RoDea -Choppera -Warblors Cages $"Mu DAVIS:ST. PET $HOP 115Davis St, Evanston 1 Open, Eventua Of CEw.NRAL FA)IV.J 246 Fet AbÇOveSe level. 1 2 5 bous, ýi ô O Datho, Steaileet,. >_ Autoenatic Spnnk- lem a,chestra, Swiinmingp0,61 Golf, F'lablng, Doat- fatg. Puregt Drink- lng Water. nHill.I........... 1 Ahren,..... ... 0 itenhardt ....... 0Monrad ........1 Thursday, December 6, both teanis wiil travel to If ighland Park,, where they will try to maintain their rec- ordi of being undefeated, in the ,North Shore league. SIR THDAY'SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Williamn W. Liii, 119 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, .enter- tained at a unday uight birthdlay supper in honor'their daughter, Mrs. George Huth. Mr., and Mrs. Elliott Youngberg, A419 Washintgton -avenue, entertained their dinner b)ridge club ýlast Suin- Iday. MIiss Helen Fuîtfit of IWinnctka inote' the firsf ranking -ioinan tennis p/a ver of Citicago, if was an- nifmced ai, a PiZ('L'inq of tfliechCi- caîffl Tennis association Tues-ý daY PImrrnini. Tw.o vears aga miss JîîAto, iiuas' Illenational jusuior champion of flhc United Sta tes anîd Canada. She is the' dauqh fer of Mlr. asnd AMrs.Frauïk D. Fulton of R884 H-ill road, tU"iinefka. Study Effeet of Moviçs on Habits of Childrýen The effects of motion pictures on the habits and attitudes of boys and girls is being studied by a commit- tee of, the Parents' council of thle Demionstratjôn school, National Col- lege of Education, headed. by Paul Potter, chairman. , The committee w *Il i eet àt the home of. Miss Clara Belle Baker, director of the school, 822 Milburn street, Evanston, Wed- nesday evening, December 12, for a showing and criticism of certain sound pictures available for children.* Memnbers of the committee include Paul Potter, chairmian, ROY 'M, Kirt- land,' George Cullis, Mrs. Kenneth b. Fox, an.d Mrs. Paul' C. Fleer, rep- r'esenting the parents of. the school,. and David Russell, Mrs. Fred J. Byington and Miss Clara Belle Baker, representing the faculty. $5.00 and $7.50, Mr. De 6v.?. prices siightIy higher The Salons Noied for T/ieir., S 61 Vernon Avenue Phone GIencve 14o6 p ter parients. Taylor, twin ers, 541 Kenil- irth, who at- ty at Griýen- iksgiving with modern.> salon Jfemr nine C/'iarm. HaiIed as the most beautiful and -artistic salo'n o n thie nortli shore. "When loveliness is. ma de Io velier" it is a P'leasure to resi- in luxurious comfort arnid. the surroundings. of this wonder salon . horou'hly modern inequipment. perfect in cleanliness employing only skilled operators.. and using only the very beSt of matêrials. A visil- wilI prove a fl0w source of delight to yo14! I