Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 55

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Novemnber 22, 1934 OILfINANqCENO._171 AN OIINANÇE, PRO VIING FOR PUBLIC -HEALTEH SAFETY. COMFORT, MRL N GENERAL 'WELFARE, LOOKING T( riHE CONSERVATION AN4D PROTEC TION OP PROPERTY VALUES BI REMGULATING THE USE 0F SIGNI AND ]BILLBOARDS WITHIN TH]E VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ALSO DEP'INING THE TERM SIG;NI' AND BILLBOARDS'AND THE TERW, AND CONDITIONS FOR THE CON STRUCTION AND MAINTENANCI AND PROVIDING FEES AND PENAL- TIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI. DENT AND BOARD 0F TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ILLI. NOIS, THAT- SECTION 1: For the purpose of thik ordinance, the term-"Bilhboards" ià hereby defined to mean any signboard oi similar structure, the sole or primary purpose of which is te be used for thE display of any advertisement or notie SECTION'2: It shaîl be unlawful tc construct or erect a bihîboard within the municipality without first having se- cured a written permit therefor from the Village Clerk, who shaîl issue such per- mit under the conditions and upon corn pliance with theprovisions of this ordi- nance, and prov.ided that, no permit or license issued under the provisions of this ordinance shail be construed te authorize the construction or mainte- nance of a biliboard or sign which ex- tends over, or any part of which extends on or above any street, alley, sidewalk or other public property, and provided that, such application shall have been ap- proved by the President and Board of Trustees at a regular meeting. SECTION 3: The fee for a permit te construct a biliboard under the provi- siens of this ordinance shaîl be twenty cents (2(k-) per square foot of display area and there shahl be a simihar annual tee for each calendar year for the main- tenance of sucb bilîboard, except Real Estate Signs not exceeding aine <9) square feet in area. Real Estate Signs shahl be limited to one (1) sign on each lot or parcel of reai estate, being, offered for sale or lease. Written application for'the erection of Real Estate signs shaîl net be necessary. There shaîl be a minimum fee of $2.00 per sign or bilîboard. Signs setting forth the name and na- tueof any Commercial or Industrial enterprise shall net come witbin the scope of this ordinance, except that sucb signs shahl be limited to two and one- haif (21/2) square feet per front foot of the premises occupied. SECTION 4: Applications for such permits shaîl be made in writing to the President and Board of Trustces. The necessary fee shaîl accompany eacb application, eitber for the erection or construction, or for the annual main-1 tenance, and shall state thereon the name ot the owner of the premises, the nanie of the person, firm or corporation te erect, construct or maintain the bill- board, together with specifications show- ing the size, materials and manner of construction of the bilîboard. SECTION 5: Every bilîboard shaîl be firmly and solidly constructed te with- -> stand a wind, pressure of at least 30 pou nds per square foot of area. SECTION 6: Roof Signs shaîl not be permitted, and it shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any bilîboard hn such a position as to obstruct any fire-escape or any window or door leading thereto. No bilîboard shaîl be fastened to any fire- escape. SECTION 7: Every bilîboard muet be constructed to leave an open space of not lese than two and one-haîf feet (2%') between the bottom of the display area of the bIlîboard and the ground. This open area shal be flled wth lattice work or other ornamental design, which does nlot close off more than two thîrds of ýeny square foot of such open ýarea. , Properly established building lines must ho reepected and any violation shail be sufficient to cause the cancella- tion of any permit. SECTION 8:- It shaîl be unlawful te construct any bilîboiard of, over tif teen <15) square feet ln area Within the fire limite. of any but fireprçof.materials. SECTION 9: No person, flrm or cor- poration shaîl locate, build, construct, operate or maintain any bilîboard ln any block.in the Village.of Wilmette, where a majority of the houses on the block are used exclusively for residence purposes. The