Mrs. Lloyd Crossett, 529 Cumnor road, Kenllworth, will entertain her sewing club for luncon Friday. AKFOR : . and avoid md diappoiàted 48 Years' Experienrce' Upbolmteriflg and Repairing Furuiture CHAIR RECANING Adt Funiture Co* 326 Lisdmn Avemmu ph... WDmetite4453 and that it is the ition or . State's Attorney to have executbons issued wbere, judgments have been entered and levies can be made to satisfy any judgmneit' on -any or al personal pro 1p erty which may be sold to satisfy the judgment and accrued Costt. Trhere is no exemption of persoilal property in regard to taxation, JUS- tiéve $inlsheimer explains, and qqtes the follw ing froin Cahili's Statute of Illinois, 1 9 33, cbapter '120, section 174, paragraph 156. «Iti case any person, comnpafly or cor- poration shail refuse or neglect to paY the taxes imposed on hilm or themi, whefi dema nded, it shall be the duty of the col- lector to Ievy the saine together with costËanad charges thàt may accrue. by distres and sale of the personai prop- erty of *the person, comnlKy or corpora- tion who ought to pay' the saine.' BACK FRtOM fOWRIDA Mr. and Mrs. joseph .0.- Converse, 1610 Highland avenu e; have just re- turned froin a motor trip to Mel- bourne, Fia., where thley visited Mrs. Converse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Irwin and ber sister, Mrs. ýArthur Stewart and family., They were accompanied by Miss Virginia 77/se Pickard PMWIY (abote) of radEo tomewil paPtr>promtintly ýn. thse Radio Nigh: Pro>graom Priday, December 7J, held in conuection u4t/i the Cltrtmas Pair i». pro-gresthis u'eek' ai the Wilmette Paris/i Met hodiatt éhu réh, unde r çponçor-thiP of the Woman'Aid Society ofte c/urc/i. . This talented famiiy, whose home is 1-Higherest P. T. A. Wili in Ashland, Tenn., virtually stumble erL cue M ~ i into radio faine. Wbhile on~ a vaCat1dh tour of the country, it was suggested The Highcrest Parent-Teacher w the group try out on a radio prograin. sociàtion wiil hold its next- regul2 They proved an iminediate success and monthiy meeting Tuesday evenir have been on tbe air ever sice. They December 11, at the sehool at have appeared on the Lucky 'Strike o'clock. After a short business, s< hour, Soconj Iand Sketches, Gold Spot sion L. E. Hildebrand will giveý Pais, and others, and are now featured lecture on Mexico, iliustrated wit on- the NBC Farm and Home hou. motion pictures. A social hour i The family includes Motiier and Dad, foilow the meeting. Ruth, Bub, Ann and Cbuck, eacb iai'- ing an iniportant part in the act...... ATTENDS CONVENTIONS as- a th nul WILMETTE, ANNOUNCES AFREE LECTURE ON: CHIRISTIAN SCIENCE Thi evnin terewii b a resn-Baltimore and Washington. He spent ation hy the Aladdin Playens, another Thanksgiving with bis son, Herbert, adio. feature bnoughit to .Wiîmette Jr., who is a director of the Coin- hnough the courtesy of Edgar Fellers. munity Cheet in Washington, D. C. nesidnt o the illae. Dr. Willett lef t on Monday of this _______________week for Dayton, Ohio to attend the convention of the Federal Council %,pprove Stop and Go of Churches of Christ in America. Lights at LakeSkokie GIVES PROGRAM At its meeting Tu esday 'night -the The Youang Peopie's Sunday Even- h -ýýA £ ý h. , ;- i i 11cl hb nf th e K enilw nrth U nioný 1 TO ATTEND TH-E PUBLIC IS CORDIAILLY INVITED 4 13 Linden Avenue t~.42 Dtte 4120 ý