Catholic W'omen Greet ble à, à 1 _r 1 - - - Benefit December 5 Is New Members o? League rlan ot Meical '.roup Bright November weather invited Wednesday afternoon, December a large attendance at the regular 5, is the date of a benefit bridge tea meeting of the North Shore Catholic to be given by the Woman's auxiliary Woman's league held at the Winnetka of the Chicago Medical society the Woman's club Tuesday afternoon ast Medical society of Cook county, to week. The seventeen'new members furthcr its public health and welfare welcomed into the, club were presented' work. The party begins'at 1 :30 o'clock. with corsages of yellow chrysanthe- and is to he held at the Bal Tabarin ini mums. Mrs. Maurice Lieber ad- the Hotel Sherman., Tickets. may be dressed the meeting on current secured f rom Miss Mary Jane Straus. events, and Frank Sykora, noted wvhose telephone is- Winnetka 995. 'cellist, entertained with music. Af- l terwards Mrs. Frederick Albrecht of Northibrook and Mrs. Walter Smith of Winnetka presided at the Mr. and MNrs. Marvini Harms, 1020 tea table, which was decorated in the Miami road, left last Saturday for harvest colors, the centerpiece being Atlantic City where the latter wl a hollow pumpkini filled with fruits. attend the advertisers' convention. Pre-Thanksgvng Two-Day Sale of WINTEIR HATS 325 of Our Smartest $3.85 and $4.5o Hats Moclels for St reet, Ev.ningj and Cocktail Hour '5' $3 Thursday andi Fidey Only ai This Prk.e Tailleurs, Toques Turbans, Brims, -Cossacks. ýHais Of $afin,, fur f.It, fabric and velour. Black, browfn and high shades Millinecry Salon-Second Floor W]iEBOLDT'PSuEVANSTON ýWilmetl'e 1100 On Davis Street To iveFIa~ILecture éf Club Mfoudoy The fourth and lait, in Dr.. Fred B. Millett's series of lecture pnoe by~~~~~~~~~ teitrtrdeatetoteWoa's Club of Wilmette will be given ai 10 o'dlock Monday nlorning, November 26. "The Sta'te' of American Criticism" wiIl be Dr. Millett's subject that day. Mrs. George B. Williams is chairman of the literature depart- ment, and Mrs. George N., Lamb is its vice-chairman. Assisting tbem are Mrs. George D. Alli- sofl4 Mrs. E. Earl McDow, M1s. Edward Meier, Mrs. Glenn S. Roberts, Mrs. W. H. Scott, and Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith. Mrs. Williams aninounces that Dr. Mil- lett's lecture is open to club mein- bers f ree, and to the public at a small fee. Dr. Millett is associate pro- fessor of English at the Univer- sity of Chicago and has in the past heeti a member of the de- partments of English of Queen's university and the Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology. lie has had miany years' experience as a puhlie lecturer ini the Chicago area atid1 elsewhere. In 1929 he edited, withi a critical introduction, Manly and Rickert's "Contemporar-y American Uiterature." and he is preparing a new edition of their "Conteniporary British, Literature.- for MEN on4d BOYS ONLY SATURDAY APTIRNOONS 2 TO 5 P. M. H-andball, Squash Badminton (/ Hour) Swimming 50C 25C Needle Shower Iacluded NORTH SHORE SC.HOOL of Physical Development 1700 Central Street Evansion GREenleaf 3700 - Phones Winnetka 418 Buy Now!f AT FIELD'S EVANSTON STORE PAY IN JANUARY For the remnainder of thia month, merchandise purchaaed on charge accounta wdll be placed on'Decem-- ber bis, payable January 2, 1935 This special arrangement 'is made on account ot the brevity of the Christmas Season. We hope it wiIl induce our charge custoniers to purchbase at once before the crowds are dense; while merchandise is new and fresh; and while displays are complet e. If our customers wiIl startthi mias purchasing now, we will be, give better service. Christ- able to ALL 0OF OUR CHRI'1.PMAS MER- CHANDISE IS NOW IN READINESS. The Christmas "Fashions of the Hour" is just off the press. Practically every new, and smart gift of the 1934 season is here. Now is the very best time to make selec- tions. A word to the wi se. is sufficient. Only twenty -six shopbing days before. Christmas. (Charge accounts in our ioop 'store can, of course, be..used inaur 1evanston Store) THE.,EVANSTON STORE MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY e. JL. à r lm November, 229 * 1934 HOUSEý 41 , w 1 L u IR"r"r'R. LIPPI