WILMRTTH LIPE November 22. 1934 Youir Car for RENTALS REPAIR RECHARGE Wilme Lte Baltery& Electric Service 740 Twelfth Street- Phones Wilmette 691544.,. SHAWNEE SERVICE GARAGE fie £vu 8T. WIL *Sas LYNAN SERVICE GARAGE alBR mflfluAvz.W UIL.MA2 SHIMONEK SERVICE aeN! MAN n-- usB** ce... HTLTE Best of al Batteries 3 times a year ... Fi it and forget it! --~wi. -0-30..---3 MAI.N. M.. n. 5374i WJNTER IS COMJNG!t Colder weather> is on the way. Get ready for it n ow by filling your bin with Consumers Guaranteed Coal or Coke! When you buy Guaranteed Fuel you may be sure of high. est quality, full weight, uniform heat and trouble-fre comfort ail winter long. BUY YOUR'GOAL ON APPROVAL GUARANTEED COAL, COKE, AND FUEL OIL T HER E ' A -CONSUM ERS YAR D 1 N 0 U R N El1 GH 8 0 R H 00 D ,ME~'eE LUMBERCOMPANIES Modernize Your aHone wi&htheanidocd &e NATIONAL HOUSING ACT *U IDySTORM SASHaNaw' I C OVER the walls of your f rame house widi Careystone Siding, and thcy will neyer again need painting. The resulting saving will repay the cost of the improvement, and the extra protection will make the house warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Careystone Siding is made of asbestos and cernent, it is as weather-proof and fire-proof as 8tone. Only a few dayu are required to cover the walls of an average house, and the interior le riot disturbed while the work is going on., Let us give you an estimate on modernizing your homne with Carcystone Sid- i185-no obligation, of course. TZBPO 289 MMl Briargate 3m828 Univeaty 7700 273 W. Raih'oad Avenue MADE*OF ASESOSANDCM 'i un MU WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 Usý your Battery. O. K.?* Let us check it for you. No need for you to have ýpoor starting, dimi lights or a weak radio when a perfect batteryr is ail that's needed. ,' WILME TTE LIPE . November 2z 1934 7