Bulck announces continuation of...Its Smart Style . Proven Sup.riority ... Establlshed Prestige of Quallty and Valu.. und *very funda- mental Suik Engineering- Fature, ulreedy, proved aind now Improved by further progress. TIHEpublic, ini the first 10 montha of year of the. finest cars Buk ever bufit., T this year, by investlng In new in a volume neerly double the. 1933 out- Buicks more millions of dollars than in put, bas brought forth important new any other car except the three of very, improvementSs ad refinoments, bear- lowest prçe, gives striking, even son- ing upon performanice, amoothneas, national recognition and approval to dpendabllity and goneral economy. 1601 Sheridan UtoaidtWilmette Suk Strolght S VoIvela- Head Engls. 'ISik s'Oled Che"s Smert Wlndsroum Style Safof y Bmkes Bulck's ow.m Knee»AcflIon @lding Ride RuickCenter-P@intStSoVhiOg Buk Autonaigtc Syston ef Operation and Coni. 1 DECEMBýlER i0, 1934 Winut*5030 . __mmý