November 22,1934 VILMITTE - a 57P a, BOWLE RS SPORTSMAN LEAGUE Botb the first and second 'place teams in the Sportsman Bowling league won three straight games from their opponents in the matches bowVled last week. The league leading Krier Buffet team won easily fromn the last place Cycle inn teamn by scores of 904 to 746, 889 to 728 and 949 to 801, while -the second place Hugo and Bingo bowlers of Winnetka put the Sunset Villa, also of Winnetka. down îîot quite so easily, 899 to 800, 839 to 813 and 925 to 801. The Edelweiss teani, in third place, snapped out of a slunîp and spanked Harry's Budweisers soundly,, 958 to 830, 921 to 893 and 923 to 866. Edel- weiss' total for the three games, 2802, wvas high for the evening.. The Bud- weiser boys' total wvas 2589. Bleser's kept pace with Edelweiss and %vitlî the first anid second place teams bv iing from thle Xilmectte Tailors, 902 to 875, 924 to 881 and 889 to 834. Totals: Bleser's, 2715; Tailors, 2590. Followving are the standings, flot including the ganies played Xednes- day night of this week: Krier Builet Htigo and Bing'> Edelweiîs Ble1eers Sunsett Villa Wilimctte Tailors, l1ftr'y's Bud%ýeisers (yre iii 1 1 Wv. 21 15 15 12 10 9 8 K. 0F C. LEAGUEc The Bungalow tavern teani wvon is three straiglit gaines irom the Ennetta Whealan Boosters last Thursday fc night. I The Edelweiss l)owlers won twvo out-a of three gaines froin Mornie Steiner's tI Spaulding-Gorham Shop Attracts Many Visitors tL The new chapter in the history of bh the firni of Spaulding-Gorham, the of .iewelers, which began when the firm opened its modern new shop in The S Drake hotel iin Chicago Monday (No- w vember 19) attracted tlhe attention of cc iany local residents because of the ca part this firm lias played ini the social r life of Chicago and sjiburbs during its o career. Many beautiful old pieces of. a jewelry which are prized by the ab daught ers and granddaughters' of s families îîow living in this conimunity, r originally came from, Spaulding-Gor-. th ham. as well as many modern pieces in possess 'ion of debutantes and young e brides. e A tea on the opening day was at-fa tended .by many local society wonien, ne as well as by leaders ini Chicago So- Ph ciety. TIhe1 new shiop 1of Spaulding- tFq Gorbam is, in simpfle modern lines, of with. effective indirect lighting. It is 5 designed to provide a dr 'ana'tic set- ca! ting for the display o.f jeeiery, china, silver and other mercliandise which em lends itself effectivelv to colorful dis- b a. play.- Completel'% surrounded Ibv dis- tra play windows, the will be a qti popular one for window shoppers. it SPi is ýexpected. 50 Two entrances lead to the shop 11ic from Michigan avenue. Trle south en- Th trance, whicb is about the center of 15.( the Drakce hotel, leads up two steps of the polished black granite tlîrouglî black sec wooden doors to a vestibule faced sYs from floor to ceiling with black glass, d e relieved by accents of white metal. wai A white rubber mat on the floor, sun with the monogram of the firm in the F center, and a white gratiîîg in the teci ceiling, lend further contrast. The nem team». Edelweiss lost the Iast game by the margin of only onepin The A. J. Bidwell teamn won two out Of three from the Kuss Jewelers, while Weiler's Gardeners also won the odd game f romn Hoffman's teain. Phil Bleser and Matt Borre tied for high game witb 212 pins each. Phil bowled bigh series witb 584 p ins. The standing of the teams will be published, in next. week's Wti.:EÏ'rE Ray Photograph WilI Be Exhibited at Salon A portrait photograph by Eugene L. Ray of Evanston has been accepted for the Sixtiî Chicago International salon, it w-as aninounced this week by the judges representing the Chicago Camiera club -tihîch is sponsoring the exhibition. Out of 1,400 photographs submitted from aIl parts of the world, only 170 were chosen to be hung in tlîe salon; SO the choice of the Evaîistonian's en- try is regarded as a high liior. Mmr. Ray's photograph is entitled "The 'Music Mfaster," and it is a por- trait of XValter,.Alleii Stults, Evans.