Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE',LIFE Nvme ? 3 8 M A L L HOUSE IN WILMETTE; large. lot, fruit -trees; stove heat. Rom.- sonable rent. Phone' Wilmette 3693, or Sheidrake, 3140. 97LTN29-ltc 'ROOMS NEAR HUBBARD WOODS se hool and transp. Reasonable. to, respr>nslble family. Sh'ort term lease. Write B-35, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 98LTN29-ltp WANTED T T lr-HOUSES HAVE CLIENT WHO WANTS UNý- furnished house for lmmned. possession with 4 or 5 bedrms., 2 or 3 baths. Wil- mette or Winnetka. Excellent references. 17îlMiss Cook. Real Estate Service 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 99LTN29-ltc BARGAIN ]EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICB* VACANT parcèl lu exclusive section. Beac privileges. ,LMUst sacrifice for lems tha. %~ the lnvestment. Act qulckly., Write B-29. Box. 40, wilhnette, IIL 114LTN29-ltc SHERIDAN RD. N. W COR. ABING- don.. 160 f t. Sher. R5d.<108 f t. Abingdon, Kenllworth4. Must seil cash. No reason- able offer refused. Fred J. Classen, 175 W. Jackson BIvd. Phone Wabash, 0620. 114LTN29-ltp FOR SALE-L-CEEARY LOTS GRACELAND CEMETERY LOT. NO. 374, Maplewood Section. Size 11X16. Rooni for 4. Cemetery Co, asking $700. Make offer. Fred J. Classen, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Phone Wabash 0620. 1 20LTN29b-ltp FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES ________________ STORE AT 817 OAK ST., WINNETýKA ACUEAGE AND ESTATES Reasonably priced. 5 ACRES NEAR SUNSET RIDGE GOLF -Heated. Winnetka 407. club, price $600 per acre. 65ý acres 104LTN29-ltp wooded bill top $7,500. Buy acreage for ____________________________your spring use now. Lewis T. Dodds- FOR $ALE-HOUSES Wilmette 507-State 4640. 124LTN29-ltc COUNTRY HOMES In Lake For-est estate district over 20 acres of beautiful property with fine timber, smaîl lakte, tennis court, and formai gardens. Modern 10. room house with 4 baths. Owner Wants an offer. In Barrington on a commanding hili, we offer an up-to-tho-minute white brick Colonial home, only three years old. Recreation room, 20x4O. Living and dining rooms, both large and un- usually attractive. Four family bed- roonis, and three colorod bathis. Ser- vant' quarters on first floor. Semi- fireproof construction. Lot us show you this outstanding home. QUINLAN &-TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue University 2600 lIlLTN29-ltc Bank Liquidation 7-ROOM B R I C K HOUSE, OPEN porches, garage, large corner lot 150x170, fine old trees and shrubs. Two blocks to transportation. $11,000, ternis. White Framne Colonial BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SOUTHEAST Glencoe' contains 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, sun and sleeping porches. H. W. oul heat; very attractive landscaping on lot 164x122. $24,000, terme.. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service. 316 Park Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 l11LTN29-ltc VALLEY RD., GLENCOE Beautiful brick Colonial, 8 rms., 3 baths, woll' constructed. An especially charming distinctive h o me, worthy of your constderation. Priced to sell. Mr. Rorick. BAIRD.& WARNER, Inc. 523 PARK, DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 IlLTN29-ltc 6 ROOM BRICK $6,250.00 2 blks. to Wllmette sta. 4 blks to How- ard School. Wooded lot, 3 bedrms., 1 bath. H. W. H. High light basement. $1.000 down, balance-easy terms. Mr. Drayer. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 X1LTN29-ltc AM MOVING T CALIF. WANT A QUICK SALE ON MY charming Colonial hse. on whlch I spared no cost ln building. 6 Ige. rnis., 2 aun parlors, sip. pc.; 3d floor could be finished if desired. Cabots quilt lu- sulation. $75 a year to heat entire base.; E. aide; near schl., transp. $8,010 mort- gage for 15 yrs. Price $10,500. CalMY agent. Wlnnotka 3603,. 111LTN29-lte WANT OFFER Attractive White Georgian Colonial, 9 rns. 4 baths. Will ront. Mr. Martin BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Glencoe 1553 Briargate 1855 111LTN29-ltc WILMETTE BARGAIN. VERY COM- fortable home, 13 rooms, 3 batho, oil bumnor, bot water hoat, garage, large lot, fine trees, 4 blocks to Elevatod, con- Vénient schools, churchea. Rocontiy financed, very favorable termes $4,000 cash will handlo. Bull-524 Maple Avie., Wilmette. 111LTN29-4tc REAL ESTATE LOANS We Desire Application FOR FIRST MORTGAGES IN ÀMOUNT $2,500 to $10,000 «on North Shore resi- dences, Evanston to Lake Forest. We have funds available for immediate coin- McGIRE& ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 DavisSt., Evanston Gre. 1080 127A-LTN29-lte First Mortgage Loans $2, 500-$20,OOOl AMORTIZED OVER A PERIOD 0F years with easy payments. Prompt service at a low cost. Full information given by calling our loan department. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 127A-LTN29-ltc FOR SALE-HOUIDEHOLD GOODS_ ALMOST NEW T H OR WASHER, holds 7 sheets, $50. Vacuum cleaner, Eureka, wlth attachments, $25. Dresser, $6. Uprlght piano $8. Living room table or office dock, $7. 2 double beds $3, $5. Round dining room table $2. Daven- port table. Chair 50 cents. each. Dinette table and 4 chairs, $10. Chest of drawers $5. Victrola and records $10: 720 Elm St., Winnetka, Srd floor. 