WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 1934 Clarita Martin to Give Daonce Recital for Charity, Dec. 17 Clarita Martin (Mrs., Mellen C.' Martin of Winnetka) wilI give a re- citaI of Spanisb dances, in the New Trier High scbool auditorium Mon- day evening, December 17, under the direction of Rutheda L. Pretzel. Pro- ceeds' from the recital are to go to cbarity organizations..1 Mrs. Martin returned two weeks ago from.New York City where she danced on October 28, at the famous Town Hall to a capacity bouse, and fired even staid New York critics witb enthusiasm. She bas flot danced on the north sbore since she gave her services to Winnetka Community House in a recital on Thanksgiving eve two years ago. Since then she bas steadily improved on an already irreproacbable tecbnique, and bas maintained a position of importance in the entire country as an exponent of Spanisb dances. An American girl, Clarita Martin' bas bad tbe pleasure of out-dancing the Spaniards tbemselves in tbe very beart of Spain. Her supple, impas- sioned grace, ber spirited and beauti- fui interpretations of tbe Iberian art won tbe praise anod admiration of tbe former crown prince, Don Alfonso, himself. Always an intense, intelligent student, Mrs. Martin bas studied witb the great teachers of tbe dance ini Spain and mastered tbe dificuit tech- nique. Mrs. Martin was cbosen by Dudley Crafts Watson to speak in bis stead over the radio station WGN Tbursday evening of this week, at 10 o'c1ock. Knowing tbe re-awakened interest in the art of Spain, Mrs. Martin chose to tell about the dances of tbe Spanisb gypsies, and also about bull-figbting. The agility and swift- ness of tbe matadors can be seen in ail of tbe Spanisb dances-Spanish gypsies and bul-figbting are hobbies of Mrm Martin. Wbile in New York preparing for ber Town Hall recital, she attended a recital of Spanish gypsies tbere, and wben sbe went backstage afterwards was, warmly greeted by tbree of tbem, whom she had met in Spain. BeSýýT DOG IN THE SHOWI This aristocratié 1yoiung fellozc, a mne vear old Boston terrier which answers to the naine o »f 'Duneland Avîiator," took highest azeurd as the "bcst do<it ithe shozc" ai the animal Charity Pet slît held ini the Wilipiette IVoinms club building last Fridav under s/'onsorship of the Junior auxiliarvJ of the club. He uws entered by Jban Savage. daughter of G. R. Swavage., 610 Park drive, Ken ilvo rt/i. The sbow attracted a buge throng of north sbore residents wbo were amazed at tbe great array of pets as- sembled by proud owvners to compete. for the many awards. Exhibitors at the sbow included tbe following: Cooper and nephew, Davis Street aquarium and Pet show, Mereer Lumber company, Miller Biscuit company, Morril Packing company, Old Trusty dog food, Rival Packing company, Standard Brand-s, mce., Swaine Pet shop, and Swift and company. Donors to tbe sbow included: Ethel M. Mannerud, Dr. F. C. Busch- boni, Sçhloesser's grocery, Van Deust'n's grocery, Renneckar Drug company, Sni- der-Cazel Drug conIpany, TPerminal Hardware, Millen's Hardware, Delson Chemical conîpany, j. R. Hudson coin- pany, Watson-Williams Manufacturing company, Pliera-Products Sales, Merck and conîpany, Ine., Merrilyn Collie ken- nels, Sho-Form company, Inc., S.wift and cornpany, Rival Packing conîpany, Red Heart dog food, National Biscuit coin- pany, Old Trusty Dog Food company, Wade and Butcher corporation, Battle Creek Dog Food company. GridFansAsk]Encre;GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS GridFan AskEncre; "Roman and Etmuscan Exhibits" at Highland Park Obliges 3 o'clock, on Monday, November 26, The 13-13 deadlock last Sunday be- wilI be the subject of the first of'next tween the Higbland Park Young week's guide-lecture tours for, the Men's club and the Chicago Tigers general'.public at Field Museum of was 50 tbnrilling that hundreds of Si\aturaI History. Oh other days ai football fans bave demanded an en- the saine bour subjects will be: Tues- core. And an encore they will bave. day, "Snakes and Lizards"; Wednes- Highland Park and the Chicago day, "Ancient Burials," and Fr.iday, Tigers will clash again at tbe saine "Story of Coal and Iron."' These time and tb4 same place-2 o'clock tours, for which îno charge is made, this Sunday afternoon at tbe Deer- are conducted by staff lecturers. Tbey fild-Sbields gridiron ini Highland are open to alnMuseum visitors and Park. The fans however. are clamor- parties assembled inside the north ing for one improvement. over last entrance. Wbile there will be no Sunday's game. That cry is for dlear, tour on Thursday on account of the or at least.rainless, weather. T1'anksgiving holiday, t he. Museum .Last Sunday's clash was a thriller will be open to visitons that, day dur- despite the downpour.. Brilliant run-' ing the usual bours f rom 9 to 4 :30 ning and passing attacks by botb o'clock. teams 'made the spectators wild witb excitement, wbile many eyes became Mrs. Grant Ridgway of .2Ô7 Cuni- moist following the long course. Of berland avenue, Kenilwor.th, enter-* Ollie Olson's punts. tained ber duplicate contract bridge Oison, former Northwestérn univer- club at tea Monday of last week.' sity star, was not -tbe only brilliant o- performer for Highland Park. Steve0 Banas, wbo made grid bistory at Mfrs. Robent Danly of Hinsdale. Notre Dame, and