The music for Bunday morning la a.3 foIIowU.: Organ f10 :)- i ahitmas ln Silly ...... Yt "Variations on Christmnas Caros"- Faulkea Min Marie l3rlel Introit - 10 Corne, O Coré ne, mmnuel" Plainsong Anthêni by the choir: 1Siig, Ci IHesv- on, ....................... Tours O1fertory anthein: Beautiful S8aviour" Christianson Organ postlude:4 "F1anfare"ý...Bridgé Tihé High Sehool lbague willl meet Sun- day evenling at 5:30 o'clock. Theta Upsilon Rho willi meet.Sunday at Tomorrow. (friday> is.the Iaut daLy of thé Christmias fair héld in thi. chorch. Luncheons, dinnérs bootha, fortune- teller, etc., are the Ïatures e't the fair. This evenilng (Thursday) theé Aladdin Playèesot WLS wiil présent a draina. la addition, there. Will be an. actual pro- duction of an audition, with back stage sound effeets, control board, and opera' tors.Tq>morrow evenlng, weil known ra- dio starW wlll predoininate, among thern the entire 1>ckard gatnIy. Choie' rehearsal held tonight that all mfbes be ln theiPlcso turne as there are only thrée rehéarsais before Christmnas. The Philathea class wil jileét Tuesdav evénlng Deceauber 11, at 8 o'clocklu thej Won a ~roorn. A Joint meetinge of the W. F. m. 8. and Chairmanl: Mrs. Gec Wlinétté 3819. Thé W. H. M. S.C hé sent soon. This. I articles of aIl kinds, woman, sizé 38, boY. Articles may be left ai ,UWe.LtI LIA r and tam- nittte , will en to thén ie made for ke meeting. ýox must eal for slmé 40 ; 110, 11.ý eh office. Thé eW(ban's guild will hld lits régu- la monthly ineetlig.on Friday, Decelu- ber 14. at thé church wIth luncheon at 12:30 O'ciock. Thé Ri4ighboôrhood circle w Il hi. ln charge of thé luncheon. Mrs. IL EL.Burge, chairtuan.EBach table wIll bé oecoratéd and'occupied by a différent circlé, and a 11 prime *eI1 be given to thé circle with, thé best décorations. 'Thé Crsetcirclé will coflduct a food sale during thé day.. A moat enjoyablo pro- grain has been plauned., Thé Northwest. circle will conduct a service of Christmias, carols . Thé Oison trio froin NewTrier *Ill fivé a àimusical prograin. With piano, violin and 'éelle. Thé inibers of this trio âme thé Misses nu and Jane Oison and Eleanor Stéen.ý Miss Arlene Hoff-. mian, of thé, Northwesteru School of Speech, *111,give a nuînbémof eadingo. The hi g h chool Young people tuéet év- ery Bunday eveniaig at 5 30 o'cbock wth Francis Hayes as counsellor. Social hour and réfreshmeflts at 6:30. Irii d amup Pire Girls meet oni Scout troop No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:30 P. in. Thé Browuies (Junior Girl Scouts> meet on Weduésday at 3:30 p. mn. Scout troop No. 2 meets on Wednésday at 7:30 P. iM. Girls' choir rehearsal on Thursday at 3:30 P. m. Boys' choir eharsal on Thursday at 4 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal on Thursday at 7 :15 P. im. Cub Pack 63 at 9:30 a. mi. Saturday. Girls.' choir réhearsal at 10:30 a. Mn. Ninthstreet at Gréenléaf avenue James T. Vénékiasen, miniter At thé morning Worship service at .11 o'clock, thé ministér will préach on thé thème, "Réflectèd Light." Wé cordiallY invite you to worship wlth us. Thé musie for thé mornlng service wil be au follows, Preéîude; "Morning," Grieg;. anthei, "Hosanna. in thé Hlgh- est," Statuer; solo,' "Corné unto Hlm," Dunil, Mr. Otis, solost; postlude, ,'March" (Hercules),î Handél. Miss iErnin Rounds is director. Wednesday evening we will hold our aidwéek service at 8 o'clock. We will continue our studiés ln thé Sermon on thé Mount. We Invite you to spéi*d this hour wIthus. The choir wlll réhears e Friday evening at the church. Girl Scout troop No. 5 meets et the churçh Saturday .atternoon. A pageant-drai .na, ,"Thé doming ot thé King?' w il! be given Sunday atternioone DOeenber 23, at 4 o'clock. A large cast and chorug will participate. This la the Christms story ln dramatic torm. