Bill Condy (right) of W4ýilmette, andI Careont n.'tka, uill be aong the outstandi ' g stars to compi Shore Table Tennis tournernent to be held Decemb, pratd ballr-oom t.of thse Orringtin otel, fiva»ston. Condy and Prouty are generally re- garcfrd as tbe premier doubles combina- tion in the Middle West. Condy last ,week-end won the Cbicago district table tennis, cbarpionsbip for the sec- ond s traight véar., in matches played be contested early next year in London. BACIC FROM. FLORIDA Mrs. Frank J. Pavlicek of 1609 Highland avenue, and her daugbter, Rutb, have retu rned from a motor trip- to Miami, Fia. While ibere Ruth.,went :ishing witb a party of friends one day ini tbe Gulf stream and caught eight good-sized fisb in- cluding doiphins, xuackerel, and boni- toes. The other members qf the party caugbt tunas, sailfish and ring- Proutay (1.ty:of te ie» the annual ýr 13, 14 and 15 LEGION A UXILIARY avenue. The Cook County Council will hold a meeting at the Auditorium botel, Chicago, tomorrow afternoon (Fri- day) at 1 :30 o'clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Ame.rirzan Leizin 2xiYlarv ýwill relatives wiU ube guests at tne wed- ding and during the reception that will f ôllow. After December 10 Mr. 'McFarlane and bis. bride wiIl be at borne at 7722 Nortb Asbiland avenue, Cbicago.. Mr. and Mrs. Sarnuel Ross of Bar- rington ,enterteined -twety-3seven- guests1 at a family Thaniksgivýing din- ner.> Mrs., Ross is, the former.-Connie Hannab of Kenilwbrth., .Her sister, Louise, o f Pasadena, Cal., wbo att ends. the ýUniversity. of Cbicago, was also a guest. Mrs. Frank Reynolds of Waueson, Ohio,' le fi Sunday after a, visit with ber daughter's family,. the A. E. J3eirne-s of 927 Ramona road. Mrs. Beirnes bad been visiting her mother for ten days. ~The ierhet tMesrk fmuffr ami the Val Smith family of Wilmette were guests of the 0. C. Steens at their usual Thanksgiving dinner at their home, 155 Birch street, Winnetka. ILOAN Auto Tel Greeiileaf 18&3 AC£ MO' M9in Street Personal S ALES, Wlaett. 8as imti fr.4jd MODEL This s tronlg, et~w'dy machi ne is ca-;1 pable of dding ALL your food pre-, paring tasks. eiffcientiy. Why ilot Iearn what it will do for you? :Home demonstration out obligàtio6n.- Phone: State. 678 with- COMPFANYEI dés W. Raa4olph MIrai Ch mi ul.