46 WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 193-1 J ýHOME MDRNZ4TION .. SCTION Home. Poets have suing of it, ora- tors have declaimed of it, armies have foughit for it.- First an ideal,, theti. tlîrough toil and sacrifice an actualitv. the home holds for al people a sentimental attachnient that few humaîî emotions transcend. ,ro the average American. home W. C. HUGGINS BUILDING SERVICE 100 13th Street, Ph. Wilmette 3558 Gênerai Contractor Painting :Decorating Remodelbng CLEAN-UP TULIP SPECIAL Your choice of 100 lai size Holland grown buibs. 2 5 each of pink, $A.75 red, yellow, lavender, at... 4 Bartigon, Bleu Aimable, Clara Butt, Mme. Krelage, City of Haarlem, Pride of Haarlem, Farnconîbe Sanders, Rev. Ewbank, William Copeland, Dido, Rosabella, Inglescombe Tel- low, Mnonlight, Mrs. Moon. Mixed Crocus, per 100..$2.50 Landscape Service FRANKEN BROS. M4 ELM STREET FRANK DEERFIELD /DFEIlFriL Phone 241 MO RTOAGE LOANS We are in the market for conservative first mort- gage boans on re8idences, alpartments and office buildings. Qw"Ty a ) k ÏNC. 1 N. La Salle St, Chicago central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston has always heeîî something more thaîî a nîcre habitation. fixed aiîd îI n- changed. Neyer has be been satis- ied with just four crude walls and a roof set upon a bit of land. As bis position in life improve, bis habita- tion-bis home-is likewise irnproved. Old homes for neiv has a1lvavs been the ridle in America. The home is one of the major standards bv w~hich the state of a man 's progress a,nd achievement is judged by bis acquaintances, lWs friends and bis neighbors. The state ini which it is kept, more often tlian îîot. denotes te a marked degree his character. Next to the %velfare of bis familv. a man .s chief concern is for bis home, and one cannot help but wohi der what are the emotions man,. menî when f-hey take stock of the condition of their homes todav. Througbout tlîe land are thousands of homes tiot as attractive. rentable, salable or as valual)le as tbev once were. Due to lack. of normal care and attention, these onîce spick and span. homes have a down-at-the-heel appearance. 1Vhile the resuit of this unwanted îîeglect is serions from a materiai standpoint. tlîere is another equally serious phase of the* natter-the dis- piritiiîg effect upon the owner andl bis familv. To sec oîîe's ionie*iii a sad state of (isrepair is most de- pressing--enough to iveaken the morale of ans' man or woman. Next to the welfare of bis faxnilv. a man's concerti is for bis home. If everv' bome owvner in a position to secure a loan during the Better H-ousing Programi does so andl ml- proves bis. propertyv. it wvould, in a vers' material setîse, lie "l)read casi uponl the water" for it would agaiîî put uipoîî the pav rolîs huîîdreds of thousands of idie nmen and xvonen of the building industrv. More pay envelopes mean greater purc hasi,îg power anîd ven the purchasing powver of the nationî is restored tlîeî wve will bave pr osperity. a I Bas e plugs save acci- dents to cordst fix- bures and lampe. We instailith em nexpen- sively , neatly and quickly! A WE REPAiR RADIOS WASHERS VACUUMS MOTORS, etc. daims Electvich St., Wilmette Sel éet Suitable Equipment, Advice The use of equipment suited to the needs of the purchaser as wveli as high in quality is l)eing empha- size(I by the Federal Housing Ad- mninstration as, a truc measure of ecoîîomv for those planning to take advaîtage of the Better Housing Programn to repair, alter or improve t heir homies. Maîiv homne ownîers, believing flic, are tliriftv, have a tendency to nii- stali equipmnent either too srnall or otherwvise unsuited to their needs. Dissatisfaction results. .Often' the eqluipment is altered or replaced at a cost..far greater thanl the (lifference bctweeîi' adequate an(l inadequate cquipmnent. Especially is this truc ,iîlî plunibing. of wvhich a great part is hidden inî walls and( floors wvhicli hav-e to be torii up to permit