- ton's well known basso contante. The picture is reproduced on another page of this issue. A copy of it is on dis- play in the winidow of the Ray studio. The Iiiterinationial salon, which is being presented in the Chicago Art institute, will open December 13 and continue to Jaiîuary 20. The public s invited to view wvhat is described as a notable showiiîg of modemn pho- tography. The five judges who se- ected, the prints to be hung are rated as among the higliest autliomities ini lie various -graphic arts. vestibule leads through other (loors to a foyer at the end of which. facing lhe entrance, is a semi-circular case rilliantly illumifiated for the display )f fine crystal. At tlhe left of tlîe foyer are two ýteps leading to the jewelry and silver- xare departnîents. The supporting -olumns in the ceiter of tlîs ra r lced with mimmors. Sinall selliîîg Ooms for the private displ'ay and sale )f diamonds and other fine jewels are tt tlie north end of this rooni, avail- tble to desirable north light. At the of the entrance is the ch-ina )om %w-hiich is on the samne level with he foyer. AIl woodwork in the new slîop is bony black. Many of the wall sur- aces are rounded in, the modemn man- ier. The indirect lighting systemi was aniîed to throw aIl of the lighit on me ceiling, leaving the upper surfaces ,the walls dark ini order to empha- ize the brilliantly lighted display ses. Shipping and receivinigrooms a nd nployes accommiodations are in the asement.' Accôunting and adminis- rative offices anid a workslîop for uick orders are on the second floor. pacious1 workroomns. also arranged :as to make the desirable orth ligh't, are on the tentli floor. 'o new shop utilizes approximately~ .000 square feet of floor space in ie basement and on the first and ýond floors. The air conditioning ,stem is of the inost nmodern type. ýsigned to prov'ide dlean, washied air. rmi in *inter. refreslîingly cool ini rnmer. Phiilip B. .Nfaler designed the archi- cture and interior decoration of the ýW shop. m mMI -J 1 Magazine Repenting aRazor Co.. 1; Mannerud. Ethel ......... Marshail Field & Co.......... 41 Mati.ew Francis .............2 MeMa hon, mii................N1; MNercer Lamber Coulponies............ orer IV Milleu. Hardwvare........15i, 46, 49 310torç Service, [ne.... ...... 47 1luine (Co. . . . .2 3lunrihy..mlet4 011 Co .........33 North Shore Quallty Laundries.31 North Shore School of Physical fleielopmenît....... l 011 W1eil .... . . . . . . ... 49 Pagjiarulo. 1 .......14 Pe'aeoek Tee Cream 12 Pike. Bill .* . . . . . . Publie Servie CO. .4,;, CoTer III QUnlln,î & Tyson ....... 46 RaY. E. L. S Renneekar]Qrug Co ........... 9 Renseh Warohouie - .5.....s Ridge Avenue pharmaey ....g Ro§herg, John T ............. Ai Siipp, Jiarriet . îlhore Lin@ Cleaners 2 Snider-Cazel Drug store ....S Spahish Kan41Y Kopboard ...S -peneer Petroien. Co. 43 Sterens, Edgar A.,fle ..... 3 g, 43 Teatro del Lugo.............. il Thomas Decora4ing Co ..... ... 47 Valencila Theatre ... Van ,Deusen's ..... ... Varsity Theatre ................1 Weeks' Dining Room.......10 West End F1oeist............ 12 wieboilt9s.......Io, 33, 3à, il, S Wiimette Battery & Eleetrie Service .... Corer IV Wilnette Beauty Shop ...... WrimfttP Mugie & Radio Shop.61 Wiinaette State Bank .. Cover Il WlrJlete Theatre........... &I worthen's .... 2 'resen ting for your convenienole OUR MWEEKLY e/ID VRTISING- DIIRECTd)RY We have received many favorable commentsa about our weekly Advertising Directory. Busy ho,îaewives tell us it helpasBave their time, as after consulting it they can turn immediately to the big bargain advertising they seek. The Advertising Directory is a regular feature of Your Home Paper. It was inaugurated es an- other service of the publishers to make shop- ping a more enjoyable occasion. Please use it each week. 1 ý a ADVERTISER PAGE Mdains Electrie Shop ......... . 46 Albright Beauty Shop '. *. -0 Art Furiture Co. .... . Beach. 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