4a November 22, 1934 WILMBTTE LIFE Show Boat and Radio Stars to Embellish Big Christmas Fair Methodist.Church Women, Pro mise Gala Entertainment Entertainment, varied'andof ex- ceptional qualityawaits villagers who will attend the aninual Christmas Fair given by the Woman's Aid society at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church December 5, 6 and 7. Word bas been received from Mrs. Walter F. Schur, chairman of the entertainiment feature sponsored by the Third division of the Woman's Aid society, of the appearance 0on Wednesday, December 5, of the "Topsy and Eva Show Boat"', witlî a cast of sixty directed by Miss Julia Sale of E vanston. On Thursday, I)ecemiber 6, there will be a represen- tation lyv the Aladdin Players, hrought to Xilmettc througli the courtesy of Edgar Fellers of 'Nil- mette. On Friday, December 7, there wiIl be a variety program l)y famous radio stars, with Jack Holden, master of ceremonies and chief announcer on WLS, ini charge of affairs. .Recail Show Boat Days The -Topsy and Eva's Showv Boat" will provide an old fasbioned enter- tainnient such as was presented on the Mississippi showvbôats many years, ago. Two scenles from Uncle Toms Cabin will be presented, involving the mixups of Topsy, Eva and Miss Ophelia. These characters will be' protraved by Barbara Jean Currev (Eva). Nancy Currey (Miss Ophelia) and Mitzi (Topsy). The stage wvill l)e transformed into a veritable show- boat complete with the black crew. pickaninnies, Mammies, and white guests. The varions leading cbarac- ters, l)orrowved from the wvell knowii Maxwvell House Show Boat will ini- clude Mary Lou, Lanny Ross, Annette Hanshaw, M'olassas and January, and genial Capt'n Heniry. Present AladjinPlayers The Aladdin Players f romn the WLS broadcasting' station will stage one of the old, time dramas 'so fre- quently heard on the air on Saturday nights.' Augmenting the actual pro- duction will be sceies -back stage" at the radio station, including rehearsal auditions and reproduction of sound effects. A public address system will be utilized to make the surroundings entirely realistic. Among the notables who will appear on this program aré Dorothy McDonald, Hazel Dopheide, Romelle Fay, H. Lest .er T.remaynie,. 'Nyn Orr, Jack Doty, AI Halus, and Homer Griffith. Friday's personal appearance of radio stars will include, in addition to Mr. Holden, the entire Pickard eani- ily, Louis Mincher,, well known in- terpreter of ballad and novelty num- bers and other stars. The Christmas Fair propér will fea- ture among, other things many inter- esting booths, including home made bakery goods, aprons, candy and things of interest to children. CHURCH CROUP TO MEET Spoke 5 of the Presbyteriaii church wilI meet with Mrs. Francis H. Hol- lister, 914 Elmwood avenue, on.Tues- day, November 27.. Mrs. Hollister's mother, Mrs. George A. Nash, wiIl be the assisting host ess. Sewing wilLbe- gin a t il o'clock, lun cheon will be served at 1, and there will be sewing and the st udy class in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sprague Chapin 236 Laurel avenue, spent last. weekend with their children, Mary Beth and John at Beloit college. The 'latter will spend Thanksgivillg with. their parents. C-,11 Former Glee Club Members to Rehearsals, AlI former glee club members of: New Trier, High school, both men and women, are being urged to participate in the rehearsals to be held in the school's new music department, Woodland avenue, Winnetka, at 3 :30 o'clock, Sunday afternoons, December 2 and 9, in preparation for the great alI-school Christmas Music festival scheduled December 16. The glee club alum- ni must participate iii both re- hearsals to be eligible for the fes- tival, it is stressed. Pietures of Northwest to Be Viewed at Church Pictures of Yellowstone National Park,,the Pacific Nortbwest, Alaska and the new streamline train. of the Union Pacific railroad will be shown Saturday evening, November 24, at 7 :30 o'clock, at the Wilmette English Lutheran church. These pictures will be presented by R. A. Kirkpatrick, national lecturer, member of Advisory Council Izaak Walton League of America on Na- tional Parks, and corresponding