Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1934, p. 10

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The.mnie for thie il o'oloek worship service on Sunday i*ornlag will be as toIiows: "IntheCatedrl ,. ...... ..Pierne "Paradise",........ .........Fiil "Offe....e.............. Dubois Misa Marie Brci Thie,,Introt:- '410Come. Alire Faith. fi............... Adeste Fideles Thie Anthcm: "Benedictua",. Gounod Offertory anthom: "Sanctus" . .. Gounod Organ Pogtlude.: "FiatLux" ,.. ..Dubois Thie:NeW Year'EveCommunion serv- icee wll be held -Monday at 8 o'clock. This carly hour wli malë te tpossible for o14 and young to attend. It lu hoped that thie entire church will participate ln tRis service of. Holy -Communion. The minister's meditation wili be "4Ncw Hopes. for thie New Year."' The music for, the Communion service la au follows: Organ Prelude:- "In ParadisunV'......... Dubois "cAve Maria" .......... 4... Schubert Miss Marie Bri introit: "*God la 'a Sint"V...Bennett Anthcm: "0 Saviour of Uic World" . Organ Postlude."«Prelude a.nd Fugue in F Major" .................. Bachi Thie First division meets Thursday, Deceniber 27, at 2 o'clock at thie home of Mms. A. C. Jackson, 932 Fifteenth street. A* eHigh Sehool Epworth league will mieet at 5:30 Sunda.y cvenlng.. The Bey. Mr. Thornburg wil h tthe speaker. Theta Upsilon Rho meets Bundae ove- fllng at 5:30 o'cIock. Thie Church school meets each .5unday mornlng at 9:30 'cloek. 'There are classes for ail ages from the Nursery to thie Adut d.partment-. (.M1Id e i per, Wjiii Thie Wolnan's Aid society wtl h old Its Jannary meeting. on Thursday, thie th4rd. The executive commlttee meet- Ing wiIl ho Reld at 10.:30 o'clock. (Ion- eral Aid Sowing at '10.30. Luncheon will ho served at noon by thc Thîrddivi- siton. The business meeting and ,ro- gram wilI bc held at 1:30. Thie "Crèche" which has béen erevte-1 in thc forth transept of thie church will remain until New Yipans. Visitors wilI ita nalennn.a IMiss Erma Rounds, director, Ras ar- ranged Uic following musical program for thie worshlp service: prelude, "Ave Maria," Bgeh-Gonnodi Dudley Vcpek- lasen, trombonlst;. anthem, "'Thie Year," Pache; ýsolb, "Ring -out Wld Boli". GUnk Mnr. Otis; 'postlndeb "HallelujaR Chorus," (Mfessiah) Handel. Juniorý churoh wilcr for the' littIe foîks during tUic worship. Our Bible school meets at 9 :30 o'clocl< bln ail departmnents. Our Adult Bible clams meets a t Ï0 o'clock. *There will be a joint.meeting of the thrce ofilcial boards of thie church Sun- day aftcrnoon at 3 oeclock In thie chapel. It lu Important that every member should b. there. The Tuxis group of young people will meet at 5:30ý o'clock . Following re- freuhmhents, thène wil ho a discussion of the topie, "How ShalI Spend My Leisure Time ?" Al the Young people of higRi school age are Invited. Thie Forum group of Young people wIll picet for discussion at 5 :30. The Wilmette Sunday Evcning club at 7:30 o'clock will present the Paullut choir, one of Uic mnost famous boys' choira ln the country. We will hoid a Watch Night service Monday evening.' From 8:-30 to 10 o'clock there wil ho a social -period. From 10 to 10:45 tiiere wili bie a pnogram of music and readings.. From 10:45 to mnidiightthei'e w111 ho a service There will be a mTdweek serv~ice Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'clock, when wc wiil continue thie study of thie SermonT on thie Mount. Thie choir wili rehearse Friday eve- nIng., Girl Scout Troop No. à wiii meet Sat- urday> atternoon'at the church. St. Johzn's Lutheran Wllmette' and Park avenues J. Il. Gockcl, pastor ,r ramluy bas neen urgea to be present. "................ oe8 matters of, Exeat tmiortaîlce to the Solo: "My Redeemer ,and Myr Lord".. fuur 0f the ehurcix. Dr. Alis*on.................... »udley Buck preaches on the theme, "The Cali of th tde Mr. Dlavid oso N4ew Year." Pstue:«Tidings of loy',...... Bach *The Church achool session on Sund, yj The Cozy Corner circie wilî meet on rwill mark thie close of theiert ,Iucrtler. Thursday. January a3, at the home of Classes wilI be given suggestions and Mrs. Geo0rge* T. Coonley, 925 Oakwod materiais for the January-Mareh terni. avenue with luncheon at 12:30oioclek.. AI! boys and girls are requested tobe Mrs. Frank Adams and 'miss. Agnes present:on time. Thie Aduit cla", C. Watson wili b. assisting hostesses. Hubert Jones, prestdent, la launching a speclal campaign of interest and Laslt Sunday morning the variou& de- attendance as thy begin sunday the new Partmnents ln the Churchachool held in-ù course on !'The Life and Iàettersa of s3t. teresting service&. The, Junior dcpart- LPéter.,, ment had many vîsitors to wtness the, beautiful tablea0x whlch they presented. In the% Young Peoplc's society at 6 'A loS.d of. gift Were taken -to Onward m r., Jane Blaylock's group wili have House ln thie afternooxi. èpcharge. They. have invited thie paustor GsAdeonwIadrstReuda to be thie leader of thie discussion. EveGusgAnlubson "reet odiinsi The Christmas committees report one Çem.y9 of thie beut of al our Yuletïde seasons. Many and varied gifts for' the needy Thie Senior department of. the Church were1 reccived. Thie services and social school will Omit the regularsession on gatherings were attended by large Sunday morning. and join ln tRie Fore- cwd* Seven new members were fathers, Day -services Of thie churchi. addd theii chureh. [t lu a fine prepara-Thrwilo no meeting of' the High tdon for a new year of progresln 1935. School group on Sunday and no meeting St. A uigustine's of Cub Pack 63 on Saturday. Dr. uber Càletoý retorThe, Junior Camp Pire girls meet (n Dz. ~ubr t~xx~ eoto' 'uosdaY at 4:1l5 p. m. Sunday, December 30 wili ho the Sun- Scout Troop No. 1 meets o 1n Tuekdià daY after Christmas.., Thero will be at 7:30 p. m. HolyComunio atThe Brownies (Juinior Girl Scouts> HolyComunio at8 a, m., Chuirch meet on Wednesday at 3:-30p.m school and Bible: classes at 9 :45, t'nd SotTopN.2moso cns Holy Communion wlth sermon at il a. mi. dayoat 7T30 p. om2. es n ëde FriayDecmbGirls' choir. rehoearsal on Thurayt FiaDemer 28, . is Holy in- 3:30 P. m.rdya nocents' Day. There will ho Holy Com- Boschi heraat4pmn munion at 8 a. m. Boysurchorrera a -P.m n Tuesay, anuay 1.there wîîî ho Senior choir rehearsal at 7;15 p. m.. on TuesdY om Jninuay8 .1m.Thursday. Holy Cmmunio at 8 . i.Girls,' choir rohoarsal at 10:.30 a n Thie music, of Christmas Day wIll Se turday., teBoys' choir rehearsal at ila.m repeated on Sunday. The Holy nom- Saturdy. munion wIlli be speoially for those un-_________ able tO go to HoIY Communion on Christ- m~s ~.Kenilorth Union A very large congregation attendcd Dr. Herbert L. Willett, ministerJ Csofirm art lavst nducte bv Dr. Willett's uubjoct for Sunday, De-. Blshp Sewat lat .Snnay.cembor 30, will be "leetwen Two. Worlds." The church service Is at ilj o'clock. irst uongregational Thie Sunday school meets at ý9:45 John G, Hindley, minister o'clock. Childron of ages betwen*tRie "Thie Forgotten Mcen, Our. Fore- kindeýrgarten and the -high schoo'thie fathera,"1 will i>e thie subjec't of the IRev. 1 itiprs are weç4ocome.s miss8 Fanny Knobloch HOLD CHRlISTMAS -PARTy Given Surprise Party ý A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892. 1. 0.O. F. and leteRebekah On Saturday evening. December lodge, gave a Christmas party in 22, a group of about twenty-five the lodge rooms Sunday afternoon, Cosne Io the ierendly church where tRie wa a r mdeplai". l.inarKts, n te lbrui Ofhard, round These flowers, called Chinch- rown buds on a twelve inch stalk. çrcchces, a, tali spike faintly resern- In about thrcc weeks these"ail blos- bling the Aspliodel, though more Som out ini watcr, which seis quite beaiztiful,,,anid white instead Of pink, surprising, considering the fact that grow in tali stalky spikes, curving thcy have been bound in a soi mass as they blossoni, grow in abundance of immature buds, t.ravelling for six jthe' Cape Colony mountains, and, weeks in this manner..

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