term "block,"' as ueed, ln this sec- tion, s <hall be construed to mean and ln- clude al trontages on four or lees sides of the block, contiguoue to the location specified, and shaîl.include block front- ge diectly opposite .and across the WILMTTBLIFU 5 ORDINAINCE !.O. 102ý AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE FILING 0F LIEN, 0IVING NOTICE TO OWNER 0F PREMISES AND AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE 0F LIEN FOR UN- PAJU WATER CHARGES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Pre.cident and Board ot Trusteeof the Village of Wllmette, County of Cook and State et Illinois: SECTION 1: That whenever a bill due the Village of Wllmette for water serv- iceremains unpaid sixty days atter It ligs been rendered, the Village Collecter shaîl file With the Recorder of Deede et Cook County a statement et lien dlimu. This stateanent ehaîl contain the legal Il fil i bi r( ai nt highways which are commonly known as alleys. Frontage- consent secured and fIled within ,the 9provisions 0of this .ordinance may b. witdaw upon application.-by [petltion slgnedbythe majority of the Eownersor occupantsof premises affec- tive ln such consente within Ninety (90) y' day. of the Miing of such petition ' ,S Where consente are requlred and have E b.en obtained for the construction.«f o ne 1;or more bilîboards on anyr particular lot, S additional consente for ýany additional S bihîboards on the saie lot muet b. se- -cured and filed ln. accordance wIth the Sprovisions of this section. -SECTION 10: It sbahh bie unlawful te construct or maîntain any bihîboard or majority of the disphay area of which le -wihin four (4) feet of any building, un- l. ess such bilîboard ia constructed et non- combustibhe materials. SECTION il: The wiring et illumi- nated bilîboards and signboards muet ,s comply with the provisions of the erdi- s nances of the Village of Wilmette relat- 'r ing to 'Electrical Wiring. y SECTION 12: Any bilhboard or sign- e board which is dangerous because of >- insecure construction or fastening, witb *resultant danger ot fallng, or because It *le an extreme wind or fire hazard and in i- tact a nuisance, ie hereby declared to be ea nuisance and may be abated as such. SECTION 13: It shal be the duty et - the Superintendent of Publie Works and -every member cf the Pohice Department rte enforce the provisions of this ordi- f nance and aIl such officers are hereby cauthorized and directed s0 to do. SECTION 14: It shahl be unlawful for -any outdoor advertiser te do business in sthe Village of imette witbout tiret rhaving secured a licence therefor, pro- vided, that ne licence issued under this ordinance shaîl be construed to permit fthe use of any structures, natural or artificial, which are located in any pub- lic street, sidewalk, alley or other public place for advertising purposes. The termi "advertiserM' as herein used le hereby defined to mean any person, flrm or corporation engaged in the busi- ness cf placing, posting or painting any advertisement, notice or display in or on any place for the purpose cf advertising, so that the resultant display is visiblet from any street. alley, sidewalk, R. R. or other public place. Application for sncb licence shaîl be made in writing te the President and Board cf Trustees, and shaîl be accom- panied bv a liet cf aIl places, inchuding bilîboards or natural structures, te be used or on whicb it is intended to place the sign or advertisement. No license shaîl be issued until the application for sucb licence bas beien ap- proved by the President and Board of Trustees and the neceseary fee paid to the Village cf Wilmette, Illinois. The annual tee for sncb licence shahl be one hundred dollars ($100) for eacb calendar year. SECTION 15: Any person, fi rm or corporation violating any provision cf this ordinance shaîl be flned not less than one (1) dollar, nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for eacb offense; and a separate offense shaîl be deemed committed <n eacb day during wbich a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 16: If any section, provi- sien, or part ot this ordinance shahl bec held or declared void or unconstitutional ln àny court of competent jurisdiction in the State cf Illinois, aIl other provisions and sections cf this ordinance flot se ex- pressly held shaîl continue in full forceC and effect.U SECTION 17: AUl ordinances and parts of ordinances in ccnfiict herewitb 1) are hereby rqpealed., SECTION 18.