episcopal church -of Evans- ton:wiIl be the scene on Thurs- day eveninig, january 3, of the marriage of Miss Martha :Ade- laide Tencher of Wilmne tte and H,enry.,Varick Pelton of New Britain, Conn.. A reception wilI folloW the cereunony at the home of the bridels parents,%.Ir. and Mirs. Rudolph 'Pencher, 828 Asti- land avenue. 'The date. of the bride*- wedding is also the miarr iage ann iver- sary of her parents. Màs--Tencher w7ll havre five: attenÈ ants, ail of .whom are former schox friiends. Miss Mary Elizabeth Towi send, the maid of honor, and Miss Vir ginia French of Evanston, formerlyc Wilmette, and Mrs..Charles Hanson 0 Evanston (Mary Elizabeth Parker o Glencoe), the bridesmaids, were al classmates of Miss 'Pencher at Nem Trier High school. .One -of the. othel bridesmaids, Miss Clara. Seabury of Oal Park, had heen Miss Tencher'$ room mate at Dana hall, and the fifth attend. ant, Miss Patricia Jones of Kalaipnazoo, Mich., was a classmate of the bride ai Smith coliege. Serving the brideuroom as best mlai will be his father, Ernest Pelton, and the ushers are to be Richard Cooper of New Britain, Conn., George Ed- wards of Elgin, Il; the bride's brother, James 'Pencher, and a brother of the groom, Richard Pelton, of New Britain. The bride and bridegroom are going to Miami, FIa., on their honeymoon. and wili be at home after January 21. at. 166 Lincoln street, New Britain. Conn. M iss 'Pencher will be entertained at a round of parties this week p)recedi4g ber marriage. Mrs. Charles Hanson wili give the spinster dinner this Fr- day night at her apartment in Evans- ton; Miss Mary Elizabeth Townsend. of Trout-Ware Phot( ~f Ilr. and Mrs. il'illiai, ,j. Killg of 611l Forest avenie l-tuouCed t/te tietila/Oge.e>tf()f t /,u'1 damiyh ter, Rtt. ro b Maico li.m D'it CotteofCev- klatd, fOr1nerIý'of itsfielit, O/tic,. t Palfie AIward Engaged ifo Richard W. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Lee Alward of the. Seneca hotel and Lake Geneva, annbunce the iengagçment of, their daughter,, Pattie, to Richard Warren Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morgan Douglas of 20 Indian Hl road, Wînnetka. Miss Alward àttended the Knox School in Cooperstown, N. Y., was. graduated from the Univers ity Sehool for Girls ini Chicago, and later attended Connecticut college in New Loôndonl. Mr. Douglas was graduated from Culver Miiitary academy as a member of the Black Horse troop. Hie attend- ed 'Dartmouth collesge..wh,'r,' lie,...U I vvoomriew Tear for Wedding o Thle infant 1935, soon to be born, o Sits life span to be fIhle with daysIfem M rtn u frought with no one knows wbat, will be welcomed to the north shore,. not. The hotnç of Mr. and Airs. 0111Y in private homes, but in club cele- Earle L. Hart, 1211 Ashland bration. Shawnee, Indian Hill. Sunset Ridge, and.Skokie,, ail have announced aven.ue, Was 'the sicene of the their plans early. To repeat-A break- fiarriage- on Wednesday eve- fast will replace:the usual dinner Part>- ning,. Decenîber 19, fTem at Shawnee, but there will be dancing,. Martinear of Litie Ro k, A. a floor show, and other. entertaitiment. n .FakWli precedingit. nIC rakWlin1s of Chi- On. New Year's day, Indian HllI cago, fomelyof Sumter, S C. club wilI hold open house as uul h ceremony, was performed. at "See the Dawn at Sunset, is Sunse 'lckb r eog .Alson, Ridge's advice to its members, f or the pastor of the Baptist church, in Wi - annual New, Year' eve parti, foretells mette,' in the , presence of- about "A whole. year of fun in onie* night." thirty guests, most of whomt were Dancing begins at 10 o'clock. and fav- out-of-town friends of the bride and ors,ý a midnight spread. and other_ feaXbridegroom. Following an informa tures wi-ll1 be a part of the celebration., reception at the armomaalddn A large' New Year's Eve celebration dinner was held in the Empire room is planned by Skokie Country club and of the Palmer House at which ail oit New Year's day the club will have the, guests were present. a tea dance for youing and old. .parents, The bride wore a lightt Mue moliré high' school boys, and girls and the gown and' carried a large bouquet of college. crowd. . white double, violets. The wedding service was.,read before the fireplace in the living room. Palms, ferns and calla les. formed the ,background Children 'WVill S.. for an altar, and ont each side stood a tal, twelve-branched candelabrumt Foqle's Marionettes_ with Iighted tapers. Roses of several varieties and colors, and chrysatn- "Tite Wizarcl« of Oz," belovèd for themums adorned the dining rot, îianiv years b%. children, and even by living room, and sun parlor, while their. eIders, wilI cone to WiImette for tal, white tapers provided the only the deligbt of children at the annual Iighiting. Chirstnias party of 'Wonian's Club of Mr. Williams and bis bride have Wilmette . Fridav ~afternoon of tis gone to Roanioke, "a., on their honey- week at 2 o'clock at the clubhouse. Thle moon. They wiIl be at home alter the stiff tin Woodman with bis jerky joints, first of 'the year at 201 East Del- the floppy scarecrow, and ail of the aware place, Chicago. thr'in the strange and fanciful as- Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Antrim of Wil- sortnient of characters, will be oit the mette and D. V. Swerinigen of Glencoe stage again, but this time~ as marion- were amrong the guests, present at ettes, whose owner and manage is 'the wedding, and s-omte of.those who Georet Fogle. There is no admission came, fromt out-of-town were the charge to.sons and daughters of mcmi- bricle's sister, Mrs. Lela M. Crook of bers of the club. 'P!icir fniends will Little Rock, Miss Kay Titus of Ncw he admitted for à small gu.t f ce. York City, Mr. and'Mrs. Guy Bur- nett of Bloomington, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. 'George A. Cooper and Miss Aniv R A lra... , . - . lor of Miss P lworth. Who be a ilied Bridge Te.a ryBetsy Ann Doerîng, daughter of mnthe Walter Doerings of .1335 Chestnut de avenue, bas cards Out for a bridge te.a on the afternoo,î of January 4 To HoId Open House Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stewart, 820 Asbland avenue', cntertained at a fam- ily dinner Christmas day and will hold. open, bouse on New Year's day. Cocktail Perfy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crane, 120 Robsart road, Kenilwortb, will enter- tain at a cocktail party and buffet supPer preceding the New Years eve dlance at the Kenilworth club.

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