The fourteenth annual Christmnas Eve Carol service sponsorèd by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board was held Mcnday evening on the Village Hall lawn. Some two hundred.fifty carolers at- tended the service. The 'caroling wasý led b), R. D. Burtner, .810 Oakwoo6d avenue,, and the accompaniment was played by a band. under the leaderý- ship of George Jones, 737 Park ave- nue. Memfbers' of the band were' Janet Wright, Ted Hos-king, William Harridge and Dudley Veneklasen. Harry C.. Kinne, 1324 lElmwood ave- nue, gave a short address of welcome, to the carolers.. He wvas introduced 4y Mirs. 'Herbert .j. Leaéh, 61b0 Wash- ingtôn avenue, chairmaân ofthe Play-. ground and *Recreation board.: The Christmas Eve prograin was planned by Daniel M. Davis,. director of rec- reation, Statistician Names High Cage Scorers, IV. T: Mackie of the Recreatioti ,taff has prepared the following list -of basketball players who lead their respective leagues in individual scor- xng thus far this season. The five highest ranking-.players in each league are isted. "B" LEAGUE B. F.T. .13 3 ... . 9 9 . 12 3 .* 3 82 ...7 4 61A" LEAGUE i'Iayer Teami B. F.T. R. Meter, St. Franiich; ....16 6 P. Hietman, Nelson. Laundry 16 6 R.. Ellis, Methodîkts ........ 15 6 j. Heltman, Nelson Laundry 146 T. Saxton, Nelson t.aundry.i3 NORLTH SHORE LEAQUE, I>ayer Teanm B.,F.T. B. Lyhch, C. Y. 0......15 .5 IV. Miller, Smith Stars ...10 P. Kalmes, Baumha.rdt.-9 2 J. Brady, Kenlworth........ 9 2 .1. Heltmar>, Lynam.Texaco.. .8 1 29 27 27 is 38 38 au 34 28 c. c. G. J. Chambers Baigna11, refre. P. Hleltma.n Jlm M1ointonara à. -Heltman John Montonara R. Horn J. BradyO R. Gauger W. WIleY T. Saxton S. Luntzeman C. ThrsenJ. .Milton C. Schroeder Bagîaall, referee. Smith Stars (21i. U. Smnlth J. Aider W. Miller W. Thomipson a.Sta ngle, c. y.Oel<i D. Oelerlch B. ILyncb V. Meter D. Sctt., C. patt.erson Teaiisiandimg in North Shor e Basketball league: lé C. Y. 0. . . 4 0 1.000 4,llam. Texaeg9 3 1 .750 S mith StarS ..>. 2~ .560 lenllworth . 2 2 .500 rBoîiIeva>rd Drugs 1 .250 fl.,umfhardt Bros. 'Motors . 4 .000 NI. Francis' (7) Nelson ,aundry (1~4) Til. Mfeter F. Ileitnman' V. Meter .1. Heitman .1. O'NeiI R. H-orni P. <'eerlch. R. <auger- lWet.hollst (25) 31. W*aIdnet- P. Soule Pý, Welch F. Lundberg C. varney R. Ellis P. Waldner P. seott Teain league: Wilniette Battery (±;)~ B.Robinson T. Varney R. Wolff uC. Clifton E.Hill J'>flE?5, referet,. ini mn's "A" Won Lost Pet. N\elson iLau ndry . .5 O100 St. Francis' .. ...... 2 3 .400 AMethodiste..........2 S.400 Wilrne.tte Battery ......i 4 .200 :1E N'S BASKETBALL-"'B" LEAIE itoffmaîn Florists (11) U lnknowns (23) Team standing's ini "B" league: Won Lost Pet. Willmette Confectionery .. 5 0O1.000 IJnInowns................ 4 1 .800 Y. P.c ........... ..... 3a 2 .6000 Wlinberg Drugs ........... 2 3 .40 0 lottmaun AForse.........17 4 .200 Chambers............. 0 5 .000 Panthers (14) Henreksom (44) B. Lingel B. Haley W. Normoyle C. DeWltt: J. Miller P. EmIrlch R. Scheibel A. Henrekson W. Hahn G. DeWltt G. Terzakes -C. Kirwan Hoffmnann, referee., Freshmien (26) Terriers (Se) H. Selfert 'I. Christensen J. Lîngel R.ELSmithf B. fegan R.Fleberg G.Nevins H. Ray- D. Hïuck E. Rushli B..Qinondm G. Miller Hoffmann, reeree' Ritige .Wldrat; (gO) Weker A. C. (e) D. Lyneh H. Clark E. Placek R. WilliLams H. Hoff mann H. Bonnen G. Hoff mann Gj: ersi B. Y.ngelJ.Càbr Hofni ann, referee., Flashes <14) 'T. C'a rney B.DeVinny D.Yeomani D. Hutchlns Las (ucurachas (2t) C. icyle L.. Hoffmann B. Hahn W. Lettry H.