129LTN29-ltp COLLECTOR'S OPPORTUNITY - FOR Sale French Commode; Marquetry chest of drawers; Rare Italian carved seat; several large and snil Persian and Chinese oriental rugs; several fine oil paintings; 2 gorgeous electrlc crystal chandeliers. Phone Wilmette 3023. 129LTN29-ltp USED WASHERS-RADIOS-REFRTi- erators at bargain prices. Repairs on ahl malien of washers, Ironers and vacuum cleaners. H. W. NORDIN CO.. 900 LINDEN AVE., Wlnnotka 2770. 129L29-ltp ANTIQUE FURNITURE, RUGS AND many interesting thlngs. Sale-Tues., Wed., Thurs., Nov. 20, 21, 22. Glenbrook Acres, on Pfingston Rd., Just So. of Dun- dee Rd., Northbrook, 111. 129L29-ltp FAIRBANKS' BABY BALANCE scales 35-lb. Baby buggy ln good con- dition. Day bed, folding with mattress and mahagony ends. Reaeonably prlced. 735 Grove St., Glencoe. 19T2-t G EN ERA L .ELECTRIC REFRIG- erator. Six-humner, 2-oven gas range. Dahlia. buîbs and gardon Iniplements. ApplY 5747 N. Sheridan Rd.,-Chicago. 1129L29-ltp GRAY AND BLUE PAINTED BED- roomn et for sale. Excellent condition. Also child's stroller and high chair. Phone Wllmette 2363. 129LTN429-ltc. IVORY ENAMEL JUNIOR BED. EX- cellent condition. Mattress like new. $1.- Phono Kenilworth 5563. 129LTN29-ltc $250& VICTROLA WITH 100 RECORDS. Fine condition. $6. Wlnnetka 722. 129LT29-ltp LGE. THOR WASHER AND IRONER, also G.E. Retrigerator. Cheap for cash. Phono Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN29-ltp WTD. TO *UY-HSENOLD.GOOODS 'Sun Parlor Furniture 5537. 130LTN29-ltp WTD.T*r uy--MIUCELLANgous -- -- -- ------ I-------------- - ______ Wanted: Auto Trailer sultable for canoo, etc. Caîl Wlnnetka 3365. 132LTN29-ltp I I'Sv A N OFFICE B UILDING I Tis ii-e, home of the R. B. Whiiakcer comnpany, oit Cen fer street, Wtýiinnetka-at the Ipidianz Hil stations-o penied ifs doors fo fte public Iast Salurday, when thte copiipaity held open house ail day for ifs friends, clients and residents of the nion h shore. Many o!f the new ideas in the construction fiel'd haie *beènit incorpora ted ini this new u1tra-modern home of the we-II knoîvn real esta!e concerti. Novel Describes Life in Kentucky Mountains Contending that there is as great difference bet ween various mountain cultures in Kentucky as there is be- tween Park avenue and the lower East Side, Harlan Hatcher, of Co- lumbus, Ohio, bas anwered tbe ques- W#TD. TO UUY-MIUCELLANZOUU SECOND HAND FRENCH DICTION- ary (Heaths). Must be in good condi- tion. 531-8th Street. Phone Wilmette 143. 132L29-ltp HIGHEST PRICIES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE, STOVES, rugs, etc. Gre. 1005. 2002 Maple Ave. 132LTN28-4tp MISCELLANEOUS 1 SELL YOUR USED GARMENTS ON commission, thereby reaching the needy who do not want charity. Boys' and men's clothing badly needed. Phone wilmlette 1170. 134LTN29-ltp cALL BILL PIKEX Authorized Servi*ce EASY WASHER Wilmette Every Kind of Elec- tric Appliance Re- 10O4 6 paired. Radio. EL ECTIR 1CIAN 1784 Prairie Ave. - Nea-r Parit Ave. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility* with its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnishod Without Obligation Telephone 521 Main Street, Wilmette WLmuurTE 32 UNVNUMY 7317 tion being asked by those.who have read advance copie~s of bis novel, Pattferns of Wolfp/en, as to bow he happened to select the particular locale chosen for bis story. In a recent interviewat Ohio State university, wbere be is a member of the faculty, Mr. Hatcher said: "I arn tremendously interest.ed iin American life, and in the changes it bas been undergoing. Some of the families in the Big Sandy Valley long retained an earlîer manner of living that* had dignity and seif-reliance in it. But it bad finally to ineet the attack of American Industry. I chose this locale because it so perfectly sym- bolized in a more concentrated forni the wbole national transformation which was less dramatic because more graduai. Here was a ricb section, cultured in a quiet, pastoral fasbion; but its virtues were its defects wheri assaulted by the profit system which exploited it, and which now sends back a few vain dollars to found a settle- ment home." Daughter of Famous Novelist Is Author The Daughters of Richard Heron. By Romily Cavan. The author of this, first novel is the gifted daughter of an internationally famous novelist. Her book is a keen, penetrating character study of a successful writer and dramnatist who was able to eXert as much power over bis tbree daugh- ters as he did over the characters in his .work. Tbe two. settings of the. book- Richard Heron's charming town ho.use and bis country place-are perfect backgrounds for the rich, sophisticat- ed, and s'ubtle social life which flowed to tbem, from the world of, theater, books, adventure, and bigb finance. Altbougb Miss -Cavan is in many ways an ultra-modern, in style and tradition she stems flot from present- day' social revolutionaries but, from the *older classical school of novelists reprcsented by such men as George Meredith and Henry James. Leon Allen, 258 Meirose. avenue, Kenilwortb, is on a week's business trip in Texas. WANTED To muTUOUUES 5 OR 6 RMS. PREFER BUNGALOW. Modern. Good- location. Must bo rlght prie for cash. Write B-33, Box 40, Willnette, 111. 113LTN29-ltp Novexuber 2?. '934.

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