'31, are busy perfecting arrangements for the affair which will include talks hy George W. Young, president of the ,Chicago Association of Commerce and wbose son, George,,Jr., is now a stu- dent àt the Academny; Headmaster John .Wayne Richards, and E. J. "Snied" Rendtorff who is- clebrating his. tbirty- flfth, year as a member of the school's f aculty.> Ernest'Palmer '03, wh9se son, Bradley, is now a senior, at the Lake Forest school, will officiate as toast- master. Many of the Academy's recent grad-, uates who are home f rom Eastern col-ý lgsand universities will be presènt at the, affair.. VISITS PARENTS. HERE 11rs. Robert Jerome Nickles, .1r.. (Dorcas Branson) of -Madison, Wis., is spending a wýeek with ber'parents. '\r. and Mrs. Foster Branson, 817 Central avenue. Mr. Nickles came for~ Christmas ilay, and will spexwl ewYear's with the Bransons. E--dwin Bermingbam, who is a stu- dent at Campion Preparatory school, Pr airie <lu Chien, Wis., is spending the Christmas holidays witb bis moth- er,- Mrs. Walter P. Bermingham, 718 Laurel avenue. His brother, Artbur Bermningham, who is working in Kan- s'as City, is also home this week on avisif. 0o -, more at Radcliffe, did not return home for the holiday vacation, but speént it visiting ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hunt at their home in Belmont, Mass. 0o Jack Stebbins, son of Mr. and. Mrs.. Fred- Stebbins of 329 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, a freshman at Princeton, returned Thp rsday of last week to spend, the holidays witb bis parents, who entertained at ýa family Cbrist- nias dinner. George C. Kingsley, wbo bas a po- sition in Detroit, spent Cbristmas with bis father, George Kingsley, and bis grandmotberi Mrs, Lloyd Crossett and brother, James, Who,.retùrned Friday f rom bise fresbmnan year at the uni- versity of -Michigan. -;0 Bruce and Stanley, twin sons of -\r. and Mrs. H. G. Taylor, 541 Ken- ilwortb avenue, returned to'I<enil- worth Saturday from Grçencastle, Ind.. wbere they attended DePauw university, to speid the holiday va- cation. Mr. and Mrs. William Jarvie Wor- cester (Florence Branson) of Mont- clair, N. J., are sailing December 27, from New York on the Empress of Britain for a* ten days' cruise to Jatraica, Havana, and Nassau. -o0 Miss Virinia Richards, a student M AY we jin with our many friends with re- newed, confidence and vision,. for. greater- achievement s dur- ing the New Year-1935, Let us' work to gether for the common caïfse of community, betterment. JY1sgii Bitubfs*vd 1884 EVANSTON OFFICE FOUNTAIN SQUARE Univ.raity 2600 spIeningii the YuIe holid~ays with .11r. L.eacli's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- beet J. Leach, 630 Washington ave- Miss Maxine Livingston, 215 Wood- h ine, avenue, returned Satuprday from Ohio State unîversity, where she is a fresbman, bringing a classmate, Miss Helen Arnold - of Columbus, Ohio, as a guest for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Albright of Hinsdale were week-end guests of' Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Law, Jr., of 417 Warwick road, Kenilwortb. __o-- Miss Helen Green, daughter of the Harold V. Greens, 1600 Highland ave- nue, is home for the holidays f rom Iowa State College at Ames. .Three nort mnen-give CHICAGO OFFICE 1 N. LA SALLE ST. Central =27