at<vies <nSocal ices BT&'mBROR Announce 'Board of Directors for Arden Shiore Camp Mrs. Harry A. Sellery of Ra- vinia was elected president of the Arden Shore association ai its annual luncheon meeting lasi Friday at the Chicago Athletic club, with the outgoing pre *si- dent, Mrs. Kingman Doug1ass of Lake Forest, presiding. Other members of the board for 1934-35 are announced as follows. Mrs. Robert B. Gregory, of Chicago, honorary president; Mis. Herbert S. Nock of Winnetka, first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Phelps Kelley of Lake Forest, second vice-president; Mrs. Douglass, third vice-president; Mrs. John Eugene Davis of Glencoe, re- cording secretary; Mrs. Owen Barton joues of [ake Forest, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Roy, Bard of Win- netka, treasurer. Village chairmen iniclude Mrs. XVil- lis H. Hutson ,Wilmette; Mrs. Ju,,- A. Petersen, Kenilworth; Mrs. Wal- ter F. Straub, Winnetka; Mrs. Frank B. Hubacheck, Gleticoe; Mrs. Ewing Webb, Chicago; Mrs. Gairý Tourtellot, Jr., Evanston; Mrs. George W. Wade, Ravinia; Mrs. George Allen Mason, honorary chairman, Highland Park; Mrs. Robert S. Hotz, Lake Forest; MNrs.- Elisha P. Whitehead. of Lak.e Bluff; Mrs. Harold Brown, Bannock- burn. Directors at large are Mrs. joseph J. Siddall of Glencoe, Mrs. William J. Fyffe of Highland Park, Mrs. George Richardson of Lake Forest, Mrs. Ar- thur J. Mitchell of Winnetka, Mrs. Frederick Tilt of Wilmette. Mrs. Jay Giidden of Highland Park, Mrs. George W. Childs of Highland Park. Mirs. Edward Fifieid of Chicago. Chairmen in charge of association committees are Mrs. William E. Cas- selberry of Lake Forest, camp; Mrs. Richard Gambrill Jr., of Evanston, financiai; Mrs. V<.yndham H. Chan- ner of Winnetka, industrial; Miss Elizabeth Alger of Glencoe, social; Mrs. Morrow Krum of Lake Forest, publicity. The Arden Shore association num- bers among, its honorary members, Mrs. Grant Ridgway of Kenilworth, Mrs. Bruce MacLeisb of Glencoe, Mrs. Leslie F. Gates of Wiimette, and Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of Winnetka. About sixty persons were present at the meeting, and, after the lunch- eon, reports. were read. Mrs. John Eugene Davis gave the secretary' report; Mrs. Herbert Nock, the treas- urer's; Mrs. Gambrill the report of the finance committee. The report of the industrial committee was read by Mrs. Channer, and, because Mrs. Casselberry, camp chairman, was out of town, Mrs. George, Richardson read the. report. Nine, mepîbers of the Wilmette board were present. Miss 0Olga Lucky, whio formeriy lived at Arden Shore camp and.there iearned about nature study, gave, an interesting taik on ber work in chil- dren's' wards of Chicago hospitals wbere she shows lantern slides of Ilowers and birds, even teaching the children the songs of various birds. Touching and' inspiring was the To Marry in Deçoember, Hostess'es ai Wellesley Miss Lorraine H. Meister of Wil- mectte is to becomze the bride of Felix Lowy Ti.esday, Decemiber 4, ai 6 in the eveening, ipt the Beliopit ho tel. llr.'Lozty is the son of the Feuix Lo-zvis of I1ipmetka and .,!iltukee. Circle's Benefit Bridgie Among the social events of this past week, was the annual benefit bridge tea given by the North Shore, Wellesley circle Wednesday after- noon at Shawnee. The work of the Student Aid society at Wellesley col- lege is aided by the proceeds from these yearly affairs. Guests attending broughit white elephants, which were auctioned off during the afternoon to sweli the pro- ceeds, with Mrs. Charles E. Peace of Chicago acting as auctioneer. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Thomas McConnell and Mrs. Terrell E. Stapp of Wilmette; Mrs. Newell S. Knight of Kenilwortb; Miss Marjory M. Billow, Mrs. Lambert L. Davis, Mrs. Alfred H. Hiatt, Miss Helen G. Johnson, Mrs. Richard C. Lake, Mrs. Wilson V. Little, Mrs. E. R. McClaren, Mrs. Loweli C. Noyes, Miss Darthea Pflager, Miss Lilian E. Pool, Mrs. Eduard F. Poser, and Mrs. Dreni- nan J. Slater, of Evanston; Mrs. Francis E. Broomeil, Mrs. Ira F. Nestor, Miss Marie Remien, Mrs. William E. Schweitzer,' and Miss- Ann Steinbrecher, of Chicago. Mrs. Lake and Mrs. Bruce Scott of Evanston poured at the tea table, relieved by Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of Glencoe, and Mrs. Schweitzer. Meister-Lowy Wedding to Invitations. Are Out for Be Deembe CermonyHinchliff-Owens Weddina Invitations have been issued by NIr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Meister of 803 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette,' to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lorraine H. Meister and Alfred Lowy. son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lowy of Winnetka and Milwaukee, Tuesday, December 4, at 6 o'clock in the Belmont hotel ini Chicago. 