This migh.t be a, good time, before pôlicies are adopted -for the next sumnier season, to discuss wbat is to be done about routing trafllc in and abouit Washington park. .We are justly pro ud of our. lake- -front park, and the swarms of cars thiât ongregate, there on warm sum- m ez.days and evenings-give eloquent testimony oYf *the pleasure. that the pop«tlû o èceiveg there.e Anything that interferesý with or- mars- the par- ticipation of the people in the enjoy-, <ment of this spot is deplorable. *l'.Last summer %we had an epidemic: of experimentation with, the routing tf trafic into and throi.igh the park, I designate it experimfentation because it was a complete failure from the only standpoints that are1 of' any mi,- portance-convenien .ce ami safety. Whereas, formerly one could- enter at either the iiortb or. soutli entrance, and also leave at eithier end, last summer a freakish one-way syst em was adopted wbkbh perwitted traffic .to enter at either 'end, but to exit oniy at the soutb end. Then, to make matters tremendously worse, the street immediateiy ôn the west of the park was closeci, so that ail traf- lic leaving the park was forced out onto the crowded and speed-swept Sheridan road, from wbence one couid get across into Wilmette proper only by cros sing this dangerous traf- fié near the .south exit from the park, or by rnaking a ieft turfi through the a system which had suggested itselt to me long before the experimenta- tion of last summner brougbt the idea out into bold, relief. (1). Permit traffic. to enter at either the north or the south entrance. (2 erinate the driveways within the p)1ark e(beyond the forks, froyft the entrance drives) as one-way drives. Traffie entering at,.the north will braflch off to the right JuÉt inside the park, and. continue ln that direction, enclrcling the. park along the west drive, curving east- ward and on toward. the parking area at theý lake front. Traffie enterlng at the south, will. continue,,east. toward the parking area, Joi.ning with the tratfll fronithe north entrance at the first fork. NO TRAFFIC '120 BE PERMITTED TO EXIT BY WAY 0F THEM SOUTH, EN- TRANCE DRIVEWAY. Frorn the park- ing grea, traffic,. wili1 proceed nrrthward ln the east drive way, and ALL TRAFFIC WIL, EXIT AT THE NORTH. EXPLANATION:- The reasoning bacek o~f this syStem ls this: due to Influx of *"Pffic fromn the north entrance. It la un- *- ise to permit traffle to '"btk" ln the -u.~th entrance drlveway; ind it îs dan- for bttilé tràLftO from the nrtlt to ,,euetiate the sharp, a<cute angle, turn "I' the west into that driveway. On the other band, with this deslgnated as a one-way drive. thé traffie from the north can merge with the trafflc already on this south entrance driveway, keeping to the left of that trafice, and not Inter- foring with It or being Interfered with. This la possible due to the broad angle q t which the twe driveways joln. when travel Is ln thie direction lndicated: 1. e. the effeet la Just the opposite of what 1 t la when the tra.ffle tries te get around this türn. -and go west 1n thissouth en- kCfows it. *wltïout ijnterference, in the short -tretch Furthermore, by- the system in- just lnsldethe Park, and wlll then branch augurated last9 summier, traffic leaving off te thie right, without any Interfer- the ence what ever. The only place where teparking area was required to i raffie wlll be meving ln opposite direc- circle around the nortb-bound drive- tiens .will be ln this short stretch just way, eventualiy recurving toward the Inside the north entrance, where ne In- terfereilce will exist. $ outh,ý, and -finally finding, an, exit' at (3) To afford greater parking s3pace.: the south entrance drive. To get into and greater conveniee. parkingý will, this exit éentranter drive it was noices- be Permltted 014 014E AiDE :ONLY 0F ALL ONE-WAY DRIVEWAYS wlthin sary to negotiate an acute angle turn, the park; excepting where -double-line No car could possibly make this turn traffla e likely te exiat, namely, ln thé, *(regardless of creeping speed) with- a4outh drivewa.y between the fork and *, ~W thie parking ares. on the lake front. This Ph....: ZON-ZUOl I NA 31OTS AT I I I * Demonstration ln our studios ail day Saturday, Dec. 15.I No charge. Huion"»" Pffl@ Sbopsj um'IfÏë.nleaf Avenue. Wihnette 167,6. p J~~UL11 ~11 >U~ l1,A Sherldan roqd race track, wilthout summer. I -have offered at Ieast one 'en) about a block under the flew even.the Protection of a crosslng efficer pract;cable, workable plan. Any conditions; if- they are lucky enough -r a trame 1Lkht; while the perfectly others that would work out equaiivy to find rooju in wbich to park, good trafflc liglit et Lake avenue conl- as -well would be fully as acceptable, tinued te provide a safe erossing, whichy Usualiy when one criticises any- It was im"gsmblè for those leaving th I am sure.- thing of tbis nature, ho is accused of park* to utilize. * Harry A. Fanckbnr destructive criticism,. without offering For the sakce of tfhe safety of th e 1232 Laeav ne , places Major George A. Quinlan,II 211 Greenleaf ave -1 nue. Daniel Mc- 1 Cann of Evanston 1 was reelected presi- dent; C. M. Cart- wrigbt of, Evans- ton, secretary; ErîE Orner Jamies F. Leahy of Evanston, treasuirer, and, Williamn L. McGoodwin. of Evanrston, nman agin g director and golf. club; superintendent. Mr. ,Orner was reelected on the board for, a, three-year termn as were also Mr.. Cartwright, Mr. .Leahy' and A., P. Campbell of Chicago. The maniaginig director, repo ted that the policy of the organization in estab- lishing Monday as "ýLadies' Day,"' giv- ing a special rate to, women and girls on that day, and also reducing -the rate for boys under 17 years of age on Sat- urdays up to Il1 o'clock In the morning, proved very successful and there had been a hearty response frcorn the cpm- munity. The- Evanston Comnuinity Recrea- tion association is conducted by public spirited citizens for the ýbenefit, of al wbo desire to play golf at a reasonabie rate. Group Plans Holiday. Trip to Mexico City Arnold Bridges, tuember of the foreign language department at New Trier Higb school; Robert W. Town- Iey, director of.physical education at the Joseph Sears schoo!, Keniiworth; George Ray, physical education in- structor at the Avery Coonley scbool~ Downers Grove, and a fourth man'. Yet to be determined *wili drive* to Mexico City, Mex., during the Christ-~ mas holidays in Mr. Townley's sedan. The fourth mnember of. the party wiIi_ be either Peter- Gilbert, senior. at New Trier Hligh school, or Morneé Jasper,' one of the Evanston scout- masters, Mr.* Townley said this week. The group expects to leave the north shore on December 21, returning on1 Tanuary 2.Tlnnn rei'nLy tw he ?Mex-r. AC£ MOTOR SALES- main Street 1Wm9letto &$râ