L~~L [-7--- lB TO GET POOLI insurance Standiards aninounceci recently 1w the Federal Housing Administration, for rating residential properties for, mortgage insurance .(Circular Nlum- ber 2, released December 3), embodv many of 'the, principles of land use. design and tbe like, for which the Nationlal Associatiffon of Real Estate boards has for years contended. Gen-M. eral recognition of these principles is, bound to mean aà real- advance fnot only in housing standards themselves but in- understanding of what conlsti- tutes a sound home project FHA recognizes, use valsa' of a dwelling, as'the, basis for. ratitig:the, môrtgage upon, it. It also recognizes that in determining the stability of tht v'alue hack of- the men.rtgage flé- szCi hborhood smai, be a inore :m- hort-iit factor than flaws or virtues in the construction of the individual hôùsé. The néw "property standards"~ strongly encourage the trend to lower ratios of lot coverage, and point the advantage of eliminating unniecegsarv' street areas to cut out nnnecessary home costs. They cal! for plannin'g of projects in relation. to expected population trends., They are biiilt on_ the fact that a residential structure. if its value is to hold up for possible resale, must be, in point of cost. type. design and the. like, not very far Emoor, t/sot took Place in the mvi's locker rooi» year s ago. Now this pro ject îs a certain ty. A4nd bi' 'Jîuncof 1935 it will be a fact. By the tieiie outdoor swvirming w gather arrives, the vmembèrs of Exirmaor club w1(ill'be splash- ing rontentedly, or execuitiing .çtu dives zîith ývrjinq degirees of siiccess, iuit0oa $35 ,000 pool which promsises fo hc the finest of its kind ïn this section of the countfry., Judge Francis E. Baldwin, Exsnoor's president, bias ann ounced that the Ex- $22,000 Home Heads Two Permits Issued in moor pool will be in keeping witlheTIinnekaDin g M un .very high character of ail this famous W ilmette Bui1ding Onlnto biding ermit n er club's equipment. "We feel," says Judge Only five building permits were .Oe n wo iltading em bere Baldwin, 'tbat the new pool. will be issued in Wilmette in the month end- - ssediWintaurnDceb, hitzhlv ortifvnz tn everv nmbr.A' ing December 24.1 but thev athorie one, of which was taken out 'bv exists'.a major hazard that their. neigh- borhood will lose its qtsality as a resi- dential neighborhood through ,,the coming in of adverse uses. Statemrent of Standard& The new statement of standards constitutes a valuable, check. list of desirable 'minimums for: 1. The famifly about to .buy oîr build boule. 2. The niortgage lender, whether or flubt he- Lntends to .pply for nmortgage.In - the j tions of: cIubhouse. The interior will i it colors to recali the dec 'ra- e baths of Pompeii. There is a decided increase in sales and inquiries for vacant properties since the Federal Housing Act pub- licity campaigu wa s started, accord- ing to Lewis T. Dodds, vice-president, in charge of sales. Pierre G. Beach" was attorney ,on.-these transfers.. ror. j. A i tQ C0 11C