WILMETTE LIFF November 22, 1934 Letth Wn-As be ofassistanceifyuhv 1.05? AND FOUND LOST -- W1RE HAIRED TERRIER, biind, child's pet. Named 6"Scotty." Return 412 Gregory Ave.,.Wilmette, Ill. _____3LTN29-lte MANS BLUE SAPPHIRE RING LOST. White gold setting. Reward. Tele- phone Winnetka 9941. 3LTN29-1 tp LOST-TUES. SMALL BROWN AND white mongrel maie dog. Tan harness. Reward. Phone Glencoe 823. 3LT29-ltp BUILDING AND CONTRACTING BRICKLAYING, STONE, CEMENT work and repalrlng of ail kinds. Es- timates cheerfully given. Caîl D. Nanson -Wilmette 4677-after 5 P. M. 15LTN26-4tp B USINESS SERVICE __ 'r*FO"R SALE SEASONED FIREPLACE WOOD. CUT ln 24-inch lengths, other lengths by order. Hardwood.$8 ton, birch and maple $10,50 ton, delivered. Samples at 514 Bireh St. Straw or rotten cow manure $10 4 yards, compost manure $8 4 yards. Black soul $6 4 yards. Aiso rubbish re- moval, nioving, and trucking. E. G. HAGLUND WINNETKA 2108 16LTN29-ItI) Experienced Carpenter References Cail Winnetka 3348 16LTN2S-4t1) NU-ENAMEL The one coat, no-brush-mark finish. Vacuum Cleaneir Service. WINNETKÂ CYCLE SHOP 501 Chestnut St. Winnetka 673 16LTN26-4tc ELECTRIC WELDING. BOILER welding, automotive machine shop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN25-26tp ELITE WINDOW CLEANERS QUICK SERVICE Sc a wlndow outalde. 12c ln and out. Interior cieanlng. Storm sash put up. Estimates cheerfully given. J. KITCHEN WNETA415 16LTN29-ltp, Plastering Stucco Cernent Bagement-Whitewashing. G.o. A. Thursby Wilmette 3387 16LTN26-4tp1 SEASONED HARDWOODE Oak or ash, $8 per ton dellvered. Black1 dlrt, 3 yds.. $5. Sod, 4c sq. t. Glust Anderson, 435 Ridge, WiIgnetto. hono Wilmette 452. 1OLTN26-4tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UCDELHOFFUN, EXTERMINAT- Ing engineer.. Ph. Wilimette 3867. GOAL Direct from the Wiimington mine. Lump, egg, $7. Nut, $6.75. Mine run, $6.50. Clean. 2 tons or load. Phone Wllmette 1998. 16LTN29-4tp UPHOLSTERING -REPAIRING saves you 30% a.nd time by doing on your promises. Estimates free. Write 9-18, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 1OLTN26-4tp CLOCK REPAIRtINO CLOCKC EXPEIRT,- CHIM, HALL, gatique elock repa.lrlng. Leamned tradei in Europe. <Formerly wlth Tiffany andE PleId>u). W111 eall. Freo qatimate. David Johanason, -pihone Divorsey 2041. 2OLTN4-lltp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowns-Wraps-Suits-Coats Original-Copied-Restyled--Altered 833 Eim St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN27-4tp MISS BOLAND . .i Designs, makes, copies and alters, gowns, wraps, suits, coats in your home. Phn Wllmette 867. 22LTN26-4tp DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING; also lining of coats. Reasonable; in your home or mine. Phone Wilmette 1253. 22LTN29-ltp ECLECTRICAL SIERVICIE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS ADDITIONAL WIRING. Call Henry, Winnetka 1849. 23L29-1 tp BLACK.DIRT HORSE AND COW MANURE URBIN LEVERNIER Phone Glenview 21 or Glencoe 926. 27LTN28-2tp MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. P I A N O, VIOLIN, HARMONT AXID French language by Mr. Paul F, Cor- imby at your home. Reas. price. 1215 Wilmette Ave, or phone Wilmette 3000. 31LTN26-4tp LAUN DRY CURTAIN SPECIALTY Reasonabiy done by hand. Wili eall and deliver. Plione Wilmette 2101. 34LTN29-ltp WANTED-L, A U N D R Y TO TAXE home by experienced iaundress. Will call and deliver. Phone Wilmette 2130.1 34LTN26-4tpi LAUNL)RY, WET WASI, ROUGH DRY and, special price on famiiy wash and curtains. Phone Wilmiette 3687. 34LTN29-ltp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Ultra-violet and infra-red lamps. 627 Grove St. Phone Gre. 1642. 38LTN20-ttp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE-BANJO--LUDWIG BELL- vue Model. Used very littie.. Excellent cond. Cost $150 new. Reasonable. Wilmette 2041. 40LTN29-ltp PAINTING AND DECORATINS Paint, _Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CAC., .$1 UP SANITAS AND CA.NVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, 7é; bathroom enamoled, $5 up.; kitchen painted, $6 Up.ý 5 rmn. tire. washed, varnlshed, .