At Drastic Reductions 35Suifs *A suit by Kuppen- heimer ,me0aàn s on* * ailor.d:ain Jtyl*d in the,,tradition of $40. Suifs.. s372,95, Evîry KuppeinheiMer suit and overcoat in, stock is included in~ 'these three speni sale gro.aps. $45 Suifs &3,7-95, Men's Shop -Street Floor CHARG PURCHABSS MADE THIS, WEEK WIULL BE POSTED ON JANUARY STATEMENT5 PAYABLE IN FEUXUlARY $24 Vas 2 -paRts of $5 OWNIf 'o ith. and tii balance i. couveni- ont payment$. No carryiuig Charge. No, those are not ociot-fdeemoesi By no> meansi Inctdud.d yu iII find many of thé. newer conservafive suits that mon are favoing ssoWe're Pr oud of the workmanshi Pl h quality, Overcoets Too *. r. inludedInJO thi clearance avant in the smre price groups, béaring the terne :notable ,teductions. Aiterofions Free es. * usue a opur Mens Shcp., anJ equa rantee the smre pei4ecf fit whicti charactea4:es Our agp.r,I.ý Regalars, Shsorts, Stouts, Stimi Single ansd Double-Breasted SPONSORED FOoTwEAR, Shoes, ,Origi.nally Priced- Up hc ýCroup, toý Cear! Kids -Suedes Combi nati ons WJEOD O DavOis Street r'o tw p*. et of ~ 5WOJh4O54**w555 OS q.e. sa*suouwi upru&M.wuw .quuigt to s% p oou<ist oft8h* 1151s1 e fqdeO.oupatosai Te. FCEM BER 27, 1984 095 iýb Straps Ties Pumps $219 .,95 *$271