- This ordinance shaîl be i ln full force and effect on and, atter its Il passage and publication. I PASSED BY tH» PRESIDENT AND il BOARD 0F TRUSTEES 0F.THE VIL- If LAGE 0F WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, ON o THE 20th DAY 0F NOVEMBER, A. D. tl 1934.0 APPROVED by the President of the N Village of Wilmette, Illinois, this 20tb is day of November, A. D. 1934. C. P. DUBBS, -President, P Village et Wihmette, Illinois. tc ATTESTED: NICHOLAS P. MILLER,. Village Cherk.. C 1description of, the premises ser ved, tih am.ount of the unpid bill, and a notic 1that the Village dagims, a lien for- thi iamount as welI as for ail chbarges fo water served. subsequent to the perlo covered by thebiI. If the consumer of water whose bil le unpald le flot the owvner of th, premises, and the Village Coîhector ha notice of thigi. notice shallbe mailed ti the owiter of the premIses, If hie addrés be known to0 the Village Collector, wheri ever such bill remains unpaid for. period of sixty days after it has beei rendered. The failure of the Village Collectoi to record such lien claims or to mai such notice, or the failure of the ownej to, receive such notice, shaîl not affee the right to foreclosethe lien for un paid water bills as mentioned in thi ioliowing section. SECTION 2: That property subject t( a lien for unpaid water charges shal he sold. for non-payment of the same and the proceeds of sucb sale shail bt applied to pay the charges, after deduct. ing coste, as is the case in th( foreclosure of statutory liens. Sudt foreciosure -:hall be by bill in equity in the name of the Village. That the Village Attorney is bereb-% autborized and directed to institute suc! proceedings, in the name of the Village i11 any court hav.ing jurisdiction ovet such matters, against any property foi which the water bill remains unpaid e;ixty days after it bas been rendered SECTION 3: That aIl applications foi water services hereafter filed with th. Village of Wilmette shaîl be shgned by the owner of the premises as wehl a> by the occupant, and in said applica- tion both the owner and occupant shall be required to agree to pay al chargeý for water service. SECTION 4: That the provisions of this Ordinance shaîl be deemed and con- strued to Impose additional rules and reguhatione of the Water Department of the Village of Wilmette In addition to, but flot limiting, those now existing, except insofar a.- prior rules and regd- lations may be In conflict, in which caee the fnregoing rules and regulationN provided in this Ordinance shaîl de- termine. SECTION 5: That this Ordinance shahl be in full force and effect from and1 after its passage and publication as pro- vided by la*. Passed by the Presîdent and Board of Trrustees of the Village of Wihmette, Illinois, this 2th day of November, A. D. 1934. Approved by the President of the Vil- lage of Wilmette, Illinois, this'2th day cof.November, A. D. 1934. C.* P. DUBBS Pre-ident of, the Village c-f Wilmette, Cook County. Illinois. ATTESTED and FILED in mny office this 20th day of November, A. D. 1934. NICHOLAS P.. MILLER, Village Clerk. L29-ltc 0R1IN.ANC(E NO. 1;83 le 3r l. to Ir 1. Ir è If .'P"RnVED - NIVCHOLAS C. P. DUBBS, President. Villaze of. Wilmette, Illinois. P. MILTTLER Village Clerk. h29-Itc Former Cou ntess Is Now on Lecture Tour 1 Through Middle West Friends of Irina Skariatina, and the tliousands who bave heard ber speak -during th e past few weeks as the re- i suit of a wbirlwind lec ture tour tbrougb tbe Middle West, including -participation in the book fairs at Cleveland and Pittsburgb, are begin- ning to woader wbetber -some magic *in her presence provokes turmoil and excitement. To large audiences sbe bas beeni're- lating ber adventures in Europe dur- ing the past summer. It seems that in almost every country visited she arrived at the psychological moment of bistory in tbe making. Some are beginning to wonder whether sbe had anytbing to do with it. She reacbed Berlin tbe day after tbe Hitler blood purge, "wben Hitler kiled ail his friends," as sbe says. She appeared in