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf -A. Housé of Worship"' The Rev.. David R. Kabele, pastor STYNDAT YSERVICES Church achool............ 9:45 a. mn. Morning worship........... 11:00 a. m. Luther league............ 5:30 p. mn. -The Woma's-oeiety willa, méet ti aftérnoon (Thursday> at the parsonage at 2 o'cloek. The society will have Its Christmas party and a box will be paecked for the chfldren of the Nachusa orphanage at Nachusa, 111. Choir rehearual Friday evening -àt 7:«-30 o'clock. Thé childrén of the Church school wilI rehéarse for the Christmas pi-ogram, on Saturçlay morning-boys at 9 o'clock, and, the girls'at 10 o'clock.. Thé Church school will hold its Christ- mas programn on Sunday afternoon, December 23, at 4:-30 p. Mn. We wlll hold our ealy Christmnas mornlng service on Christma- morning at 6 :30 o'ciock. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Wllett, ministér Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday, Dé- cémiber 9, will be "Home Fîmes." Thé, church service lu at il o'clIock. UeS uIIay. The children of -the church sehool are sa.vlng ln' their Advent- boxes for a large offering to be presentédl at their annual Christmas' service,, the total of which wilI go to the childreu In dlff- erent church Institutions Iu Chicago. The. speaker at the, Sunday Bvenîng club ]n the First Congregational church next Sunday evening wili be Major James Sawders., Hia subJect wiIl be: "T1hé West Indies and thé Spianish Main". The lecture will be iiiustratéd. wIth: motion. pictures made by Major. Sawders. Baptist uChILurciz Wilmette and 1"orest avenues Rév. George D. Allison, pastor. Universal Bible Sunday occur7s on De- cenîber 9. a.nd this church will have a unique observance of the day. A Bible Table wiil dispiay varlous Bibles, old anid new, and those Iuterested ln girt Bibles for Christaasa time Mnay place thirltorders ffor tiples. The tftéi ifl sing thé praises of the Holy Soriptures, and Dr.. Allison will preach oni*"Thé *Rediseoveréd Book" paying tributé to Wiclif and Luther and our Anierican * rediscoverers. Thé public iii especially Jnvàted. The Church isch6ol meets at 9 :30. Christmas activities will bé aiinounced and préparations begun for the holiday séason. Boys and girls are remindéd ln good time of our Joyous "OChristm&as Evé Service" of carols, pageantry and wor- ship. 'Mé Aduit lass topic for Sun- day wiil be "Thé Christian Home of Today." The Young Peopl' Union The meeting of tne iBoard of "rrUsteés is pou tponed one weék to Tuesday, Dé- cembér 18, on account of the Great Baptist Rally on thé coming Tuesda3r at Medinah temple. Baptlst leaders fromr many states wlll be thème and President Avery A. Shaw wiil b he cohiéf speaké#. ManY Wilmetté Ba9ptlsts plan to. par- ticipate .ilu thé dinnér and stilli more in:thé meeting whlch follows. "Around thé Holiday Firéside" is thé prograin for. thé coining Wednesday Evenlng Féllowship services at thé Church. "Talklng Over Our Récent Reéading" is thé véry informai thème next Wednesday, Decembér 12, at 8 Abraeadabru Decesuber 7., rei. Lunch- assembiy. i'ooms -et the réar 0f thé Par- 0.Th asist- lliti~iÈte ,willl hold their egular ish Houéýe. The Blshop will visit Bt. ennïé Johnson meeting Mouday évening. Augustine's for confirmation, Sunday, Décémber 23, thé 8uuiday before Christ- Boy Scout troop No, 6 *ill ineét Mon- mas, at il a. m. Iriday eveniug,, day evening at thé church. kG Mrs. A. U. Thé Girls VesteG -choir .of St Aug-1 &Venue. Thé Thé Woma's society willi hol Its ustine'. wlll slug Christmas carols atj 'crs are prestîng thîs evening and )clock. 1 tic Sunday sohool rehea.rals ef thé 'a. Parts will beé 0 i