Moore' known to his army feiends. as. giumi, near the Gerinan 'Submarine Came winter agahn and a Chicago Captain Moore and to his otber bases at Zebrugge and Bruges. Our friend by the naine of Tim Flood got friends as Bill Moore, is co-author duty. was ta escort bonbing planes to Bill a job in Kansas City witb the with R. M. Burtt of the increasinlfrdy these bases. WVe also had ta patrol a Page Iron and Wire works. During popular juvenile radio serial, "The. s;cttir.of.theIe une every day.", this Chicago period Bill had met andý Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen." I.ife at the front wvas not particu- wooed successfully aonc of Chicago's. wbih i no bengbrodcat oer arY. dneos. accorcîing ta lieu- coming journalists, Mary Kinnavey of WGN as 'the Chicago outlet. tenant Moore. *"We bad coinfortable Daveniport, la. So it was that young Tlhe. story of the years between 1917 quartérs, prettygàod food. The Ger-, Moore becamne the bead of a farnily and le9*34, wbhich have taken Captain 1 mails were already beginning to lre- soon aÏfter he went to: Kansas. City., Moore from freshmatn days. at Cor- 1 treat. We- had ta ly 15 milesr so Hi enttn etflyastere, ___________________ jinig the O.fficers' Réserve corps as aprivate because, bis British papers were*acc-identally burned up and i- îng ta therank of captaiti, setting -anc world's record and one Amierican rec- ord in àlying. fathering four lively youngsters, Billy,- Nancy, Patricia, and wee Eric who looks like potential Viking material at the mere age of two. When the Inland Aviationcoini- pany was formed in 1929. Moore was asked ta serve as chief test p)ilot and sales manager. "I realy rail the darned company," muttered Bill. Crauhi,,gT~wù twds Durmng bis two years witl.i it lie made bis record flights. It was on October 25. 1929. that be flew up 19.- 659 feet, thereby setting the. Aniericail altitude record for a ligbt plane. And( it was in1 Fehrilary. 1930. that lie estal)lishied the world's record for speed in a light plane, 126.9 miles ail hour. He also woii the honôr of be- inig the first to fly a liglit pla ne ijuto Mexico Citv. commciai ciîvy, every stunt, e"-. ery flying record.. Each year bis re- serve commission takes bim into the air again for, unlike many war-time' aviators he bas kept on flying. 'Hie doesn't- want eve r to be a ýspectator, he wants to live events. Mrs. Elsie Smnith ls KiIIled in -Auto Crash Mrs. Elsie Smitb, 343 Park avenue., Glencoe, wife of Alex J. H. Smith. president of the Glencoe Chamber of' Commerce, was. killedI Tuesdav night in an automtobileý acciden t on Waukegan rciad, just South of Lake Forest. .Acco mpanied by a nepbeW, William MXora.n. 9 years oid, Mr. and Mrs. Smith aud Itheir son James, 6 years. old. were* on their way, to attend a Chiristmas party to be given by relatives ini Lake. Forest. Mr. Smitlh %vas criving the. car. Approa.ching a curve another car, going soutb. vas sighited. 'an in an attempt by the driver ta slow down skidded'in front of Mr. Smnith's car.,. Mr. Smith and thie two boys were injured. l'le driver of the south bound car, .. Reframn,-2l' years old. Houston. Tlexas. was ordered held for the coroner's injuest. He was accompanied 1y )vMiss Gertrude Mathein. also, of I ern o juvenile program. I)ased o01 st Unvr n cluing Mai], arn ai,ïation themie. Meeting up iili îAvlved bv Atomic Force?~" mas thie Bol) Burtt agaîn. who had just re- suhject of thé lesson-sermon iii- al turned froi a playwriting iautit toC) i Chrchecs of Cbrist, Scientis* o H1-olywood. lit-hetqan draftimr -Ythel Sunday. I)ecember 23. first Jiimmiie Allen scripts. "\\e ont - T gle etwa,"a eta lined .30 episodes," commented Cain-.1fornethtemonangon c tt tain 'Moore, "and We dialoguied .six. tho wind, n decl atnrto ma Wýe got an agent to sell theni for us, hewtis b, adtbabt tbàt mant and finallv Skellý' Oil. decided to buy ltbe i hogt ha ikt the series They went on in Feb)ru-th morning darkness, and treadeth ary 193. or ix eek, ten heyupon the high places. of the earth, ary 193 osxwes fint , The Lord, The God o oti i boupht seven more weeks. then si."-- fhsti i een Bay." For two years ho oIWorcnl y, ta Evanston. .rs. joseph Converse .alid fEvanston, bave taken ini Oak Park. Mrs. Con- former Sue Carnenter, moved from Kenilworth 4 j I to lr 1