sand, made- an art- study in grays With her. entbusiastic, direct nanner, and black, witb only the rhythniic fine intelligence, and ber bumor, she tumbling of the waves giving motion., brought màny poted persons to ber WVithin, in the wood-paneled living audience, and several bigh-lighit days room, ten members of the North of A' Century of Progress, partic- Shore Lyric ensemble, with their di- ularly the Fair of 1933. The "greatest retor, accomeaiis.t,, Electa,'Austin one of. ail' to Mrs. Redfield, atnong Ganiron, grouped.themselves inform-_ thé Fair celebrities, wasý Marconli, aIIy about the grand piano for their whose duchess wife, 'looked like a .Sik -songs,, written for ensemble sing- duchess.'t The humbleness, the sin- ing. Heariingthis group again after cerity, the greatness that look out ýof heelaâpsing of mnanyemonths, it was that man's eyes,' remain always in itteresting to note -its developmnent, ber memory. Her talk on tbe. celeb-: its progress. Mo\ire of sureness, and rities, of the fair. followed timely a more finished roundness and voice remarks on books- for Christmas'gifts, bJendinig ar'e in its singing.- Its unity, a list based on real and lasting its tone shading. and its enunciation i worth. a list. that will be given on are splendid. d1ite Book. Page Of' WILNETTE LIVE .Warmth and richiness of tone next week. Several pencils were emanate from the singing of thîs grouip, seen in the audience busily scratch- each. member of' which is a trained ing their way across. paper taking m iusictan. IJts repertoire, ,too. is grow- down ber valuable suggestions. inig. On Monday its seleétions were Tea in the dining room later hround "iBeauteous !ylorn1." by Edward Ger- the dainty table m-ith its Iow bowl of mnati; Thy Beamiing Ees" y Mac-1 white anýd pale Nyellow chrysanthe- Dowell,* witb Dorothy Rae ini the solo mnums and twinklinig catidelabra end- part; "Gypsy Loveý Sotng," by Victor ed the.aftèrnoon s. Dubbs' sister, Hérbert; "Old Family' Clock," .by Mfrs. Estelle Weidner. and Mrs. Grant Schaefer; "A Young Man'sý Ho-tward' G. Rice poured coffee and Idea Where Heaven Is," by O'Hara, tea..N Mr s. J. 'M. Davis pricsided. and a, Hymn written by Mrs. Gam- I' J.T. B ton. h"e ave in Illinois just as fle. authors, and artists, and scholars asI any state bas given to the Union, NIr. and MNrs. Harold Barnies, 98, but we don't talk about., tbem1 Indian Hill road, spenit a recent etnougb," Mrs.. F. Jefferson Redfietd. week-end in Detroit. thoughtful and ape preciated Christaus gif t.than that! mtusy Wei-ktiotn teaohera ue and recouwaelsd 010'4ntrimenta., Tisere are aome in yotr commun~- ity wth wh eom u~ me'R i,e# lad-l put 1/ou in touhl.. Il Drop -into our .showrooms sand inspèct the fine groupeu-of instruments ini stock. Let's oit dlown, for a few minutes while hore, and talk over the training o 1f your child. Or, Phone for a reprO.. tentative te calli- t your home. Tt will b. dime welI spent and will mark yogi ms boing vitally jnterested inia 13u11u51 SttaiUO>*ut wi* 0**th ability te play gives i future life. 207 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago Harrison 1018, 1019, I. qI~ Cature &very ig/usive nlood. Telephofle UNI. 2178 * ~J L'e 8 The Recognired Dean o! the Art Open Evonings UntiJ 9-Sundays from 10 to 2 518 Davis St., Evanston ýWm. Lewis and Son> Complet. Lino of Band and Orchestral Instruments "SBRVING THE PROFESSION 45 YEARS" roeo0l-e-- 1