heing. given at each performance, On the '*pening night this tragedywsfl lowed b3' the cotnedy, 'As You k. t which program wliI continue at the eve- nifig performances for the ýfollowing week." - "'rlie Studebaker..theater is. selected f or our new. home because lit More read- uv con form.s to our effort to resumfe. our nethod 'of presenting the pîays at the Fair," said Marc T. Nielsen;, presi- dent. "Ail of our lexperimenting, at the Fair' and on tour proves conclusively that our patrons wish.to see the pîays in the 'replica of the Old Globe theater, whiclî. perniits the audience to he 'nose to nose' with the players.'* l'lie second week's program starting I)ècéinber 31 wiIl be "King I4ear" and -As Yoni Like It" for matinees at 2:30 for Wednesday', Tbursday, Friday and Sattirday. The night performances Wil consist of "Midsummer Nigbt's Dreamn" a.nd "AI's Well That Ends Well." In addition to the >popular prices, H. C. Howard, manager, is offering special *rates to schools, colleges, clubs and social organizations in parties of ten ori *more. This bas resulted in many reser-1 v'at ions from subutrban groups wbo* mis. , d the Globe, Theater Players, at the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. . Allen~ Pearson (Av-is Lundahi) of Goshen. m., rived Fr 'iday to spend Christmas withI M.\rs Pearson's parents, the Herbert 1 Lunnahls, of 224 Raleigh road., Kenil-! -worth. r.and Mrs. Phillip Waite and. NIr. and Mrs- Morris Bell of Osh- koshl, Wis., spent the week-end with NIrs. BeI's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theoydore E. Moritz of 226 Warwick road. Kenilworth. MisBetty Herrick, a freshman at ý )ePatuwý university, returned Friday1 to *pend the holiday vacation withe hetr parents,, the Erwin J. Herricks ' of 1032 Isabella street. Betty is j pledged Alpha Phi. Mr, . and Mrs. Charles Morgan, Wendover with their nephew, Ar-. nold Wendover Turner, of St. Louis, were Christmas guests of their daughter and family, the C. E. Holt;É- worths of 1034 Ramona road. June Peacock, daughter of the. W. G. Peacôcks of 128 Sixth street, re- turned Friday from Mount joseph, Obio,,-where, she is a junior at Mount joseph acadehy'. She. is here for the holidays.: The Frederick H. Bird fainily. 515 Eleventh. street,, had as their guests for Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole and their son, John, and the latters' cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. jLawrence Cole, ail of Cbicago. Miss Ann Henderson, who attends the American university in Washing- ton, D. C., returned Saturday to spend thie holiday vacation with ber par- ents, Mr. and'Mrs. Edward E. Heu- derson of 1200 Greenwood avenue. 0o Benjamin Matthews, Jr., a. fresh. man at Williams college, returned Sunday to spend the holiday vacation with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. \aitlievs of 319 Essex road. KenîiI. woth. 0 o Charles R. Bull, 612,. Warwick road, Kenilworth, returned Saturday from a week's business trip to Dallas, Tex- as, and left again Christmas niglit for another in Kansas City. -o0 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hulbert (M-ary tItey) of New York, spent Christmas witli Mrs. Hulbert's niother, and grandmother, Mrs. C. E. Hulbert and Mrs.. Minnie Livingston. of 316 Rich- mlond road, Kenilworth. UNA- F01RMA L F RO.M FUlE L D'gS VA N STO N STORE' There's ônly mie way to start the new year rikht-opi.M pliment yourself. with a formnal.from Eield's; "hois one of the flattering .new écreations from our inspired' collection-youI1 have twice as good a tirne. 0'-., lit I 'i 1/1 OLIVER lHANSEN MAR