'Local taxing bodies may expect very sooli to receive first remittances; from Tax Collector Sanborn Hale of their share of the 1933 general taxes now ini course 'of' collection in New Trier township. Collector Hale made that,-enlcour- aging statement this week, modifying it onily with a proiviso that. :people continue*.to pay their taxes promptly. So far.' he said, they have been com- Ing ini at an eicouraging rate. 5554,874 Reduction The total reduction. in taxes to be paid iiine Trier township for 1933 is $5S4,874e6l as: compared wt 1932, Collector .Halé said, and 1this 1reduc- lion lias created a more ,Ôptimistie spirit, with a resultant speeding ul' ini the payment of the bis.ý The total real estate taxes ini 1932 was $2.198,946.5O and the total person- aillus w-as $737,206.86, or a grand total of $3,536,153.36. As compared with these figures. the total real estate bills for 1933 awiotnted to ýonly $2,486915.75' andt the personal property bis for the same year $494,363.01, a' total -of $2.981 .278.75. Keeps Books to Dec. 21 Collector Hale bias been advised that he wil'1 bc permitted to keep -the New- Trier township books until Deceniber 21. The penalty date, ac- .cording to latest advice received by bum will bc januarY 1 on personal property bills and the first installment of reai estate bis. Eývery tax payer. in the township who cati do so is urged to pay bis taxes to the collector before he is obliged to return bis books to the county 'collector, thereby enabling the local 'Ïâxing bodies to obtamn 'their proportion of the taxes at a mnuch earlier date. Advice on HOLC Properties I Property owners whose property, is. In the Home Owners Loan cor- poration a re advised that they will aid materially in the collection o'f tbe taxes if they will immediately attachi to the bill their home boan number and return the bill tQ the collector. ,v ce-presïiocut, tA. U. vvo It. Treasurer, W. B. Robinson, Jr. Directors to serve two years, D. TE.f Allen Jr., Aram *Mestjian, A. C.i Lynch, Frank Hlavacek. The re- tiring president, B. L. Keeler, auto- matically becomes' a member of tuie directorate. Protest Beer Sellinàg1 A. communication from Village President C. P. Dubbs waS read, ask- inig the Chamber to pass a resolution of protest against, the sale of beer, and liquor in No'Man's Land. Sec-'. retary Cl.ifton was instructed to pre-ý e are such a resolution and foreward*c same to President Dubbs. A referendum: on a. questionnaire submitted by the United States Chamber of, Commerce, which had been under considération. for some timie, was, presented for action. The Chamber was asked to state, its posi- tion on the NRA, whether it should be allowed to expire next june, as provided, or whether new legisla- tion should 4e passed in tdvanee of, the expiration date. Othier questions were also contained in the communi- cation, but the Chamber acted only upon the one, and voted in favor of terminating the National Recovery> act. -Mrs. Edward J. Fleming of Evans- ton, former member of the County board, was introduced by President Keeler, and gave an interesting and highly educational address 'on political practices, the proposed new county mnovement and the national political situation. sible. it is necessary they be re- turnèd, %vith the loan number, without delay. f Order Notew -'e NUTS and CANDY for Christmas be on 'cuspiay tnrougnout tne por- formance. The . pageant is. original in composition, theworlç of a faculty member of The Mallinckrodt. It has been accepted by the editor of the magazine "Catholic Schbool.Interests,"~ and appea rs in 'print in the:.Novetn ber issue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BuIley, '220 Sheridan road, Kenilwortb, entertain- .ed at a. Thanksgi-ing dihner -last Thursday .1 Mr., Bulley's brother, Samuel Bulley :of Toronto, Canada, left Iast Tuesday after a week's visit. ICOMNG SOONNEW 195. ACÙE MOTOIR 13é Min Sre At a dally. Iiourly reminder oif this hpj occasion..;î uely y cwpliopse àmort GRUEN timekeeping ha-, gu%t .For no other gift combines beauty end utIIity so ..oçmpl@4.ly. Our Gru.ui Guild ýWachesae o eayfor yu npcln A daaty 4mhasgba, 3 gutt;raevamueat 137.50' D. Pogliorulo il« Wilmntte Av&. WI.L lm L.ounging felamas Blouses - Robes "14u,4»4 Sweater Sets IQF 7.g GIov.s-land Sags Costume J.welry 1W4>%$hI e~ut« 6he~e~d& oe12*~Ed4 < LIGE RIjE The Gsft Ideal' fo r onywma W. have a large selection of BU ,2435