hard-working memDer of the LChicago Plant, Flower and Fruit guild to help ber. help the Guild con- tinue its work at holiday time, in order. that many Christmases may be a litie happier, andthat dul and trying hours. for the bedridden in institutions, ini hospital wards, and in uýýtnderprivileged homes may be light- ened. So many are the donations that have been made, that the automobile of this member of the Flower guild board %vi1l have more' . trips to, make, but it will do so, with-y--,oy These books and. magazines have ail comne ini esponse to1 the guild's pleas,'and are given by those who also answer the needs of those near at home. Arithmetics are especially wanted,. and ten ajready have found their way tô the guild fonr (distributioni. W.ra's Clb kto Sew for Women's Shetfer The WVoman's Club of Wilniette. will- have an ail-day philanthropy *sewing meeting Friday of this.week, beginnilig at 1 o'clock and open to al womecn in the village. Luncheon will be served at nooli to school chul- *dren. as well as to the women at- tending the meeting. The Chicago Women's Sheter, for, Nvhich the sewing will be done that dav,.%vill send a representative to give a brief, informal talk 0t iuncheon. Mr.Walter Gough1 is chairman of the day anid M H. E. Holdoway is * the ]lunçhleon chairinan. Assisting Mrs". Goughi are Mrs. Paul P. Hard-. mari, Mrs. E. W. K. Roe, Nmrs Hans N. GanRttzel., Mrs. Grant M . Chiandler, Mjrs. Charles T. RipleY, and Mrs. Harry C. Carroll. * Next Goodspeed TaIk on 'Luke,' December I1I *plans for tneeacaii,",'L the counIcil during the second se- * mester.'. Miss Clara 'Belle Baker, director of the demionstration school, wili ask the participation of parents in the Chiristiiias, festivities at the school. $39*5Oý Vatués l'o $65.00 Values f'o $89.W0 ~ij values. l'o $7.5 ~7965O Valuosl'o $139.50 * 'I Tu... seats ère b.aitiuly trimmed~ in finl' q4..lUy Portia, f<Ain, F.ai Seav.r end IC.lmsky FaII dresses for ail occasions $8.95 $12.95 Former Values l'oel19.75 Former Values l'o $25.0 EdIgar A* Steveams, luce EA N S TON, COATS îof e xcep io.al value di Id ed, u 1 fouirgroups VERY SPJECIAL WINTIR COATS $ 19.75 Values $11095* Exceptionally fine twed Sport Coats. Six.. 12 l'20.