$8. Stucco finish,, outaldo painting, porches $15. Windows, 50e. Rets. Fr.. estimates. Materls furnlshed. Melvin Skolnik Wil.. 3413 42LTN29ltp QUALITY PAINTING AND DECORATING We make old floors like new with elec- trie machine. Neat, reliable and, very reasonable on exterior and Interior work. We cover entire North Shore. Estimates cheerfully given.1 Fred Broberg* Bri. 1061 42LTN28-4tc PAINTING AND DECORATINO É CLA SSIFIED AD VER TISEMENTS Classifled advertisements wili be charged- only Generai Notice-to residents of the district from Evanston to. Glencoe, Inclusive, whose na.mes appear ini the telephone directory, or who are. regular subscriber s to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEIWS. R25 cents a Uine. Advertisements run in ail three papers. aites- 31131311-3 CHARGE ONXE DOLLAR. Average of, five words to the Une. No black face type tised. 20c% discobuil on ail cash advertise- ments when brought tri aur office at 1232 Centrai Ave., Wiimette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 1",, discount on ail advertisements iun foui consecutive issues. Deadline for *InsertionS-c~fee u toTusda 9P *M.fo WILMETTE LIFE. or ail three papers; Wednesday 1) P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS, Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 P. M.>. Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 1216-1217. *USINESS oPP>RrUNaiTiEn MEN 0F GOOD CHARACTER DESIR- lng government civil service positions, $105-$175 month, qualify at once. For personal Interview write, stating age, to Federai Service Training Bureau, Ine., A-23, Box 40, Wllmette, Ill., 61lLTN28-4tp) HAVE $PACE AND DESKS FO R public stenographer. Some business to offset rent. Write B436, Box 40, WiI- mette, 111. 61LTN29-ltc RM. PAPERED, $3 UP ; EtL.'C $1 up; ýpaper clnd., 75c; kit wshd., $2; Ptd., $6 , up; bthrm . wshd., $1.50; enamn., $5; antique walis wshd*, iutchd., $2.50. Good mat'l furn. Ref. Apprec. any amt. S1LOUIS SKOLNIK WILMETTE 5034 WINNETKA 2511 42LTN29-ltl) Pz"S Tfile WEEK'S SPECIALS. CORY- doras 50c; DoJos, 15c; full grown bettas 75c Up; red talles 49e pair; Tanks 69e up.; canaries, beautiful singers, $4.95 up; Davis St. Pet Shop, 1025 Davis St. Ph-nie Greenleaf 8832. 44LTN29-1 tp .A iJOLGIE CHRIST3%IAS Another beautiful litter of ped. springer spaniels. Champ. bloodlines. See them. They speak for themnselves. Xmas de- liivery. 2315 Thornwood, - Wilmette. 44LTN29-1 tt COCKER SPANIEL PUP'iES.1PARTI- colored, pedigreed. $15 and $20. 3122 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmfette 3990. 44LTN29-ltp BLACK COCKER SPANIEL PUPS 4 months, good pedigree. Home raised Healthy, 1448 N. Long Ave., Chicago. Merrimac 6443. 44LTN27-3tc FOR SALE - PURE BRED PO LICE puppies. Not kennel bred. Phone Winnetka 3040. 44L29-1 tp PIANO TUNINO Pianos Tuned &. Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Eactory, Dealer, Acoustic Laboratory experience; good references. - E. I. VAN HARLINGEN 1323 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildatre 8642 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO' TUNING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering. Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Pair- view, Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN26-4tp BEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES AND V A C U U M CLEANERS, ALL klnds repaired. Established more than flfty years ago. Now located ln Wil- mette.' L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 63LTN29-tfc UPHOLSTERY AND SLIP COVERS SLIP COVERS Draperies and curtains made to order. Expert worknxanship). Ph. Giencoe 1419. 58LTN29-4tp SPECIALIZES IN R A PE S, CUR- tains, furniture coverings, gen'l sew- ing. $2.50 per day. Sew. machine furn. on request. Miss Lewis, Gre. 9739. 5SLTN29-Itp WVEARING APPAREL CLOSI NG OUT ON UNCALLEI) FOR fur coats for balance due. H-udson Seal, Raccoon, Coney, Leopard, and many other real values. Monarch Fur- riers, 1043 Tower Rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 288. 