edi- torNationial Geographic Magazine. This program is sponsored by the Woman's society under the direction of Mrs. Frank Hayson, for the com- inunity. AIl are invited. No tickets are being sold, a but a voluntary off- ering ivili be received. Refreshments will be served. Miss Eva Jones Returns to Her Teaching Duties Miss Ev*a Jon~es returned to her teac 1hing duties at the Logan school Monday of this week after a long ab- sence. Miss Jones, who' teaches the second grade, was stricken with ap- pendicitis last April. She was c'.m- pelled to give up ber teaching work at that time. During ber absence Mrs. Harold Condit (May Witcher), who formerly taught at Logan scbool, substituted for ber. Another mem- ber of the Wilmette Public school faculty, Mrs. Geene Gibson, fifthi grade teacher at Howard, is on the sick list at present. She recenly underwent an operation for appen- dicitis at the Illinois Masonic Ixos- pital in Chicago, but was expectd- to return to. her home in Evanston Wednesday ofthis week. Talks on Adolescence Before Higherest Group Mrs. Dan Pagenta, state chairman of the National P.T.A. magazine, gave a talk on, adolescence at the. regular monthly meeting of the Highcrest Parent-Teacher association, Tuesday night, November 13, at the Highcrest school. Bernard Flood, Wilmette violinist, played two selections. .Mrs. joseph Reagan, president of the Highcrest ýP.T.A. for two terms, tendered ber resignation on account of illness Mrs. Herbert Kusmertz, vice-president, will be in charge of the meetings until a new president is appointed. After the meeting bunco was play- ed to raise a fund for the. social hours which follow each meeting. Mrs. John Brown was in charge of the prizes and the refreshments. Mrs. F. H. Riefmeyer of St. Louis is visiting ber sister and 'family, the C. E. Holzworths, 1034 Ramona road. LOGAN-HOWARDI Po.T. A. The sum of $80 was added to the Welf are fund of the Logan-Howard1 Parent-Teacher, association as the1 proceeds of the Dessert Bridge given2 in the auditorium of the Howard( school, last Friday afternoon. Thist money will help to pay for the medf-s cal and dental care given to thei Logan and Howard school children1 whose families are unable to prov*,dc such care. The thanks of the P. T. A.i are offered to Mrs. R. E. Dalstromi,1 who had charge of the arrangement-,.i and to hjer assistants, Mrs. Philip Davis, Mrs. R. B. DeVinny, Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle, Mrs. Benjamin Jacobsen,. Mrs. Lowell. Todd, Mr$. H. A. LaRoy and Mrs. C. J. Nylund. Mrs. John D. Kinnear, Better Film., chairman of the Logan-Howard P. T. A., reports interesting and in- formative meetings under the leader- ship of, Mrs. Robert G. Halliwell Bet- ter Films chairmaný for the village. These meetings are held once a month, and are responsible for the improved quality of the pictures of- fered in our village, especially those over the week-ends when the at- tendance is -so largely made p O children. The Babies Friendly is meeting t o- day at the home of Mrs. G. T. HelI- muth, 1636 Forest avenue. to make layettes for l)abies in nleedy famîlies'. Mrs. Norman Fulfer of the Logan- Howvard Pre-School circle suggests that if anyone is considering joining their number, now is the ideal.time. inasmuch as the îiext meeting, on December 11, is to be of a social na- ture, and will provide a good op- portunity *to get acquainted. Call Mrs. Fuller (Wilmette 2474) if yon wish to join this group which meets on the second Tuesday evening of the month in the Howard school, to study problems and methods of ile- veloping the small child's character. The next meeting of the Pre-Ado- lescent and the Adolescent Study groups'is to he held on the first Tues- day morning in December ins,.ead th e third, since the P. T. A. ;S îný-Ct- ing on the afternoon of December 18, the third Tuesdav of the month. Wilmette Students Get High Seholastie Rating Two Wilmette students were among the 148 students at Northwestern uni- versity recently awarded certificates at the aniual Honors convocation for high scholastic attainment. Selected from the entire body of 4,000 students on the Evanston campus, the recipi- ents of these certificates were