New Trier High school wilI meet *Oak Park Fridav night of this week in a game that is expected to play *an important part in settling the league championship. Oak Park's lightwe ights, like New Trier's, are undeféated in league competition and are çonsidered »strong contenders for .championship honors.ý The gaine will be played at Oak Park. On the same eV ening the New Trier heavies., afteér dropping. their first two Suburban league games, wil see. what they can dAo about improving their record at the expeinse of. Oak Park.. Y Split with Proviso Ili last IFriday niight"'s gaines the licavies lost -to Proviso. 40. to 31, *after le.ading for. thee quarters, while the lightweights won froni the, Nav1.oa school, 35,to 28. "Oak Park was busy witih Morton the' saine evening. The Cicero school lost hoth games, 30 to 28 Ili the hieav-ywieight division and 28 to 21 in the light- weighit cIass. *The defeat of the \'cw Trier heavies by Proviso -as accomplished *by' a fourth) quarter scoring splurge. New. Trier led 20 to 14 at the haif. and %vas stîli ahead by six points..! 28 to. 22,. when the thiird *quarter endled. Then thé Provjso boys, play-i ing before a home crowd, decided to givc 'tue folks a treat. HoldingNe Trier to t.reepoints, the west sides added eighteen to their own total and ran thieir score, up to 40. Fisher High Scorer Leading this Piroviso rally was Abercôrni, forward, witb seven points. H1e had previously made -six poinnts, giving hirn a total of thirteen for the game. He tied uith Fisher, playing forward for N'ew Trier, for individual scorinighonors. Caneéton Wilson. New Trier guard, whocontributed eleven points ýto leadI the scoring for bis team in the gaine Sehools Co-operate to Present Barnum Players ci.: ati NI TELEPIIONE VOUE Lttmý a"i ACWeat i GEEETINGS sign, advertiing ar, ir'uil-* ue deign,' fashion illustration, stage arts, cartoning, pinting, drawing, and in- terior decoration. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Henlocker,. 119 Tudor Place, Kenilworth, will en- tertain guests for Cbhristmas. dinner. I LLI N ONS BE LL TELEPE*NE v*. r