-Kaup Il. Rmrich W. Frey Ji"Ie, refere-e. Tlanî standings in "C" leagie: Won Lost Pet. Rlidge Wildcats......4 1 .800 Henreksoti,. .... 3 1 .750 Terriers ............3 .750 F'rshen3 2 .600 Las Cueurachas....... 2 .600 Wacker A. C ... 2 3 .400 flashes . ..... . . .. 1 4 .200 Panthers.........1 4 .20o GIRLS' BASKETBALL-UAll LEAGIJE Teain standings in girls' "A" leëague after December 17' games: Won Lfost Pet. Brownies ... ..4 0 1.000 Pentes . ... .... 2 0 1.000 Kudas ......2 1 .666 Y. P. C. . .... 2 2 .50Ô PollywOgg1les O 4 .000 Basketeers .. ....O 3 .000 GIRLS' BASKETBALL-"B"11 LEAGUE which piays on Thursday evening at the Stolp gymnasium under the aus- pices of the Recreation board wit-. nessed a very unexpected upset in~ last week's play. The game was be- tween the Nira and the Dynamites, foth naines bigfomdbe eough to make any gaine inter'sting. Howý- ever,ý on this occasion the Nira was too.much for even, Dynamite because. the final score was i9 to 12 in favor of the Nira, despite the fact. that the Dynamites were leading 10 to 7 at the baif., The TNT game against the Howard Eights wbich lhad 'beeri heralded' as .one of the toughest. of the seas 1on wa., postponed because of illness of play- ers on both sides. The girls' "'A", league wlich play at Stolp gymnasium on T.4esday night suffered last'week because of players. being employed during the Christmnas rush. One game was canceled and two others were 'played with pick-up teams First Intercollegiate Table Tennis Tourney, The first Intercollegiate Table Ten- nis chanipionships will be held De-, cember 27, 28, 29 at the Stay and Playý Table Tennis club, 168 West Monroe Street, Chicago.Ail college under- graduates' are eligible. It is flot neces- sary to have won a college champion- ship to enter this tournament, it is explained, but only regularly enrollkd students at a collegiate institution at the tine of sending in entries are ýel- gible with no liniit placed on entries -. froin an institution. BAHA'I LECTURER "The New World Order" is the subject ý on, which Madame Gita Barry-Orlova is speaking S'unday afternoon, Decembër 30, at 3:30 o'clock in Founidation hall. Baha'i House of Worsbip, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Oný Thursday evening, january 3, at 8:15, Mme. Orlova will gîve the eighth of the series of lectures on "The New *Both boys have had. considerable tournameiit experience and were ex- pected to make a strong showing. , Hubert Last 'year 13al1 and his brothe r, Saturday, George, atso a- member of North- wood' hos wooteru's tennis teain, advanced to. Mrs. Hui Ii4uarter finals- in the junior, indoor avenue, . 01 a tunîng up atUair LioLIIV J159 ivii mte Massachusetts Institute indoor championships at Chicago ' nology ini Boston recently wj born March 9. Anot1her triangular meet president of his fraternity,1 'avens- willbehld'arh 3i .ovigSigma. The notice should h r. and hl ad novn that he was elected preside Maple Northwestern, Wisconsin and Iowa. :hapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. It will be held at Iowa. LEPE regrets the error. 't j 'i g ILMZTTE