Vienna at almost tbe very bour of tbe assassination of Dolfuss. She landed in Munich on the day of Hindenberg's funeral, to see a mil- lion, people swear allegiance to the new dictator, Hitler. She came to a large German city on the day the burgomaster was assassinated. She dlaims that sbe seriously considered wiring Mussolini to leave Italyý be- fore she -arrived. But nothing hàpý- pened to the iron man of Fascism. The former Russian Countess esti- mates tbat in ber recent lecture tour she addressed more than fifteen thou- sand people in a littie more than a week's time. Ia one day she made four separate addresses. She claims to have observed remarkable changes in Russia, her native land, since her visi .t two years ago when she was the. first, member of the old aristocracy, permitted to reenter, the land of Soviets. Countess Skariatina is the author of mlte 1Era in, OId Russia. $HOWING MODERN PAINTINGS In a show, 0< modern paintings at the Tudor Prallery of tbe Chicago Woman's club, Miss Clara MacGow- an, assistant professor of art at Nort'bwestern univemsity, bas four abstractions . Tbese paintines are two still lifes, "Tea Pot," and "Bottle and Cucumbers," "Plcbian Fomms," and "House in Mirmando, France." tason such cars except pursuant tui SECTION 6: It shall b. the duty of the chief of police and the fire marshaJ to mnakec or cause to b. madie such ln- 4Pectioiss of public garages ln the vil- lage as may b. neoe»saryr to mesure ~ompliaince with the proiibon0f this ordinance. Any police oflicer. shall.b. Permitted at any reasonable hour to 've'. e ery car stored or kept ln ftny publie garage, and lt shall be unlawful *.o hi-ider any such Inspection or to coniceal any car or mnotor vehicle froin such ofilcer. SECTION 7: Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of bu, cordinanee shall be fined flot es thnn Ten Dollars ($10.00) and flot more than Two Hundred Dollars. ($200.00) for each offense. and a separate offense hall be deemed commlitted on each day durinz or on which a violation occurs or conitinues. SECTION 9: This ordinance shaîl be in, fullI force and effect on and after itr oasmage and publicationi. P-Fed by tb- Pre-ident and Ro-trd of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, Illinois. on the 2Oth day of November, A. D. 19-14. Approved hy the President of the Village of Wilrnette, Illinois, this 2Oth -lay of November. A. D. 1934. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIN(G FOR THE LICENSINO; OF PUBLIC GARAGES WITHIN THE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE. BE î'r ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD 0F TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. THAT: SECTION 1: No person, fIra, or.cor- poration shaîl operate or maintain a public garage ln tbe Village of Wil- 'nette witbout tiret having obtàinied a licence' there for. Applications for sncb licenses ettaîl be made in writing to, the Village Clerk and shaîl state the location of the garage and the number of cars whicb can be. accommodated therein. The annual tee shaîl be Twenty- Ove ($25) Dollars fer eacb calendar year. No license shaîl be iesued until thi te s paid. SECTION 2: Public Garages Detined --A public garage is any building or >remises uqed or held eut or advertieed eo the public by theewn'er or firm main- ainlng the same fer the rentlng, sale, sterage or. repair ef automobiles or. other motor vehicles, except motor- ycles. SECTION 3: It sbaîl b., unlawtul, for any peroon te emoke or lght a cigarette,. uipe or cigar lna ay public garage, ex- cept ln such portion thereot as, may b. eparated from the remainder, et the premises by a partition and used for [fice rnes S9ECTION 4: It ehaîll h unlawful to riaintaîn or operate. any public garage in a. trame or wooden building, or ln any building or structure used, for- church, chool, or theatre purpeses, or ln any building wbich dees net contorm te the requirements of the building code. The premises et every garage muet be kept l1ean and free from inflamable waste material. SECTION 5: Tt shaîl be unlawfuh for ny persen' te change the Identification îarks on the enigine of any car or iutomobihe ln any public garage, and ýshaîl be unlawful te change the license

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