November22, 1934WILMETI I±LIF.E.4 Ur v1 ILÉ in-Ir-. m v, Public Forum, AN OPEN.LETTER SNovemben 18, 1934 To the People of Wilmette: Two years have passed since a smal group oýf civic minded people began its -counageous task of establishing an in- stitution for the purpose of providing a truly nepresentative local government. You. mav think that this does not con- cern you, but it does. To be worth% of tha sacre mrivlezeco a frtt- 1~~ni-ié finding out the facts. If the letter making the charges had to be pub- lished at ail, it would have been, iii my poor opinion, a very. nice thing to lhave held* h up until the answer could have appeared with it, thus rnak,- ing a laughing stock of the %vriter of tliese unfounded charges.. Xours tnuly, C. S. Jackson, Hubbard \Vo0(ls. you nist lake part ini the nomination V trnH uennDe as well as the election of candidates.nHo e anD s To exercise this prerogative is to Suddenly at "L" Station st rengthen it, and( to strengtihen it is S. H. Taylor, 70,years old, a coloned to be wothy of its obligation. hiouseman -ni the home of Henry C. New members of the Harmony col'- 1 Hall, 0 eta vne idsd vention are now being soughit ini eac 1 denflv of heinorrhage of the brain, prec inct of the village to fil vacancies Fridav, November 16, in, the "L" caused by retinîng menhl)ers. Nozu is termnal station at Linden avenue. I-e die in~e t sugestto he uînIîttee hlad coniplained that lie vas not feel- iieinter,, you wîsh to represent vn n vlan isIooh precinct it tnat.convention.MCssperatt toHall preint i tat onenton Copeatelitook iîîît the elevated station, as with thli on-partisan conmittee ]in 111- > he hiad expressed a desire to go to ing tlhese vacancies in this. -Viner C011- Chicago. On the wva- he seemed toi z-enfi<,n, and it wvill reflect the interec-î get %vorse and M.\iss Hall called Frank veu take in it. Here are the iane Renkin of Chicago., vhom she kniew Of that conînîittee: * and saw~ on the street, to assist in Xeslev IL. Brown, 1000 Washingtonî getting Taylor into the station. avenue. Reaching the station, lie was assisted \Villiamn B. Robinison, Jr.. 1020> Asi-ý inside and placed on a bench. whene landl avenue. toe expired. The bodv wasnremoved oanl undertaking parlor i Evans- E. C. Cazel, 1167 WVilinette avenue, ton. Nr.C. P. E.vans, 908 Central a%-,-i .\r. Taylor had worked for a num- nue. !ber of vears ini \Vilnîette, and ivas Bruce Revxîolds, 2030 Tlîorinvood iwell and favorablv known. He had avenue. lenenovdfr1 F. * 2 %e fr 6 easby Alvin 11rs joln F.204 *ft"lj Butz, and when the Butz home was street. sold to Mfr. Hall 13 vears ago lie was Hector Dodds, 720 Prairie avenue. retained and remained in the service Mrs. john P". Pearson, 2009 Thorii- of the familv cont inuously until bis w0od avenue. death. He enjoved the complete A primary duty of the convention is. confidence of bis -employers because first, not to nominate newv canididates-,. of bis reliability and fine character. but rather to see that competent, ex- He wvas of a thnifty nature, and is perienced officiaIs remain iin office, and said to have owned a. considerable then to filI vacancies due to retiremnelt tract of ]an(! at Morgan Park. He and inaptitude with capable mien ai( was identified ivith the Wayman ,,vomen of high character. cliurchi on the near 'north side of Chi- \'<e nust work together to keep alîve cago. the spirit of representative government embodied in the Harmony convention. Let us alIzlp to stimulate and strength-* Characterist to- Appear ein the wholesoine, healthy community* at Joseph Sears Sehool spirit that is so mucli needed in our Sidney Landon, characterist, will social and economic life. peraaiasmbytthJop. In te eecuionof he anyre-Sears school in Kenilwonth- Friday spoiîsibilities placed upon us in the comi- afternoon of -this week at 2 :30 plex life of today it is difficult to fol- oýc lock. Pupils from the third to Iow village administrative and legisla- th0 ihhgae icuiewl t tiveacton.We nus, hwevr, aketend the assemblY. With wigs, grease enough tirne to insune the success of an organization that makes it thein busi- paints and a precisely vivid im agin- ation Mn. Landon makes such char- ness to see that the ight citizens ar e actens as Edgar Allaii