Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1934, p. 46

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Recom mendations of Mrs. Reimfohr *BINELEX .mANORi P. G. 'WODBHO USE tttle, Browtn 4clt mlist be wonderful to be reading 'Wode- bouse for the Sirit imne,','rcmarks May Lam- beton Becker, in the ýNewt York Herald Trib- Uàe, of this noveist, incomparable amonfi cafltemlpormrYhumorista. *PULL FLAVOIU $4.00 DORIS LESLIE Maomnillan A splcr.did ncw navet which, je an unforget- tabt c cronile of one woman's entire tif e. 10 LITTLE OBRVIE $2 BOOTH, TARRINOTON poibledaii 0 .VENETIAN MAMQVE .$8.50 RAFAEL BABA TINI Houghton. *TONDER SAILS THE MAY- FLOWER *2.50 HONORE MORROW Morrow An exclting historical novel, laid in those mnomentous ttiree weecks bef are the M;éytowz fnally siled fro0. PlymqAuth ta the New *GOOD).BYE, MB. CHIPS 81.85 JAMES HILTON Little, Br*oi The story of an English schoolmaster. Tthe IDmi-profundy moving sory that bas pased this -ay in scierai ycart. ? LUST FOR LIFE $.4 IRVING ST1ONE Longma)ta, Gr-een flore le a iovel bascd on one of the great truc stott«o f the world, the ife cf Vincent Van, Gogit tod by a novellet who bas found the living, lusty man' behlnd te glowing -brueh. 1 TUE FOLKS $3.040 R. SUCIKOW Fa?-rar & Riteharti This monumental nove!lu ttRuth Suckow's most amblttous and slgificaitt work. 0 PITCAIINS ISLAND 82.5<1 CHARLES NORPHOFF AND-i) JAMES NORMAN HALL Little, Br-ownu Completes te great trilagy prcceded by mu- TIWY ON THtE 9UNTY and MEN AGAtWST TRI ,WA. RIzc uwca173-v cru ;e'cv)cr,,,îa This first novel by young MNr. M1ax- ,well is different f romi the general trend ci today s literature. Its difference lies i its naivity and charm. 110w nany popular books of today are naive? This ingenuousness coming f rom the pen of you!tb is surprising because so Man y of the yotung writers iow, affect sophisti- cationl and pessîmrism, ont there is none ,of that in.lBrighît. Cenfer of Hcavzcii; in- s.ead, the.re-is ireshuess and idealismi. Onie might sav that iiriq/ît Cent er (Pt Heavcîî i s a sweet story,, a charming one. If books cati have "i,ý then this ouné has that, certain thing caleéd,,t Thle duration 'of tirne in tne story is one day, a nd :the autbor lias filled that day with the. simple thoughts and tasks ot a group of people.at "Meadow- land," a boarding house or, 'rest re- sort' in northern N'isconsïi. The story. beginis heP Johamia. the cooýk,> and (,ust, the hired mai sit down to break- fast at 6 o'clock. Both are. typical of their lass-very slow. and a littie dis- g'rtntled. At 7 oclock Mtrs. West aîl- pears. She is the proprietress, a oheery, good natured person fuîl of con- versation, whose two sons, WVbitey, 15. and Thorn, 18 years old, are the pride and joy of lier life. After the boys. Amelia arrives' for breakfast. Amnelia is Mrs. W\est's late husband'.s half- sister-old maidish andl neurotic. 'peev- ish and self-pity ing.. The main sub- ject of conversation is Jefferson Carter, a Negro, who is corning. to Meadowlatîdi .11-s. .omes John MAIona.hon (Hcil ',, ii stoný) of 1If'innetka /u'as Pest tvritten a chi r;ig ,book calh'd -Gaii ' vtid Golly, and Kap- tain Kidd," w/îl/iht/e children wil lc tohaz IUi ltici,- Chr-istinias .itoekhiys.. T/i c illustrations arc' Plioto 't raph/s aof.11s. AMonahaîî's POwn kit h'njs, iur/i have zo n îmer- -OSsi/v-er cii-ps and b/uc, ib bonls. ditiner timie o fters p!euit%- f opportun- ity for argument pro an-d con about James jeans' fascinating books on the mechanisin of "the universe around us" will -be captivated witli bis latest story, Thro.ugh S/>ace and, Timne, publisbed recently. In bis preface Sir James, writes that this.book contains the sub- stance of a. series of lectures wbich he was invited to give, last Christmastide before, the Royal Institution. 1There are onlly -eight chapters. and these >are about the earth, the air, the, sky, Moon, planets, sun,- stars, and the> nebulae. He'describes the comllposition of the earth anld.tells about, thé animal. lii e that existed.millions'.of years ago. A new theory that. bas been put f or- ward by a German scientist, Wegenier. is that the continents and larger islands, are ail floating on a great sea 10t: only lîke slips, but like independent .ships which cati approach towards and recede fromu one another." In, bisý inter- esting chapter on the mo on Sir James writes that jtudging fromn the mooni's appearances people have guessed that it is miade of ail kinds of substances- icé, sflôw, roc~ks, gilver, an-d even gréen cheese, but it seemns very probable i-bat the moon's surface consists of volcanic ash. Sir James does not think that Mars ts iiîhabited, and he states that* tilt: gênerai, opinion of astronomers now is, against. the supposed "caniaIs" having atîy real existenice. If we were to, visit Mars we wvould probably find it ail un- other of thie mysteries of the universe are thec nebulae, which are of thrce classe'. S~ir lamese xynlans. the nlanp.. unbls creator, wnose unecuut beings le as great as is sYs C M HA C ER'S 'CANTZEBIUILY TALE~S 37 MoDEEN NNOLlilH VEION ET J. 'U. NICOISON Ilste. by Rockwell Kenct lb SEIN DEEF *.1$.'W M. C. PHILLIPS Joh)t Dat, TI, book for every womae who ever used a FOR YOUNG lEADERS Ob LU74BERJACK O When the \Vest f arily finishes its nîorning mneal the boarders make tlîeir appearance, and these include N igel, a * young actress; hler lover, Paul, a school teacher; Josefa, a conîcert ptan- ist, and Cycthia. au artist. Tr.le lives and individual itterests of aIl tlîese people aredeftly told. by sone descrip- tion, but mainly through conversation)i .w'ith onie another, After breakfast they aIl scatter to their own thougbits and interests-Josefa to ber piano: Cynthia to her art studio, and. Paul, 40 lus plot wnîcn u oîcernss une îwo îovers,! seive, hme gaia..tile nIICIAIICwniILur~-. Nigel andcl Paul. the story is carried toi round %wbole groups andý even wliol nigbt-timne wlîen the iv'hole bousehold constellations of stars; and the third goes to rest. andi%-ou -ktîow that the .class, the extra-galactic nebulae, Nwbich next day %vill prohahly he very mucb are enormnouslv larger than the other the sanie. as will thbe une after tbat. tWO. 'Tbe origini of thle nebulae maN The story is liit and bumnorous, atîd he trAced back .te a mass of chaoti you %vill grow ver\ fond of_ the char-I gas filing A space." acters. Iii bis uisual eldar and concise Style' Mr. ax li.who is~ onlv 26 vears j S ir Jaines bias written bis latest book old. -as horin inl,1incoliillinois. His mwhicb anv begiinner in astronomy or family inoveA hi Chicago whien lie was geol(bgy will easily understand. 14. Hie received bis B, A. dégree fromiii, -Vera McDerinid CEANDLER'S Fountain Square Evanstou Gift Wr< Gre. OÀ 1724 Orrington Ave Evansfon OPOringi

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