the Sportsman league last week. This defeat sliced Krier's lead f rom seven g aies to five gaines,. inasmuch as Bleser's won two gaines out of three froin Edelweiss to break a second place tie. Sunset, Villa's first gaine victory over the Krier teain was by a fairly wide margin, 900 to 832. The other garnes were dloser, 859 to 8-31 and 843 to 828, givink the Villa a total of 2,602 and Krier's 2,491. Hugo and Bingci of Winnetka kept Pace with Bee' by, winning two gaines f roni Harry's- Budweiser. -The only tearn 'besides the Sunset Villa to win thiee gaines was the Wilmette Tailors, who whipped the last -place1 Cycle Inn. The teanis bowled as usual Wed- nesday, night of 'this week, and will bowl agaîn next, Wednesday. TRAVELING LEAGUE, Bleser's Bowling academy 'woni two gaines out of three from Arlington Heights last Sunday in the Northwest Suburban Traveling ileaguè. Bieser'g. after taking the fi;st two gaines, 886 to 828 and 998 to 896, dropped the third, 1,000 to 970. Elmer Leis of Bleser's and A. Carlson of Arlington Heights each had 237 gaines. Ed Bleser hiad a 606 series score. The gaines were bowled at Bleser's acad- emy. .1ý On Sunday, December 10 at Wau - -games. froin Waukegan in a North- Wei1ers Gapdeners took two out cf three gaines from the Emmett Whealans. Hoffinans, by.winning thiree gainesý f rom A. J. Bidwell's Boosters teani, were able to hold onto -first 'place, tied 'however .with .the Bungalow Tavern teain. ,L. Schneider proved to be the best bowler for the night with a 219 gamie Phi! Hillinger won second high gaine with 200 pins. 1Marshall'Kneip will substitute -for "Bud" Stevens,, who is recuperating f roui a sprained hand.- Young Knei oosvery -p romising and no doubt. will. strengthen the Küss J.ewélers' teain. OCQANUT NACAROON CUPS àewy end generous ini ize............ 1......... 2 LORD BALTMORIE CAKE e !*e.layer cakes, light es can bc.............. 35« 2".27C SL 13el The bkind mother us.d tàÉm...25e Bah. Shop-street Floor WnIumOLnrsUEv&riSTeN' ODavis wt Wlim.t*.1100 had h;-h srore for the three 6574 Close hehind iiwas G. with 653. eser, WINS SWEEPSTAKES Phil Bleser. a meniner ofý Bleser'ç Bowline academy teain which bowls ini the Northiwest Traveling league. wýon the open sweepstakes at Mvt.. Prospect Suinday night with a total score for three gaines of 704. The in- dividual gaine scores were -)03. 269 land 233.~ The sweepstake.s are hlelçd Howard Fogg, Jr., a freshnian at 12grtxnouth, returned Friday on the Dartmiouth special to spend the holi- day vacation with bis parents, the H. L Foggs of, 713 Greenwood avenue. ýSV-1 When the daily papers announce "CoId Wave Coming", there %,t Is a great deal of satisfaction in knewing that buried eut there under the. frozen ground i. a tankful of delightful summer. heat. Dependable fuel oil which wiII keep your home. warm as toast, theugh the winds howl aind the mercury stands et lien below."1 out therp SIX PLA NTS Many, people on the. North Shore hbave that peace cf mind. They are the Wise ones Who are satisfied with nothing 1 .ess thon. Murphy-Miles good Fuel Oils. They are ready for corne what maey in fiekie wintry weather. If yen are net sure about the fuel oilu en . if your home has 'mot been as warm as yon feli, it should be during LOCATED SEl VING THE AR 1 -*Ioýý