Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 30

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30Iîvurv WY~Nvmbr2,13 .W1..ILM ETTE L IFE WI à lWNI5ICU 13 COMBIN&D WuIsmtLTRrzANNOUNCEMnTS mutTu KEimLwoRrtKTarnai PUBLISHIED THURSDAYS DY LLOYD HOLLISTIER INC. l232-1236 CENTRAL AyENUE, WILMETTE,.ILLIN4OlS Toleph1one WJLM ErE4300 CHICAGO SUBURBAN QUALMT GROUP Ch4icage Ofce - xoa6-xoî S WILLOUONRT Towvit Telephose CENRA.L 3355 $UDSCRIPTION: $2FER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CFrS Ail communications and contributions intended for publi- cation must bear the name and address of the author, not necessariiy for publication, but for our files. Such material must reach the editor by Tuesday noon ta be in time for the current issue. DUPLICATING EFFORT The citizen who becomes identified with the so- cial, civic, religious or educational activities of the village soon becomes impressed with the fact that there are an inordinate number of organizations of various kinds. So many, in fact, that there- are flot days nor nights enough to permit bis partici- patio n*in even a small fraction of them. This sit- uation gives rise to the question wvether there are not more of these organizaiions than the needs of the comrnunity reaily demand. It is no unusual' thing te hear some publiz spirited. efficient and capable person. constanti '.% called upon to assist, in this, that or the other thing, say that the dernands upon bis time are s'1 great as to leave bim practically without oppor- tunity to enjoy a quiet home life. Is it not possible that in carrying on the work of the varjous organ- izations there is a wasteful duplication of time an(] effort that might weli be saved to the overworked busy man or woman who responds te every cail for beip? If, 'instead of rushing into the formation of a new organization when some measure of pubvc interest cornes up, the existing organizations wer2 thoroughiy canvassed to ascertain if among them could not be found one wbose activities are s o nearly akin as. to bring the proposed activity with- in its scope, multiplication of groups', with acconi- panying added work, might be avoided. It is a fact. that many worthy associations are launched, struggie aiong for a time and then (lie for lack of support. net because the objects sought are considered without benefit to the community, but simpiy because people do net have the tinie te devote to them. After aul, there are only seven' days in a week and twenty-four hours in a day. Perhaps amalgamation of groups with simlilar airns and purposes might be asolutioto the prob- lem'i, and resuit in more effective support. At least it is worth thinking about. CHARITY The public niind is just. now very inuch occupied with charitable activities. Community Chest cam-, paigns and other imeans for united giving are being presented to our people, whose generous instincts impel tbem to give freely for the relief of neigh- bors in distress.ý Coming at this time, when the rigors of winter c annot be far away, sympathies for those wbo are nlot properly houséd, clothed or fed are accentuat ed.. It is a difficult thing for any man or woman who is enjoying the comforts of a warm, well appointed home, with ample food of excellent, quality, and clothing of, latest cut. to treat, wîth indifference the cails that are. going up from, hundreds of homesfor assistance in secur-. ing the barest necessities of if e. But those who 'are active in pressing these appeals for help recognize that the alleviation of hunger, or the providing of heat and clothing, are flot the most important of the community's re- sponsibiiity te its unfortunates. The long stretch of depression,, with month after month of unem- picymepnt, in leavingr its mark upon thé men' and women who have been striîîng valiantly te re- main.independent of'relief. agencies.' Many who facedl the uncertain future with savings accouints have seen them disappear in an effort to provide- for tlemselves and cbiidren the means of sustain- ing life. Net infrequently furniture that could ill be spared bas gone te the second hand man fer af pittance in order that'a pitifully inadeqiiate portion of food -might be secured.. Heirlooms and art tÉeasures bave also been sacrificed. And as tbe last of tbeir resources bave been used, there has corne an inevitable loss of self-respect, net noticeable at first and scarcely admitted. which in time must and will bring a breakdown of morale that offers a serlous menace te the future welfare of any community. 1It is this phase of the problem that most deeply concerns those who are closest to the situation and know the intimate details of the individual cases that claim. their attention. How to 'renew%% courage where courage'has oozed awvav: how to restore faitb in the goodness of . God and the brotherhood of man when faith has become extinct; how te rehabilitate families that the ravages of want have ail but destroyed, are the questions that are most difficult to answer, ani which must be answered. Many people can, without great self-sacriflce, give considerable amounts of rnoney for local re- lief. But how many have the inclination, the train- ing, the knowiedge, and above ail, the'deep, fine sympathy, to go into the homes of these unfor.. tunate people and undertake the task of rebuild- ing demoralized famihies? Verv few. And it îs for this reason