Poe, Rudyand entrusted with this responsibility. Kipling, Mark Twain, Bill Nye, Long- 1715 Highland avenue. ÇOMMENDING MR. CALHOUN November 16, 1934 Editor, WiLm1ZTTZ, Lî19E: Arn much pleased at reading Mn. Calhoun's letter in this week's (Novem- ber 15) Public Forum. At the sanie tume I regret that it is necessary for one of our officiaIs to thus deny charges miade by some inresponsible' person which have no foundation in f act. Rtis too bad that it is so easy to publicly make charges of this sont behind the shield of "I arn told" this, that and the othen. There is an old saying 'to the effect that the truth can neyer catch Up with a lie, and unfortunately too rnany of us are too proue to think the wonst of those holding public office, and to be too ready to believe such chanrges when published without first RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Minitz, 59) Crescent place,. returned last Thurs- day from a three weeks' motor trip through the east. They visited. iii Cleveland, Rochester, Bronxville,,Vir- giniia Hot Springs, and White Sul- phur Springs. Mrs. Percy Cutier, .207 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, entertained a bridge foursome at luncheon Tuesday and anotber Wednesday. WEATH ERSTRI P 0 NU-METAL ALL COPPER for Years of Wear 0 Easily lnstailed Mille, Hardware Co. 1219 Wllmette Ave. WIL SM Infant WeIf are Group increases Membership The, Kenilworth Infant Welfaire so- .iey beld its annual, lingerie sbower on Novenben -14 at the borne. of Mis. JP. O'Connor, 718'Elmwood avenue. This- group, is cornposed of young wonen wh o took over the original Wel- fare society., the majority of the mem- bers of, that group. being the mothers of the present young wornen.. They begani four years ago. witb a menhber- ship of twelve and there are now over fifty. Their first president was Mrs. Ch;eifl<e K. Sandens, and thein first benefit was a bridge tea and fashion show at Easter time, which was a great. success, and which has sinice becorne an annual affain. An unusually large number of north shore women attended the recent lin- gerie show- which consisted of exquisite creations in silks, satins, velvets, and chiffons in lovely delicate colors. The proceeds of the show will be used for the maintenance of the Seward Park station wvhich this group is helping to support. Bishop Waldorf Speaks at Thanksgiving Service M1ethodists fnom aIl sections of the Chicago area will join in the annual Methodist union service of Tbanks- giving to be held in Chicago temple the monning of Thanksgiving I)ay, Thursday, November 29, at 8 o'clock. Bishop Ernest Lynn Waldonf will be the speaker, discussing the topic, '*Thanikfu-for What?" Music will consist of congregational singing and selections by a. quartet recruited from The Northenners of radio famne, directed by Harry S. Walsh, director of The Nothenners and of the Ham- ilton club chorus. ___ i * ransmission *Differential *MotorOilis Wh.n the t hermomnetor slides down to 100 below, your car needs winter lubricants that wiII stand upi Exide Batteries and Service TrH.EOIL WELL Bo06W Mac. Main Street ai Linden Avenu. Phone Wilm.tte 3334 SUPPER HOSTESS Beverly Holzworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Holzwortb, 1034' Ramona road, entertiined thirty- eight guests at a buffet supper last Sunday in honor of her seventeenth birthday.- Ben- Rawlinis, a graduate of Williamis college, and an accordian player and singer, entertained the guests. Edwin Kunze of Manitowoc, Wis is visiting bis sister and family, the James W. Alders, 931 Greenwood avenue. For the Winter uste VIE CHIEF, It att 47% faster than goverunient specifications. Llewellym Bowen TEXACO SERVICE lu No Mans Laned WiL 539 AUTO R-P 732 TWELFTH STREET W/£. 3242 Ir Tou NUST DODEOW use the Household Loan Plan.. Loans $30 t<> $300- 0,lysi1 ersare husbandamud.wifeepy inmopthly instllmntsto fit income-charges figutred 9nly on balance.demudfo uber of dayi between pay- ments-firse paymnent is flot due for thirty days- qluick, courteous, private service. Visit, write,,or 'phone,%s of "-Yuur D.d.t el Fasuily Finances 2ad FI., 1737 Howad St. l4th FI., 15W. Madison west of 66V', Chicago Chlcago Fb.nmesGreenloef 2550 'Phones Fra1kilin 088 -Noveinber 22, 1934