WILMETTE LIPE November 22. 1934 wull bring the first of, the spetaculat E SR 0 TIN Horse 'shows to the brilliantly dec- "XHOME FROM THE 81100 TING i bch - ea __________________________________________________ o ateda 1teerwI chwilI ea 12,000 peo le. The Horse shows will, continue every evening tbroughout the week of the exposition. Thirty Brds Compéting Beginning on Monday. flecemnber 3and çontinuing until theclosing damagnificent, parades of the kings, and queens of the farm animal world wili pass inproud review before the among the 30 different breeds of ive stock thatwill be represented at the- exposition this year. The management announces that on the closing days of the exposition there wiIl be auction sales' of thousands of the prize-winning meat animaIs. Steamship lines and the railroads, hotels and quality meat markets each year pay premium prices for these -prime quality offer-g ings for which there is keen demand during the holiday season. Cari M. Prussing (lefi) of 1.132 Cent rai avenue, Wilrnette, wenit on a duck hunting trip uith a friend recentiy, and width what succcss this picture of tise pair ttiii arn.ply testify. T/sey had some splendid assistance fromn the compiacent youpig feiiot, shozvn in thse foreground. Tihe picture was subrnitted by Mr. Prussing>s proud daughter, Marilyn. Lochner Returns to Realty Office; Foresees Up-Trend Carl L. Lochner, manager of the Glencoe office of McGuire and Orr at 316 Park avenue, bas returned to active service in charge of this office after leave of absence of eigbt months, during whicb time Mr. Loch- ner had charge of certain amusement concessions at the World's Faïir grounds. Mr. Lochner states that wbie bc bas been inactive in the business dur- ing bis period of absence, be bad nol lost touch witb the real estate situa- tion on the north shore. He is re- turning to bis work witb a consider- able amount of entbusiasm. He feels *that owing to the generai housing conditions, there will be a rapid up- ward trend in prices of desirabie homes on the nortb shore by spring- time, The point that Mr. Lochner stresses to verify bis belief that the trend is sure to be upward, is the aimost en- tire iack of new, construction work during >the depression period. The unscrambling of familfes doubied up, three and four in a bouse »or apart- ment, ail now seeking individual.units, will of itseif in a short time use up the available suppiy of homes forirent or sale, whicb bhas been apparent by the, present stiffening of pricçs in both sales and rentais. Tbis of necessity ,wiff bring about tconstruction of new homes whicb first, wiii entail purchase of vacant property, Mr. Lochner points out. He visualizes an active market invacant property between now and spring which wiii sureiy bring an upward trend in prices, and in bis judgment, wiil create a condition similar to the one wbicb foiiowed, the close of the World war, wben the shortage of housing accommodations became so meute that it had the effect of creating a strong market and high values. Mr. Lochner as a rcal eotate maon of World's Biggest Stock Show Opens December 1 Througb eight spectacular days and nights American agriculture will be revealed in its most appealing forni at the International Live Stock Ex- position, to be beld here December 1 to 8. It wiil be the 35th anniversary of thslargest live stock show in the worid, and it will be held in a mam- moth new building that bas been specially constructed for it since the Stock Yard fire destroyed the expo- sition's old quarters iast May. The new amphitheater, which is on the same site as the old, is the finest structure of its kind in the world and bas been built at a cost of $1,- 250,000. Over 12,000 Animais OfficiaIs of the exposition state that approximately 12,500 of the con- tinent's choicest farm animaiswili be assembled. by the opening day in rcadiness for the continent-wide competitions* and contests in wbicb tbey will be featured throughout the first week of December. On Saturday, Deecmber 1, farm boys and girls from eleven states wil lead their prize baby-beeves before the noted foreign cattle juclge, Walter Biggar, wbo is now enroute from bis homne in Scotland to award the prizes, in the cattie -classes. Teams of ag- ricultural college students from rnany states' wili aiso,,compéte in a national stock judging contest on the opening day, and as. a preiiminary event, on November 30, state cbhampion.teamns of higb. scbool boys and -girls wil compete in a similar contest. Saturday evening, December 1, long experience on the north shore where be bas worked. for fourteen years and bas been particularly active in the Glencoe territory. He bas been in charge of McGuire and Orr's Glen- coe office for severai years. He is aiso secretary of the Glencoe Park board. LIBRARY NEWS *Kyne-Underatandlng Heart. Larsb-marKhyyam. manners-sutton-Blaek God. Nordhoff-Pltcalrn'a Island. Ostenso-Whilte Reef. Paterson--goldenVanity. Prlchard--Old Farm. Rosalnsý-The Proud and Meek. Ross- 4ghland Twillght. Saroyan-Daring. Young Man on the F lying Trapeze. Sayers-Omnibus. Steln-Making of Americans. Stone-Lust for Life. Suckow-The Folks. Wilder-Heart, Be Stili. Wodehouse-Brinckley Manor. SOCIOLOGY Harrison-Social Survey. World.Trend Toward Nationalisii. Gettys-Law of Citizenship ln the U. S. National and World Planning. Towards National Recovery. Social Changes *and the New Dell. Social InAurance. Blodgtt-Mikinig the Most of Your Ili- Corne. Interviews. Group Activities for, Menta lly Retarrled Children. SCIENCE AI) TECHNOLOGY Jennings-Biological Basis of Hurnan Nature. Ditnars-Reptiles of the World. Whitrnan-First Aid. for the Ailing flouse. Finney-Princ iples of Aecoutiting. The Wilmette public lil)rary bas1 ARRAY 0F NEW MODES added to its collection niost of thi important new books. The rnosti A striking- array of lie%% modes is often called for are Young's "So Red shown ini "Thie Riclhest Girl in the the Rose," Millers "Lanib in His XXorld," RKO-Ra(ljo attraction. M.\in- Bosom," Hilton's "Lost Horizon,' amn Hopkins and Fay Wrav sound Woolcott's "While Rome Burns," ani fashionable ilotes ini fenijinie- apparel Adamic's "Native's Return." suitable for every- hour around the FICTION dlock. froni pyj)amias to evening. Alexander--Candy. Boileau-When Yellow Leaves. gown 5* Burt-Thls Woman and This Man. Christie-Murder in Three Acts. HOME FOR THANKSGIVING Coffey-She Loves Me Not. Colver-Three Loaves. .Ainoiig t lie \Vilmette girls attend- Corbett-Mr. Underhill's Progress. iing De Pauw uiiversitN.. wlio wvil, Crofts-ýCrimle on the Soient. spend tlieir Thaîiksgivi .iig hldv Gordon-Alex Maury, sportsman, witli tlîcir familles are Phyvllis Carie(- Hergesheimer-Foolscap Rose. Hull-Morning Shows the Sky. toi'. letty PhIillip)s. KatlirvnFola Johnson-Now in November. anid Bettv Siiiith. With. the blue ribbons on it And we'I hitch old Dobbin to the shay! Now they say- Put on your new French model With the Pomn-poà oit it A nd we'lI stop at BRAUN BROS., onl'he way! B r a u n Bros. Service Stations (there is one EN near your home) now offer Super Sheli Gasolinie. Firestone Tires, Quaker State Oul and Exide Batteries. You'll like Braun' Bros. service. and courtesy! "RED" GRANGÉ FOOTBALL SCORES Ask for them. at any Braun Bros. Stationi SERVICE DRAUN DROIS. STATIONS WILMETTE KENILWORTH Central Avenue, 560 GreenBay Road west of Main Street EVANSTON 1 November e, 1934 1 WILMETTI