wt . penIu uns houe pi dévotion witn usn. *The Women's Prea byterial, society ili meet Priday, Decomher ".-at Marehali Fieid's Wedgwood room at 12:30. Res- ervations muni. be made M. once witk Mrs. Frankc Eager, becausîe of the llmilted number that can be .aýnimodated. Boy Scout Troop No. 5 meetsmonday evenlng at the chuîch. Girl Scout:Trçnop Nio. 6 meets Satur- dayatO at the cbhurch. The Chorus choir *111 rehearze Friday' evening at the church. Part of our C hristian program willl be a drarna-pageaut, eThe Comlng of the KJng,"ý to be given,:Sunday atternoon, Decmeber 23. Rehearsals wIl begin lrnmediately. Seek to Curtail Holiday Parties for N. T. Students The executive committee of the parent-teacher association of New Trier High- school has addressed a communication to parents of the high school students asking their coopera- ion toward providing a wliolesomne and sane holiday period for New Trier boys and girls. The committee suggests that the number and ex- pense of Christmas parties be cur- tailed and that precautions be taken are given by groups of New Trier students und are atteiîded by' New, -Trier student- and alumni they are commonly thotéght of as New Trier parties. The communication talled the at- tention of pareilnts to tuîe. following: (1) The paru~es have sonietimes been very expensive. (2), The parties have sometimeà been given by comparatively few boys and girlsmaking the cost for each host and Mi ss Harrie t Webster, IÉ street, a senior at Connéc lege, will spend Thanksgivin York with Miss* Anne Faw was her guest last summer. 'NN I Tokens of Service! ~~U" rethrt u evice seau.Imm, Co ra4edhlaour Golden Rle ehat we have.been accepted for te efdd erro repree, i commuh.- £ey, te.Order 0f te.GoldenRlei. A@; Ulmos f our readete kaow, ehis lu ani. weaatoasl Oiu f fau dlc, whaçe 'de nd,.eakm bave wn On. point ehxat eh.z Order staeuses Ms of rmarv importance in ehat evey memter tender modern service e reasonable colt; and diat te. service et its m.n>ers b. within te.reach of ail te people, rdies.of Enanciul Sn- ar l *