ofifcials of the annual.-North Shore Table Tennis tournament are predict- ing that this year's meec will, shatter, ail records for both participants andi attendance. The tourney will be held Thursday, Friday and. Saturday oU next week again i n the:grand bal- room of the Orrington hotel. In cotînection with this event, the first .Nrt Sore Sorting Goods and Radio show will be'held at'the samei time in an adjoining* ballroom. McLean will m,1 r1 ake, bis initial ap-1 pearance in Evanston when he per- forms many1 of his 'intricate figures and stunts, on a 25xI5 specially con-. structed floor in the grand ballroom at the conclusion of. each day's play in the table tennis tourney.. ,Theè floor hie uses, is of a chemically treated substance, which, althougli liard to skate on, gives him great Spe ed. World's Leading Prof essional McLean is generally recognized as the outstanding professional skater of the world holding such records as: 75-yard dash in :6.2; 100-yard dash ini :72, an'd 150-yard dashi in Il sec- onds flat. He has also. done an 800- ?ard dash in 1 :12 and a mile ona* straightaway at 2:10. Recently Mic- Lean muade a 50-yard dash from a standing start in 5 seconds fiat and the same distance with a fiying start With, such headliniers as Bill% Condy of Wilmette, Carlton Prouty] of Winnetka and Coleman Clark of L;.t Commtt.e M.mbes Others on, the tnurnament commit- te vrith Major Griffithi are: K. 1 "Tuz",Wilson. director of athletics at 'Northwestern universjty; A: C. "Dutch" Lonborg. Wildcat basketball mentor: "Rut." Walter, former Pur-.I oie track and cage star, ýand tradi - tional rival. of «"Tug"' in table tennis* Prof. Léon G . Kranz. bead of the, physical education- .department .aM Northwestern: 1.Roy, W. Cooley. George L. Dalget . ssistant business manazer of the University. lamnes W. Bell. Ca rton Proty*n Dr Charles W. Crowe, Elm er F. Lane, Willard Buntain, directore, of per- sonnel at Nor thwestern; Max Hav- ford, ticket manager of' the univer- sity: Dr. D. Dale Waitley, Ade Schu- mnacher, director of intra mural ath- letics at Northwestern: DOr. L. V Stephenson-, Robert E. 'Clark and Palmer Jones, manager of the Orr- ington bote!. The tournament will again be spon- ~srdby the Co-o bookstore,, in conjunction. with the management of the Orrington. Entry blanks may be obtained at the Co-op, 1726 Orr- ington avenue, located in the botel building. Sehool Orchestra Will Play at Club Meeting The joseph Sears school orchestra, under the direction. of Miss Mergaret en-i ~1L4L trants of last year will be far sur- passed this, year. Bob Ratcliffe of Evanston, who turned in.a surprising %%-in over Condy in the semi-finals last year and then went on to win the *men's title, will be faced with plenty of top-notch opponlents who ývill, make the going tough. if he ex- -peÈ.t s to repeat ag ain this year. Rat- cliffe downed Gordon Wels ofWi[- mneet. Another Evanstonian, Ali-cee tourt to. the eighth grades inclusive are memnbers 'of the orchestra. The numbers to be plaved by the group next Tuesday are "Liebestraum" by Liszt and "The War March of the Priests" by Mendelssohn. A wood wind group, under the direction of Rex Elton Fair, aiso will play for the Neighbors club. Robert Knauer, sonn ofMr. and TksCkitRnessélect ths glorîu gift for your SýW.e- heart, wif.. daught.r or, mother. S.. the lest sup.erbly styled models ,wth beautfful hardwood exteriors now. on dsply et our store. Wili hold for Chrisimnes d.Iuv.ry. FURNiTrURE DEPT.-Tli!RD ýFLOOR, Cet'Yours Todmyle This special is made possible beceus. w. Values., ar. diso@fliaiq on to ~linos of .k.t4s. Use $10siros ar. al he fam- $10 ous moaes - tubuler steel hockesys with g... uine leaiher sho.s. Mens and women's. Spedial!ý Junior Rob Skates 65c Fiee Mo* Insuonue Pi»lcy Included. $ 295, Raw :Hide Lacos Pair 25c 35C