sophomfore team wfipped the Oakc sting of the lugnweignm ar Parkers. Competition will be resurned weight defcats. Saturday, January 12, wbien Lane In the freshman-sophom( Tech of Chicago cornes to New Trier. too, Oak Park took an early The next Suburban league garne will score was 10 to 8 in her fai be with -Evanston on jnuary 15. end*ofthe', first, quarter. b The defeat. of the New Trier heav-. led at the. half, 16, and ies was their third sinic.e.the league thïs to26 to 20 midWay in thq season opened on- Decemnber' 7. Oak. Kidder and. Franco, N Park won, 42 to 34. It'. was, anybody's forwards, were the boys wl bail gaine until the closinà minutes, the Oak Parkers how to pi and the New, Trier boys have hopes ball. Each. made five field g of making *amneds when Oak Park der added*two free throws visits New Trier lâter in.the season co one, to give them totals Nip and Tuck Affair, ard eleven points respective Af ter Oak Park had taken an 8 to 5 lead at the end. of the first quarter, Sor LieM t s New Trier forged ahead to lead 16 -euiu ipa to 15 at the haîf. The battiewas on! BatflDsI' even terras in the third period. Oak1 The many visitors at thi Park went ahead, 32 to 31, as the opened Shore Lineý Motors quarter ended. The west siders clinch- at 666 Central street, Wini cd victory in the final period, hold- commenting< iot only on ing New Trier t hree points, a, fiel Dodge, and Plymouth c.ars goal and a free throw by Fitzgerald, on the dignified and impri while they were collecting ten points. pointments of the roon« Fitzgerald High Scorer draperies. festoons of Sn Fitzgerald, New Trier center, led baskets of American Bea the scoring for both teams with thirm placed at. strategic pointsa teen points. Ail but one were scored attractiveness of the room., on field goals. Two Oakc Park players, orations, while peculiarly a Edwards, f orward, and Coulter, guard, to the Christmnas season,1 made ten points apiece. Adamns, New inde.finitely, it is announc Trier forward, scored nine points, and Stînson and Walter Hustir Shephard,. Oa.k Park guard, made owners. Open hou se is 1: eiglit.> at the new sales room Fric I3y whipping the New Trier ligbt- day, Sunday and Monday, weights, 32 tô 23, the Oak Park liglits 28, 229, 30 and 31. rnaintained their perfect record in thre , league and deait a severe blow to. the DINNER GUEST ., harnpionship aspirations of the, New 'Mr. and Mrs. William Sh. T rier teain. The N~ew Trier boys, how- their son, William, ani ever, are sayinig, "We'Illtake 'eni when daughter, Mary Alice, of they corne to Winnetka."- were Christmnas dinner gue Oak Park led, 15 to 6, at the haif, but and M.,rs. A. L. Brevitz and by the e nd of the third quarte r'New 707 Kent road. Kenilworý 1Trier hadpplIled up within four points,' son, Chester R. Brevitz, Oak Park.was ahead, 21 to 17, as the Saturday frorn the Unii perjod ended. In thre final quarter Illinois.ý New Trier was unable to keep pace* with the fast, stepping Oak Parkers, ENTERTAINS AT LUN who went on to win with comparative Mrs. 'alentine Smith, L .case. uit avenue, entertained ný md neavy- iore game, ylead. The tvor at the New, Trier 1increased e last half. rew Trier ,o showed lay basket- goals. Kid- and Fraýn- ely. Room e. recently ;salesroomf netka, are ithe inew S but also 'essive ap- M'. Silver milax and auty roses add to the -The dec- ppropriate will be up ,ed. jack 1 ýg are the being held day, 'Satur- Deceniber rs aughnessy, d theÂi 1Wilmette ests of Mr. d farnily of th, whoseý returned iversity of I HYDROX PALE DRY GINGER ALE AND OTHER BEVERAGE gorim25c (Pi 1 lIt RUTrFM Ir- PAEDRY GI'NGER At AD OHER SEVERWAGES YUKON CLUB. .4."iMà.25 c (MPusI.E T~DEfflIID LIBBY'S. --WELCH'S PINEAPPLE JUICE GRAPE JUICE- 2m 5CS2 OTTLE AGEDAMERCANHOME-MADE STYLE AGEAMRIAN HEUNZ SOUPS CHUESE SUDS CALIFORNIA 60-70 SUPER SDS PRUNES SMALLC 3~ ~ PG.3 25-1 25 JUICv C.I jHAPPY NEW YEAR! Beauty Culture m-nal ifs Bra I I > MRS CLPO UAE .1145 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette 1676