WONDERBOLT NO, 20 On Suie Thrad..FiÙ<d U-WSr.rdq Onlv» .Pre-Holiday,.'Sale of SI ingerite 1/a o 1/ BelWRegulUnr 'Prices Salsmnen s samples. disconthi. ued numnbers and close-outs * ail firsi qualityl Vou 1 -nover b. able la pick up gift-volues like these w h e n f Christmas nearsi f'W. can't bogin ta describe t he variety, 1the beauty, the quality of those pioces! lmh- ported laces beautifully tex- tured fabrics and desired sites. Maues Slips Chemise Pênties Pajamas Dance Sets 0f silk . . . bias-cut and beau- tifully fitted. là regular sites. ___ g One- and two-piece pajamnas. S.ALL-WOOL SNOW SUITS For Girls $7.98 Fashioned of water-gepellent fab- rics *n the beioved two.piece styles, these snow suifs of sold color have contrast trims ana plaid tops. Some with matching caps. Szes 7 to 12. z' s PPER. UI1TS Slips Gowns Chemise Panties .Many Others 0f sillc and of satin! Perfectlv stunning lingerie in lovely soft tones wth rch lace trimrs. Ex.- cepiionai values. $6.98 Ali-wool models, with Talon fas- teners and patch pockets. 0; practical water-repellent fabrics with double knee-patches and matching helmets. One- and two- piece styles; sizes 2 to 6 years. Silks, satins andj and remarkableg sets. bedjacicets. pure dlye silks af. extraorclinary beauty qualityl Slips, gowns, pajamas. dance panties ., . in delicate pastel tints SiIk Negligees and. Palamas $2,99$3919 5,99, Lace-trimmed and teila .red models in bptk light and derk shades. Gaod su.e ranges . .. somne extra sizes. The ideal gift suggestio>n. alwaysl Sance ue cainot guarantee that qurnties on ail items wiU lat alil daya, jr tuilbe prudent ro SHOP RARLYI Lingerie-Second Floor WJBOLDT's -VANSTON. On Davis Street A CHARGE ACCOUNT SIMPLIFIES YOUR SHOPPING! NOVEMBEg-c-2, 1934 TOTS' SNOW Wilmette 1100