FERSONAL Shopping saves lime and worry. Tell our glft- wis. shopper your problem and jet ber solve, t nicely and qjuickly. A modern candy dish is the doIigbt of any hosýtess... *especially if if is simply de- sigjned -and , alive w'ith the spiendor of chromium .$.2.50 Sait and pepper spheres. the latest conceit'co'f modern tar- bles.,.amusing ,anid .startlingly decora+i, e,.nd .et an i ntrin- sikally practical qift....l This breakfàst set of bright chromium is guaranteed ta cheer the dullest moring, -An upliffn sugar and cream container on a handytr'ay. ai $3.00 Masculine Gifts of Wrought Alumînum ýPut this tiny match box and frav with amusing ses borses at bis place at the table, each.................75c Lo vèlySilk BLOUSES $2.25 Blouss wllmake à most exciting glft on Crsmsmorning. Thoe corne in oid colos orgayplaids. Long sleeves, clev-. or coller detail. Sizes 12 t. 16. 36c Fetching liffi. ribbon bows aftached. lo hoir claspi and ait ready to feston Bath Robei W.' havle the grandeit asà# Of robes-nd you, knôw i girls like ta recelive robes. S or strip.d flennel.. SizesS ta, .Ski SUits1 Jolly suifs for school, ice skai4 hiking, coasing-any fime look warm and smart. Talon 4 Pei, fatening. Sizes 8 te 16,j Snow bsolut. cold weal suit% thr orotec4 SQUARE Evoaastouu GIPT WRAPPING Have your purchases arfistically and gayly adorned -i our h.ipful departmenf wit ho.u t charge.. t: . ~' CALICO KATE is there, splendidl y dressed, so fi, cuddly. and oppealing to the very young. 815 Tots' Pantie DRESSES $1.25 Crisp frosh prints with adorable liffle collars and touches of. handwork te add smariness. Short puffed steeves. Mosfly *Il, have panties. Sjizes 2 to 6. 'PATSY LOU>, the splendid, has arrived and sets the. style wth bot Iovely bair. ber exquisite dress. .87.95 They 'r e AilHere, From Fa mouùs Shirley Temple tô ne'w Tineyette. As grand an array as you ca. imagine, represenfing every LORD'S LORDS FOUNTAIN SQUARE Wilaw#fte- 3700, L Ds WILMBTEC EFMDECEMBR 6C:13 4 WILMETTE LI FE -$391