Stromg raye to guide you through the night.. Let your. battery be a Prest-O-Lite. HiLTV~t Beat of al' 3 tesayear ..w Fil it end forget it!1 RENTALS, REPAIR RECHARGE. Wilmette Bsltery & Electric Service 74 TelthStree Poe Wilmette 691-5454 740 TwelftHIMONtK ghopVICm 8HAWNEE SERVICE @ASez me, 41" oS.. WILO U LYNAN SERVICE SARASE 415 UIDOR A~ tft.WlL ads $3 ALN ngIl. ad 1. ,J~ I LLê4 L Y.u1INeed Pleuity Duriuîg .,the liolida Ys *During the rush of Christmas shopping, donIt forget to phone us your coal'order. You wilI want a warm, cheerful home. with pInty of cool ini the basement durisig the holidays. You can't go wrong wvhen you order Consumera Guaranteed Coal or Coke... "devery ton must satisfy you or we remove it and refund your money." *UARANTID COALI COKE AND FUEL OUL WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386, GLENCOE 75 T H E R CN SU M ElS Y ARD Y O U R 1IG H BO0H 0 Carqystone Sidiflg. is made of asbestos and cernent; it is as weather-proof and fir-proof as stone. Only a few days are requred to cover the walls of an average bouse, and the interior is flot disturbed while the work is going on. Let us give youan estimate on modernizifg your bomne witb Careystoneé Siding- no obligation' of coure., -:4 11'ElL ÇÎÏMADE OF ASBESTOS AND CEMENT ONIMONICK gg£*V!Ct :»"m »Ake" arr-. IMIL-S274 ýç-