59LTN29-Itc CANADIAN BEAVER COAT IN NO. r cond. Size 16-18. Outgrown and will be sacrificed.. Can be seen. at Okean Furrier,. Winnetka, ask.for Mrs. White's coat. 59LTN29-Itc TUXEDO AND WINTER OVERCOAT, sîze 16-18 yrs. Perf. cond.-outgrown. Man's tuxedo, 42. Severai pairs of ice skates on shoes. Winnetka 2183. 59LTN29-Itc $165 RIDING HABIT TAILOR MADE, size 42, like new $29.50; stripe trousers, eut away coat and vest; tuxedo and ful dress suits, size 44; reas. Winnetka 2067. 59LTN29-ltp NEW BLACK HEAVY WINTER COAT. Persian lamb collar, sîze. 38-40, $25. 3 evening dresses, size 14, $3 each. Phone Wilmette 1512. 5 9LTNll29-ltc BLACK CARACUL COAT AND MUFF, red. evening wrap, fur trim, green winter suit, size 36. Ail in good condi- tion. Glencoe 292. 59LTN29-ltc FOR SALE ,-- 4-_PIECE BOYIS BLUJE knicker suit-14. Hi-shoes, ýboys 5%.- Black leather sheep-lined coat-12. Phone Glencoe 287. 59L29-ltp FOR SALE-MISSES, BROWN CLOTH winter'coat with fur collar and cuifs. $15. Phone Wilmette 4672. 59LTN29-ltc ç> TAX WARRANTS. WE BUY EVANSTON, WILMETTE. Winnetka and other Tax Warrant,;. Ira Roseniberg, Rm. 405, 800 Davis St., Evanston. 6SLTN29-ltc LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3z00 6SLTN36-tfe SITUATION WANTED--FEMAILE COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Effcient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REP~ERENCES WE ARE THE -ORIGINAL Pauline's Ernp. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite "U' Ter. 68LTN25-tfe EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestie heip, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. Referenees in- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 33q9 DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED No charge b> Emîiffoyelr Lindgren Enipi. Agency Establlshed 25 years 799 Eli St. Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfc Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 RE LIABLE HELP AIl domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS __________________ 68LT N18-tfc WVidowv, age 37, Gýel*llln. (ood vook, hskper. Splendid refs. $1 5-$ iS. Nurseniaid, age 20, exiperien(-ed. $8-$12. General and gond cook. Itefs. $12-$15. Couple,.N<rth Shore experience. $75-$100. S-Il-A-Y, 109 E-ast Oak St. Superior 6608 Chicago Elderly (.4)1. womlari as e> , or î.eiira i. Gernmaiigirl-hone rniglits. JOHNSON'.s EMI>'. 4.,»FNcy %'ilnlette 4144 1428 Wilmette Ave. 68LT'N29-1 ti) AN EXPERIENCED LAIDY TEACHER wouid instruut chiidren in their studies. Also would take (are of children eve- nings;. l>hoie Wiliwtte 2919. 68LTN29-I tp ItFIEI XOMAN 1% TSCAE 0F childreii or pract(tic-al nursing or lie carni)anion. Teaches Gernian. Also do light housework by the day or part time. Wilmette 1253. 68TTN29-1t p HOSPITAL T RA IN E INFANTS' nurse. Would'like care of 'baby or (>der chirdren. Excellent North Shore refs. Phone Wentworth 5430. 6SLTN29-1 tp A-i COOK, BAKER, FANCY OR plain, Diet, or hskpg., iaundry. Re- liable, neat, honest, colored. $12-$15. Phone Wilmette 4144.. 68LTN29-ltp COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN. HSK. Neat, dlean. Good N. S. refs. Bohannon Emp. Agcy., 417 Fourth St., Wilmette 1170. - .68LýTN29-ltp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES washing, ironing or cleaning by the day, 8 years',reference one place. Uni. 7458. 68LTN29-ltp WANTED POSITION TO ASSIST WITH housework or take care children by day 'or week. Home nllghts. Phone Glencoe 1612. 68L29-ltp EXPERIENCED GENERAL OR 2ND maid In small family. No laundry. 3 years' N. S. references. Phone Glen- coe 73. 68L29-ltp. LAUNDRY, CLEANINO, SEWING AND caterlng by experienced capable white woMan by day or. hour. 'Reasonable.', Phone Wilmette 3009., 68L29-ltp WISH TO PLACE MY EXPERIENCED trustworthy m a id. Excellent cook, scrupulously dlean. $15 per week. Phone Glencoe 1035. 68LT29-ltpý YOUNG SINGLE WOMAN, UNIVE- sity graduate, desires position as governess. References. Monroe 1602, Chicago. 68LTN29-ltc A CAPABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE day work 3 days a week. Wiil care for children evenlngs. Best N. S. refs. Winnetka 1530.. 68LTN29-ltp ' 1