Patrick Coogan formerly of Kenilworth, was hostess were otber back field stars. Bodman, to ber sewing club at luncheoix Wed- Gansberg and Hall did yeoman serv- iiesday. ice in tbe lune. For tbe Cbicago Tigers, Condon, rigbt end, scored twoi venge attack wbich will be Iauncbed toucbdowns after receiving passes. by tbe powerful V.F.W. team still At the Evanston Higb scbool field smarting fromn a 13-6 defeat suffered at Il o'clock Tbanksgiving morning, at tbe bands of Highland Park sev- Highland Park will try to stem a re- eral weeks ago. KENILWORTH GdIRL SCOUTS On Monday of this week the Girl scouts of Troop No. 4, Kenilworth, beld a meeting. The older scouts bad first aid from Miss Elizabeth Macauley (the leader of the Kenil- worth scouts), in the sixtb grade room. Wbile the younger ones studied tbe laws and knots, tbe older scouts> were dismissed at- 5 o'clock. The others stayed a little later.-Cbarlotte 1: "dConquest of Everest,," Museum Lecture Themie "The Conquest of Evere st, a lec- ture illustrated witb motion pictur's. ofone of the most hazardousand ex-' citing adventures ever undertaken by men, wil be presented at Field Museum of Natural History Saturday afternoon, Novemb.er .24. Air 'Com- modore P. F. M. Fellows of London,. leader of, the Houston-Mt. Everest expedition, wvill be the lecturer. Two. airplanes of this expedition flew over the summit of the world's bighest mountain, and the motion pictures they made at variotp altitudes up t( 34,000 feet, flying At times only 100, feet above the peak, reveal precipices and glaciers nieyer before seen by men. At times the planes were fight- ing a 110-mile gale. Those aboard had to wear specially heated clotbing and breathe from oxygen tanks as temperatures of 76 below zero were encounitered ini the rarefied 'atmos- phere at the> high altitudes. Com- modore Fellowes is one of Great Britain's most noted fivers. and a nloted ace of war. times. »The lecture will begin at 3 o'clock, and will be given in the james Simp- son theatre of the museum. While a number of seats are reserved for memibers of the museum, the greater portion will be available to the gen- eral public which is cordially invited to attend1. No tickets are needed. The lecture is for adults only; for, chil- dren there is 'a free motion picture program ini the morning. tommodore Fellowes' lecture will be repeated at the same hour on Sun- day as a special presentation for mnembers of the museum. vviius. scribe. BACK FROM ST. LOUIS Mrs. George Stewart, 2403 Iroquois Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- road, returned Sunday from. a twvo land avenue, Kenilwortb, entertained weeks' visit in St. Louis. Mr. Stewart her contract bridge club at tea Moni- spent tbe week-end there, returning day of last week. witb his wife., New Tirier Basketball'Teams to Play Hinsdale Saturday Night' Dance wil Be Held on Gym Stage Following Games Basketball is "in the air" at New Trier High school this week. A long schedule of games for the New Trier boys gotuîxder way Wednesday after- noon, when a dotibleheader was play- ed with Banrington, and the first night games will be Satunday night of this week, with Hinsdale, of the West. Suburban league, coming to Winnetka to furnish the opposition. Both the heavyweights and light- weights will pla y agaiixst Hinsdale Saturday. Next week's schedule is a full one, too. Thé annual game witli the laumni is to be played on Wednesday night (Tlhanksgiving eve>, and on Saturday night therewill be a doubleheader with Hyde Park of Chicago. The high school athletic epartment lias inaugurated a campaign to hâve. a. langer student representatio n and more alumni, parents and friençls at New Trier's home games. To. this end spécial events have been ar- nanged to take place in connection with the basketball ganies, and the numben of home games bas been in- creased. This year there are five more home contests than there bave been in each of the past few yeans. Despite this fact the price -of the. season tickets is lower than ever be- fore. The flrst of the special events in connection with the basketball gaines will be a dance following the dlouble- header witb Hinsdale Saturday night. This will be beld. on the gymnasiluni stage. Everyone atteiding the bal games will be admitte(l to the dance witbout extra.ch.arge, W. L. "IJuke" Childs, director of athleitcs, *an- nounced. Coacli Clyde Grater of the heavy- weigbts and Coachi Childs &f the ightweiglits cut their squads this week. Grater announced that the fol-. lowing boys would be members of the varsity squad: Capt. Don Ander- son, Grant Adams,,Howard Bal, Ed- wini Colegrove, Bud Fisher, James, Fitzgerald, Harry Gottlieb, Ed Kelly, Pred Kahler,. Bob Klein, Ed Mee, Elister McMuctry, Arne Mauland, John Muhîke, Joe Oliver; 'Bob Porter, Carleton Wilson and Bob Harris. On Monday CoacSh Childs of tbe ligbtweigbts ordered the following boys to report in uniforni for the Barrington game: Capt. Dave Miller, Bob Murray, Jim McNulty, Tom Hil- debrand, Bob Nich*ol, Harold Fincb, Bob Campbell, Mike Conley, Jb'h n Speredes, Bill Robertson, Fred' Woik- manî, Bob Rothschild, Louis Faîken- burg, Don Stilîman, Art Nielsen, Henry Thorsen, Bill Condy, jack Lecbner, Dave Skillin,' Charles Soule, Armie WTolff, Charles Tborsen, Don Mitchell and LeRoy Kidder. :WILMETTE, LIFE, November 22, 1.934 ti