honored because of their rank in the first 5 per cent of their respective classes for the previons year. Students presented these certificates are Marge! Small, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Small, 2Q3 Seventeenth street, and Arthur Weldon, son of Mr..and Mrs. William J. Weldon, 1340 Greenwood avenue.. Miss Small is a seniorîii the College of Liberàl Arts, -and was re- cently elected to Phi Beta Kappa, na- tional honorary scholastic fraternity. ýWeldon is a junior in the College of Liberal Arts. .He is a member of the Yi M. C. A. counicil. RETURN FROM TEXAS Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Leeman, 1004 Lake avenue, returned last Monday from nearly a fortnight's trip to Texas, stopping at Fort Worth, Dal- las, and then at Vernon to see Mrs. Leeman's brother. They came home sooner than they expected because of the death of Mrs. Edward V. Price of St. joseph, Mo., whose funeral «A rmy ot Mercy" Starts Communit Chest Ca>paig (Continued, from :Page 3) reported of a family of. eight, îpr- merly in good circumstances, no" almost destitute. A philanthropic couple, reading the story,. doubted that such a condition could be oos- sible in Wilmette, and determined to investigate. They were advised by Mrs. John C. Blaylock, welfare worker, that the report was authentic, whereupon they asked to be put in personal touch with the needy farnily, which was done. As a resuit the entire family was "adopted," and will be provided for during the winter by this worthy couple, without re- course to public charity or counity relief. Cite Tragic Case The Infant Welfare relates a case of a family (not in Wilmette) con- sisting of father, mother and four children ranging in age from 3 months to 52 years, alsuffering front undernourishment almost to the point of starvation. The parents were proud, and after exhausting their small saviîlgs sold aIl but a fewv pieces of their furniture in a de- termination to avoid going on relief. To show- their desperate condition, one child 23 months old, weighed only 15 pounds and 10 ounces, -normal weight for its age being 23 to 28 pounds. The family was taken in hand, by the Infant .Welfare, county aid secured, and the mother and chil- dren aIl put under medical care. They are gradually being brought back to normal health. The children will be taken care of by Infant Welfare un- tiI the youngest is 6 years old, and ready for the public school. Meet Emergency Neds Last Sunday (the very day the Community Chest campaign started) the Wilmette Welfare board was ap- pealed to for help for a local woman in desperate need of an emergency surgical operation. She was at once taken to the Cook county hospital, but because of lack of room she was refused admittance. The Evanston hospital finally was appealed to and accepted ber as a patient. However, due to ber undernourished condition, the operation could not be performed immediately, but was deferred until Wednesday. The outcome is in doubt. These, it is stated, are but instances showing the great need existing right here in our own community, and the fine work being done by those organ- i7ations sharing in the community Chest. Arden Shore, the Red Cross, and other beneficiaries are doing worçi, equally important and commendable9- and assurance is given that every dollar subscribed to the Community Chest will go to alleviate hunger and want among people who are flot chronic charitY casse but who have thro ugh no fault of their own, been deprivied of employment and the means of self-support. These unfor- tunates, ît is said by those in charge of the drive, have a right to look fr sustenance to those among whom they have liv ed during better days. And so, they add, remfember that when you are éalled upon to make a Community Chest pledge. CIRCLE MEETS MONDAY The North End circle of the Wil- mette Congregational church will mneet, next Monday with Mrs. R. . Pattison Clime, 1311,Greenwood ave- nue. Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, Mrs. Willis Hutson, Mrs. Lorin A. Bower, and Mrs. Leslie Perry will be co-host- esses. Miss Anne Whitmack of the Wilmette library, will give a talk on November 22, 1934 WILMIETt]E LIIPE