Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1934, p. 24

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Tel e>hme CmIt"L 3 35 5 SOUSCIPTION: $2 PR tYPAI SINGLE COPIES Ç CFNTr AUl communications and contributions intended for publi- emion must bear the name and addreus of the authornt Ise<earily for publication, but.for cUr filles. Such m;,ter;>I muase ach the- editor by, Tuesdav. noon to lie in time for ,the current issue. BIG BDROT.!HERS The big brother idea is flot neW~. It has been used lu many places by many groups, usually talc- ing the form of supervision over boys'by men in "1off the streets" movements.- The t.bought is sug- gested. that tbis admirable activity migbt well be exteuded to embrace direction of the commercial course. of boys and young men by older heads, more capable and better trained in matters of finance. No one- needs- to be told that a great mianv people, perbaps a large majority of people, havé no conception of bow to take care of money when they get it, or how to invest it wltb any -degree of juâgmeit' A wel lcknown authorifi' states that flot more than six people lu the world unclerstand money, or wbat is is for. They un- derstand bow to save it, but not bow to use it. Iu every community there are tho se who excel lu certain thiugs-music, art, law, medicine, edu- cation. Just so are there those wbo excel lu the bandling of money, in the knowleclge of bow to increase it tbrougb profitable investment, bow, wben and wbere to engage in commercial enter- prises with, a reasonable chance for success. In snould not those who are "money mindec' con- tribute their talents to directing boys and youing men, and girls, too, for that matter, in tbe ways of finance, that tbey mav attain independence early in life? Banks. of course, .render this service to, those wbo seek it. A "Big Brotber" would bave per- sonal knowledge of som eone needing sncb bhelp. and througb sympatbetic association could exert an influence that would beueflt the entire com- muuity as well as the individual. tourists contribtite largely to the incomes of vil- lages and towns along the important bighways, and that this trade is atracted to the routes along which the lanidscapes and commercial bouses preserit the handsomest appearance. It is there- fore pointed out thatthe money and timé ex- pended in -the laudable efforts now being inaugu- rated have a genuine econoniic value a .s well'as a n esthetic value. ~p. ANOTHERR CHIANCE We are at the threshold of, a niew year, wbicb is just another wa3, of. saying that -we are' to bave another' chance lu the game of life, another. chance to.at.tain toà a uxeasure of success tha t will put us on tergh ieof tbe ledger. If we havé made a mess of things, if through aourowni mis- takes or follies we bave, failed to reàch'our goal. or to achieve that wbhich would. insure our ownl comfori or coutribute to the welfare of bumanity,. a sympatbetic Providence is presenting'an appor- tjrnity for maldng a right abou4tface and startiing *out on a newý route. \Vithout doubt the past year or several years, for that matte r, bave flot been conducive to the, accumulation of material goods. But, success canniot always be measured lu dollars and cents, any more than can buian bappiness. And no one can deny that the trying tirnes tbroughi wbhich the world bas been passing have given unlimited opportunities for growth, throughi the indulgence of charitable instincts, iii tbose spirit- uial values wbicbi constitute the ouly success that is permanent. No person now living eau remenmber a time when the eall upoun the generosity of the charitably ini- clined bas been so nearly universal, or corne f rom 50 many sources. That these calls have not 'been made in vain redounds to the everlasting credit of those whose fortunes bave permitted tbem to share lu tbe relief of buman suffering. Through churcb aud established charitable organizations, througb created relief bodies and local welfare boards, the bungry bhave been fed, the naked have heen clothed and the- boreless have been sheltered. Month after montb the work bas gone forward, the means always beiug found, in some way, to provide for the" physical needs of aIl. whôse letter won first prize gave, as is usual in contests, a 'very simple solution.. She bought a littie homne and lived alerte, with no one but hier- self and dog to please. 'Her children sulplied the mlonÇey. Se. where is there any problem? Àheadlinie reads: ','our are slain after thre day drinking party." Must have been. dug up in somne ôld file of prohibition days. 'Ihat simply couldn't happen today. That delightful old sa1int, Sauta Claus, who" brings boundless. joy to children amI commits sucb atrocious frauids upon, adui ,ts, bas core'ne amgone. leaving on our desk thie usual collection. of misfit wearing apparel, and useless knick- knacks. From .daughiter a pair of socks, miu-ch too smallf t with love.1 Froni son a tie, yel- - low when we need blue. From friend w-ife, wbo is a practical" person if ever there was one. a bandsorne coinpatèt, iler plated 'n' ever'tbing, withlthe informnation~ that ït will be a pretty ornanlent for our dres- ser.. Froin Aunt Elizabetb; Who assumes a sort of guard- ianship over otbr. physical comfort and health, a pair of pulse warmers, sometimes erroneo uslv called wristlets. Home knit ones, too. But wby. iu the world Aunt Elizabeth sbould tbink we are in need of pulse warmers we can't figure out. We see no use for tbem at u11 as long as we have Wrecks Tugwell, Donny Rkchberg, Hank WVal- lace and *Mordy Ezekiel to keep our blood at fe'ver beat, Net te mention Huey Long. Those guy-s may nlot know it, but tbey bave kept lis se bhot ail winter that we have not spent a cent for fuel. If that is an infraction of'tbe. coal code, or- somietbing, thiey bave nuonote but tbemnselves té blame.. PerbapsSauta Claus will be better'to us uext -year., We have huggd that hopéo delusion, for many a long year. Our deterinination te keefb our 'feet on the iterest in the purposes and 'aspirations pi is to be created tbrougb a series of )Vcing many phases of the Proposed tion.. TIhese contests are to begin in tru . A dancer-lollywood, of course-lost the nail from one of her toesey wosies, and now ghe wants $M3,000 for it, Bet the jury gives it to ber, too, Happy New Year I THx. PHANTOx REPORTZR.

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