in Ca roli Sing The Howardschôol invited'ailthe mnothersand fathers of childrenin the school, fro m. the kindergarten throukh the eighth, grades, to' 'thé Christmas caroling which was held Friday, December,.21. Fromi 9:15 -to 9:45 o'.clock carols caronnugRevives 01* Tame Chrima, Were sung in the hall by a selected Stolp IC gave Christmas themes in IMiss Perring's room Wednesday, IDecember 19. The Christmas themes were given with great joy. Some were funny and ôthersý were sad., Sonie of the tities 'were: "Littie, Archie's. Chris-t-* ma' by Dick HIirsizh, "The Mouse's Christmas" by Harold 'Moiter, "«Jim- mies Letter to Santa Claus i by Dick, LaBonte -and "Christmas ini Other Landis" by Don iMeier: .There, were so. many ta it woulId be impossible to name them all.-Dick Hirsch,, Stolp 1C. Howard Sixth Graders Are Making Pan Pads Howard .6B girls have finished their wash cloths in sewing class., Next they will make pan pacis. Miss Wood- ley, the sewing teacher, cuts some flannel for the .pads., They are four inches by four inches and are four thicknesses Utiick. Miss 'Woôdiey gives the girls a piece of white cloth the samne size as the flannel. The girls then put thé flainel inside the cloth and sew it together.-Olive Carlson, Howard 6B. Students of Howard 5C Have Reading Program In Miss Davidson's room, Howard 5C, the puipils iiad a readling program Thursday, December 20, the Byron C. Stolp Assembly club had a play entitled "The Radiant Cross." The characters were: Johann, G eor g e Moore; Nina, Mary Macaister; moth- er, Connie Husting; father, George Terzakes; Hannah, Betty jean Arcus; Hannah's son, Harold, Moiter; Trav- eler, Charles'von Tesmar; priekt, Dick LaBonte; -candlelighters, ,R ichard Hirsch andi Richard Wilson; ýqueen, Yvonne Woerner; king, Bill, loln'es.; rich lady,-Mary Kirkpatrick; and the choir, boys.--Marilyn, Stube, Stolp XIC. Eldredge,,Welter Makeý Highest Records in Gymn Howard SA had gymnasiun class Tuesday, December 18. Mr. Mackie let the boys play a while and thien had th em start their class. They had niarching first' and after that had* push-ups and pull-ups. Roger Fld- rege did most push-ups for the cla,.s. m1e Welter did the mrnôt pull-ups., The boys played speedbail for a short time at the end- of the period. -jack Novascone, Howard SA. That Class of Stolp.lB 1Has Much Work to Do Stolp lB has much work to do. lii perfect tenses. Bank discount is tilt. arithmietic worryý They are studyinz the earth in1 Reneral science. il1h. *Take Lessons in Typewriting some of the outstanding> pupils irn Englisli at -Stolp- school have the. privilege of taking typewriting les- sons in the office under the direction of Miss 'Franklin. SExerciýe, books are provided. by the school and each',child is to turn in a perfect Cop o f ach exercise. The children maygo over to the -office and practice, during study periods. The children are glad they hayt. this- splendid opportunity because it will help them ini the work .in high school.-Loôis' Whitehead, St olp 2C. Remains After School to I-et> Boys Finish C/zests Moriday and Tuesday, Mr. Bail stayed after schiool so that the boys in the sixth, seventhi and. eighth gradies coulci fi.nish their projects before Christmnas. On Xfonday the sixth and seventh grades worked on their projects and: on, , riesday the. boys -i the seventh 'and eighth grades 'worked on theirs., Most. of the boys madechests. The boys lhad a choice of making very sniall chests,, miediumn chests, or large chests, and of putting> coppér. or .iead. on theni:- RohPlert.«Mann, Howard 7B. Frohi;1:20 to 1:-50 a program. was- given by the fonrth, fifth and sixth grades ini the social hall. The seventh and eighth grades *gave their program in the.*sainehl between 2 and 2:30. The glee club ptograin was .under the direction of Mrs. Clark and the fifth and sixth grade progranis were under the direction' of Miss McKay. The room teachers ha c harge of the- read the second and, third parts. After they we re through, Doree Hlamniond read a poem. Other pupils also read stories andi poems.- Doris Carlson. Hloward 5A. Oiily Three Tardy in 6 for Present Sehool Year The boys and girls of Howard 6B have haci only three people tardy this vear. Lâst year they had seven peope 1 l la îfîîiti lt3 *iyave Dicken's. ."Christmas Seuhold, Stolp lB. been stnlnig Every Room at StolIp-> Holds Christmas Party Fpri day, December 21, at Stolp school wvas set aside for ai party in. the various roons. Each room bad ts own party. Every one wrote his namne on a slip of paper and the slips were .iumbled, in a hat. and eàch nunil niasium by- the lu andl .2C girls. Ji, Was to be'a stunt programn to, shrimv the inothers what we have b4en d(- iiig in gym so far. ý But due to i he absenice, of nxost of the .pupils , 'e decided to pgostpone the show until tile Wednesday after sc'hool opeiis following Christmias vacation.- Ed i î MNendun. , Stolp IC. Eighth Graders Study * -camie for th, gods or goi figlitig aga history andi Bob Dodds. es. gacs UL i1uwarc i suui çurrent .%uJ ayevents, and the other day she ap-. The girls Fie pointed two boys and two girls toi and C-2 of op report on the Girl Scout and thej Monclay of c.9 Boy Scout signs for current events. a very exci -They 'did it very well.-Oscar Beck, C-1 won, 4 Iloward 6C. XC. - ý -M-" i7zuwarana a te sanie olleyball teanis of C-1 captain for both football and volley-. up opposed each other bail. Arthur Youngberg has been tweek. The gaine was the captain of E-2 for both sports. ean-d well played one. He makes a good captain for both 32.-Pat Penick, Stolp kincis of games.--Seldon VonDer- Hoi Howard 6C.