that the experienced welfare workers occupy an exclusive position in thec schemne of charity giving. Upon themn devolves the duty of administering the heip which the gener- osity of charitably inclinied people makes possible. To give is human. To personally heip those in distress is divine. NOT RACE TRACKS~ in assuming that broad highways are to bc considered as race tracks upon which they are privileged to "step on 'er and let 'er go," perhaps motorists are not 50 much to he blamed, when officiais promoting these highways emphasize them as "high speed roads." As a, matter of fact, they are not designed or intended- as "higli speed" roads,.and certainiy not as race tracks. The purpose of these broad concrete avenues is to save the tinie of the motorist by enabling himn to get front one point to another quickly, not Iwv driving at break neck, dangerous speed, but hv traveling continuously at a moderate rate of speed, f ree front frequent interruptions by cross traffic. How often is one passed on the road by' a motorist tearing aiong like mad, only to catch up with him at the next stop iight. So the secret of fast transportation does not lie iii high speed. but rather iii uninterrupted progress, which permits the safest and most economicai operation of a car. If officiais would recognize the psychoiogical effect of "high speed" references, and bring out more clearly that reaching one's destination in the shortest space of time depends more upon keeping.the wheels going round at a moderate pace than upon "burning up the road" in places and losing the time gained in waiting for green, lights, they would m ake a- real contribution to public safety and a decrease -in the death rate. Poor and decrepit and sickiy as the NRA is, one can, s tili get a. laugh out of, it. So many New Dealers who rate military or naval salutes are scooting hither and tbither about the country that the supply of blank cartridges became ekhausted, and the only source of replenishment was a con- cern that had refused to certify NRA compliance. What to do? Withhold salutes from New Deal- ers? Preposterous i Unthinkable i But it was that or purcbase f rom a chiseler. So the chiseler got the order, and the great ones their salutes. NEWS-ýCOMMENTI <If you are feeling the pinch of depiression,.juat rernember that'Naùcy' Leiter i9 18 years old, and gjets $1,300,000 bucks. Not that it matters, except to rernind ont that money reaily dots exist. One hunter in the nortb woods was shot re- cently for a deer, and another for a bear. It is the popular thing now for hunters to make a choice, before going into the woods,,as to what animal tbey prefer, to be shot for. Our choice is a rhi- nocerous. Its bide is so thick a builet cannot penetrate it. The federal government bas prepared what it is pleased to cali a "horse sense" test for en,- ployee s. Reading the ,questions, we wonder why the insuit to the horse. A wave of generosity is sweeping the north shore right now, and the miik of human kindness is flowing in an ever increasing stream., Literallvt hundreds of our good people are giving of their, time to _________ Community Chest drives and other charitable endeavors, and getting a great kick out of learning what if e is for. Another thing many folks are learning for the irst time, is that there is real suif ering 4 among our neiglibors. And there is nothing on earth that .will warm the cockles of the heart like extending help to e a neighbor in need. It's 'the teaching of the gentie jesu'; mùade manifest. Somne very desperate cases have recentlv been aiviated. but there are many othei s awaiting the coming of somne goocl Samiaritan with gold in his heart and his pocketbook. Here is One: Two littie girls, Il and 13, in a famiiy long destitute, must'have ail their teeth. extracteil be~- cause of the lack of care and proper food. and- go through life with dentures. Lack of funds pre- vents them fromn having the work done and their health preserved. Did ever a finer oportunity con- front a generous spirit? Our western sister, Hinsdale, is ail stirred up over the wet or dry question. Listen, sister. It doesn't make any difference whether you decide it's to be wet or dry. It wiil be wet, if our ex- perience is a crîterion. -'Frat Men Saved by Doctor- after Coed Initia- tion," reads a headiine. The. female of the specics wvas ever more deadiy than the maie. A California baby girl wvas attacked by a bird whiie eating a cookie, and severeiy injured. Whether it wvas a blue eagle or a canary bird Nias flot stated, but we think it must have been the former. A bine eagie is the only bird we knoiv that would steal a cookie f rom a baby. The oid superstition of three of a kind bas had another inning the. past week. Three women Jumped to t heir deaths from hotel windows. That's plenty. We accept the superstition. as gospel truth. We knew it wou Id happen! We just knew it would, aithough we boped against hope that it wouid be deferred until the scythe of Father Time had cut us down and we had been given a free ride on the mystic river with the phantom boat- man, so that we would escape the pain of it. But it was not to be. Huey Long is an out-and-out candidate for president in 1936, and how we are to stand it we do flot know. Corne on, Death, and pick up a wiiling victim. November 22,.1934 UrIT ulpIrIrip l-TIRIP

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