1. MNiss Meister will have- but one. attendant, Miss Mari Koretz of Win- netka, while the bridegroom's brother, Gilbert, will serve as best mnai. Mliss Meister was graduated from Northwestern university. Her fiancé is a graduate of Washington and Lee university. On Commiffeie for Dance .The Christmas dance and card party sponsored by the ways ani ineans committee, of the Woman's Club of Wilmette is taking place Sat- urday evening, December 8 at the clubhouse. The event, a senior subs- cription dance, bas for its chairman. Mrs. Howard E. Ringhohn; for its committee members, Mrs.' W. W. Baer, Mrs. E. A. Fellers, Mrs. R. T. Hosking, Mrs. Clifford Ive s,. Mrs. Paul Lang, Mrs. E. Earl McDowi Mrs. Rodney Perrilil, Mrs. F. P. Straucli, and Mrs. Arthur Youngberg. Cope Harvey's orchestra will play for the dancing. talk on the if e at Arden Shore during the past year given by Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, superintendent of the camp. She told of the splendid work done for the mothers and chl- dren during the summer, and, spoke proudly of the accomplisbments of1 her forty boys in the winter camp. . In the mail this week were invita- tions to the marriage of Miss Ruth, Hincbliff of Evanston and Parry Owens of Wilmette, at 4 :30 o'clock the afternoon of Saturday, December 8, at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Frederick J. Newey of 436 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Dr. Walter Mor- gan of the new First Congregational churcb in Chicago wili read the serv- ice, wbich is to be followed by an informai reception. Miss Hinchliff, wbo is the daughter of Mrs. Fred Merrili Hinchliff, bhas, asked Mrs. Ted Burgess of Evanston to be ber matron of honor and. oniy attendant. Mr. Owens, the son of Mrs. Bruce P. Owens of 714 Eim- wood avenue, bas not yet announced bis groomsmen. The br ide-to-be, a graduate of Northwestern university, is an Alpha Phi. Mr. Owens, who was graduated from the University of Micbigan and Nortbwestern university, is a mem- ber of Delta Upsilon. Mr. Owens and bis bride wili live in Highland Park, a suburb. of ýDe- troit. For 6irlhood Frends. M rs. R. W. Starrett, 221 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilwortb, entertained a group of young women who grew Up.,together in Kenilwortb at lunch- eon Tuesday of last week.. Among them were Mrs. Frank. Ketcham of Keniiwortb, Mrs. Samuel Hypes and Miss Miriam Shattuck, and' Mrs. Hamilton Walter, of Glencoe, the latter substituting for Mrs. E. E. Sheridan of Evanston (Agnes.Pease).1 Mrs. King's, Talks To Be Outstanding Garden Club -Event Ten garden clubs of the north shore xviII sponsor two lectuires llext Monday at the Orringtoîi hotel byv Mrs. Francis S. King. foremost woman landscape gar. dener, who wiII talk ini the morii- ing at 10:30 o'clock on "The Lit - tie Garden" and in the afternoon on "Color in My Michigan Gar- den." Mrs. King formerly owned a heautiful estate in Flint, Mich Her present home is ini Southi J.-artford, N. Y. Members of local clubs who wish to go for luncheon, whicb is at 12:30 o'clock, are asked to make reserva- tions with their individual presidentb. The Wilmette Garden club announces that reservations will be taken by its president, Mrs. Frank J. Scheiden- helm. Mrs. King was a charter meînber and former vice-president of the Gar- den Club of America. She is honorar>* president of the Woman's National Farm and Garden association: a fellow of the Royal Horticuitural 'society. London; vice-president of the Gardeni Club, Ltd. of. London; and honorary president of the Garden Club of Mich- igan. Among the many books. of which Mrs. King is author, are, "The Well-Coîi- sidered Garden"; "«The Bleginner's Garden"; "The Little Garden"; and. "The Flower Garden Day By' Day.' In 1929 she was the garden editor of McCall's magazine, and she bas con- tributed articles to the Saturday Eve- ning'Post, Farm Journal, Good House- keeping, House Beautiful, and a num- ber of others, as well as to foreign: garden publications. Mrs. King is now literary advisor in garden books to one of the large New York publishing bouses. The Medal of Honor of the Gardeni Club of America bas been bestowed on Mrs. King as well as the George Robert White Medal of Honor of the Massachusetts Horticultural society "for eminent service in horticulture," and sbe was the first woman to re- ceive this medal. wbich is awarded aIl over the world. The Kenilworth Homne and Garden club: the Winnetka Garden club, thée Wilmette Garden club, and the Glen- coe Garden club are amonig the ten sponsors of Mrs. King's lecture in Evanston as well as the GardenClub of Evanston., the Lincolnwood Gardeni club, the Little Garden Club of *Evans- ton, and thé Wheaton and Barrinigton Garden clubs. The lectures are open o111Y to members of the clubs sponsor- ing, Mrs. King, it bas been announced. Aids Nursery School Mrs. William Morton Kinney, with Mrs. A. R. Findley, will be hostess to the KenilWorth group of the Mary Crane league Friday, November 23, at the home of Mrs. Kinney, 126 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth. The group helps to furtber the work of the Mary Crane Nursery school at Hlull House. WILMETTE.ý LIPE November 22, 1934