re- inoval. It is folly to spend money for niew e(luiprnent, the Federal Housiîag Ad- linistration stresses, unless it is suited ini everyv a' to the liouse, wvhether cottage or mainsion, of whicli it is to be an integral part. Laundry Chute Saves Steps for Housewife A IauindrY chute, with openings on ail floors, is the (luickest andl mcst sanutary wvay ýof collecting soile(l linens and clothing and disposing of tleiem until wash dav. In this nman- îîer. the housewvife or laundress is relieved of carrving heavv, bulk%- bundies downstairs.1 Then, too, bathroom or hall space is îlot taken up with hanîpers. 1The nîost satisfactory chute is of a nietal w~hich Nvill flot rust, chip. staîi. or in anv wvay.intjure fabrics whiclh are sent througlî it to the :aun(lrv roomn. Sucli a project wvould be a fittiîîg contribution te the Better Housing Prograni now in progress with the cool)eratioll of the Federal Housing .\dtiîîiiistratioii. OUTSIDE LIG HT SWITCH A rnomen tarv contact switclh ont- side for the porcli lhght eliminates stunîhling down steps and(l elps in locating key and kevhole. G LAS S 0 PENNVERNON "A"p Quality for clear vision Mille. Hardware Co. 1919 Wllmette Ave. WII. 3000. -WANTED- FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS We have funds available for conservative mortgages on North Shore Pro perty in amounts from $2,000to$10,000. Joseph C. Cormack & C.. Real Estale Loans and Insurance 1569 Shsermnan, Evanston UNlversity 33S3 Cen ter Shows Than ksgiving Table Display An opportunîty to, study a (lisp1ay of Thaîîksgiving table arrangements and to culI ne%% ideas for their omwn holiday tables wvill be offererl ail resi- dents of the north shore NMoîda%. November 20', heîi the North Shore Garden cetîter bas an exhibit ini its, headquarteirs at N\Viîetka Cenîmunitv House. This vvill bc openî fr ce of charge te the public, as are ail Gar- denî cetîter projects. Flestesses for. the day Nvill be Nirs. Allen Bullev. Mrs.. WVendell Clark. andl Nrs. Lee Ellis. of Keîîilwerth. anîd Mrs. Ogdeîî Cook of \Vinîetka. l'lie Keîîilwortlî Junior G ardenî cli is arranging the displa,5. The junior l.eague (Garden Club) of Evanstoîl had an exilibit of Nviîter boeuquets at tht Garden center Mon- (lay of this week. Thieirs %vas a very attractive group of arrangements cleverlv vorked 'ot. Their use of bernies suggieste(l that this is tht time to pick shrubs of bernies. te 1w used in ixter bouquets. New Roof on Old SAdds to Insulation When replacing an existing shini- gle roof, a saving may lie effected by re-roofing directly on top cof the 01(1 material. lu addit.ion to the elliiiiiîai- tioli of tbe .cost of tearing off the ol<l shingles., other advantages e xisî. The roof will be stiffer. Ixîsulation value will lie increase(l. Dint. bli insi(le andl out, w l bu avoi(le(. Any roofing material net cf exccs- sive iyeight such as wveed or compo- sition shingles mav l>c used. 'l'lie roof is prepared for tlîe joli liv îail- :ng (lown loose shîngles, splitting andr nailing curle(l shitîgles. reîilac- iîîg inissing s hingles. Cut awvay the .shingles for about two itîches cn aal e(lges of the roof anîd replace l)y \vo(len strips. This wvmll give a geeri fiish and a solid nailing surface. Naîl the shingles in the usual manî- îîer.. using abiout five penîny nails., large headed, copper or zinc ccated. These ,will be long eîîough 1(- pass througli the cld roof. CLEAN, OIL LOCKS Trouhlesome interior door locks can be removed. easily forceaiî. aînd oiling. The screw cil the steml of one'door knolh sbould lie loosciee andc the knob) pulled off or un- screwed. The other knob and thti rod can then' be drawn ou t. The loci, is released byv the loosening of two screws, and the tuechaîîism exposecl l)V removing a loo.se plate to be found on one side aîîd secured by- a single screw. LIBIERTY LOAN Auto CORPORATION Personal Tel. Greenleat 1363 Furniture 1569 Sherman Avenue, Evanston LECTRIC WIRING November 22, 1934 ý 46 .WILMETTE LIFE.