Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 1

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ILE'TT E LIF.E Publisbed weekly by LLOYD HOLLISTER INC., 1232-12z36 Central AvenueWilMette, Illinois. Subscription price $2 ayear. Entered as second class m.atter March X3,i1924, at the post office at Wlmette, Illinois, under the act of Match 3, 1879. VOL. XXIII, NO. 29 * WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 22, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS MAJOR STREET PLAT EVOKES KEEN INTEREST Hearing on Proposed Changes and Imp rovemnents B r i n 9s Capacity Audience l'lie public hlearing lheld ini the vil- lage. hall Fri(lav evening by the \Vil- mette Plan commlission to hefar ob- jections to. or suggestions for the iiiil)ro-einlenit of its receiitly (leveloped major streets plan. crew a capacity crov(I of' intcrcstcd citizelis. nonc of ,vhom serioivlv ustoe the plan asdrawNv. Large plats oi the village. shov.ing the prol)oscd major streets. aIl of which, it h the exception of Isabella street from Sheridan roa(l West, lie West of Ridge i\,eite, were posted in the hall and e.igerly. scanned by property owners anxious ta learn what effcct eventual building of the streets w~ill have upon subdivision projects of the future. Plat Posted at Hall The commission annouced that the plats will remain posted in the Village hall untîl the meeting of the Village board on Decemnber 4, and that al who desired to inspect them were invite(l ta do so. In case the counicil chamber is closed, it wvas stated, a key could be sccured at the police department. Those desiring ta file objections, or suggestions wvere re- cjuested to write theni out and send ta the commission at the Village hall. ControI Development, Myles J. Phillips, president of the commission. explained that the 'im- provements are not immediately con- templated, but that it is neccssary ta approve and. file a plat ini order (Cointînued on Page 5) Show Pur oses of Village Levy in New Trier Towns The variaus purposes for which*thie Village. levy wvas made ini each of the New Trier municipalities is shown in the following table. The Village levy, together with the levy of eight other taxing hodies make up the tax rate applied ta the assessedvaluation for deterniining the 1933 taxes now in course of collection. The levy of the other taxing bodies and the total rates in each of the villages, is shown in a table elsewhere in this paper. Wil. Kenil. Winn. Glen. Corporate .. $0.6666 $0.6696 $0.2872 $0.6666 Bond' & int .0652 .2673 .0753 .2303 Garbage ...025 .0463 .10. .10 Library .1148 .......12 .09 Police lpens. .0150.........01 Fire pension.. .........02 Public ben.. .10 .10 .10 .025 Play gr'nds .0666 ... .. $1.1207 $1.0802 $07175 $1.1119 PLAN- SEAL CAMPAIGN The Christmas Seal committee of the Wilmette Health, Center form- ulated plans for the campaigii Which begins Friday, November 30, at a conference held last Thursday with Hàrry Miller, of the publicity staff of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. THANK SERMON The Rev.. Anzos Tlzornibirg, nunster of thc Wilinette Parish Met hodist chzî,-ch. zvill deliver flie sernion at the union Tlîaiîksgiiingý services to be JîclJ' Thitrsday nirn iiq, Novcîniber 20, at 10 o'clock ini tlhc Fi,-st Con gregational churjcii. Mý\usic at the services will be pro- vided by the quartet and chairs of the, Congregational chutrclh. M inisters of the particip)ating cirhs-Wlet Baptist, \Vilmette Englishi Lutheran, First Presbyterian. Wilmette M"eth - odist, St., Augustine's Episcopal, and First Congregational- vill have a part in the service.- Proceeds from a tliank-offering will go to the Xilitte Xelfare board. Public Is Invited to Big RaIly on November, 2C Eight short skits, sangs, and report of' the National Girl Scout convention held last- month in Boston, Mass., w'Ill be featured at a Girl Scout Per- sonnel Rally in \Vilmette Monday evening, N.\ovember 26, at the -Wil- mette Baptist church at 8 oclock. The skits will be humorous and pleasanitly.eiitertaiining, it is promised. and Mrs. H. E. Ringholm will give an interesting report on the national convention wvhichi she attended iii October. Ahl persans interested ini Girl Scout work are invited, ta at- tend. "Al in a Dean's Day" ýRadio Skit Saturclay A, radio skit featuring the work of the dean will be presented by the Na- tional Association of Deans of ýWom- en Saturday. afternoon, November 24, at 6:30 o'clock Central Standard time, over the red network of the Nation- al Broadcasting company, during the weekly broadcast, "Our American Schools," directed by Miss Florence Hale, and sponsared by the National Edu cation -association. Music will be furnished by joseph Littau's fourteen- piece orchestra. The association an- nounces that it will be glad ta ré- ceive comments. Mail .1933 Tax Bis; Penalty Date January i EARLY DEADLINE! Because of the Thanksgiv- ing holiday Thursday, No- vember 29, the deadline for al news and advertising matter for the November 29 issue cf Wilmette Life will be at 9 o'clock Monday night, No- vember 26. Co-operation of readers and advertisers in this connection will be greatly appreciated. Dubbs Tells Why Tax Rate Is Increased- Publication of the tax levies for Cook county reveal that for-the Vil- lage of Wilmette the levy for 193 3-34 is 53 cents higher per $100 assessed valuation than for the previous year. Ini explanation of this President C. P. Dubbs off ers the following: "The tax levy of $1.12 per $100 assessed valuation for the Village of Wilmette for the fiscal vear 1933-34 is 53 cents higher than for the previous year, while the budget for 1933-34 wvas $14,000 less than the budget for the previous year. The reason for this difference is: -1. The savings made during the year 1931-32 were used to« help pay the expenses of the fiscal rear 1932-33. This arnounted to approximately ............ $33,000 "2. There was no tax. levy for the library, playground and recre- ation, policemen's and fire- men's pension funds in 1932-33. In 1933-34 a levy wvas made for these funds, with the exception of the fireme's pension, thus increasing the tax levy for 1933-34 approximately......... 32,000 "Thus the additional burden of these- two items alone in- creased the tax levy for 1933-34............ :.........$ 651000 "In 1932-33 we could seli tax anticipa- tion warrants up to 70 per cent of our tax levy, and in 1933-34 we could selI only up to 50 per cent of our tax levy. Therefore, it ivas necessary to Increase the 1933-34 tax levy accordingly. "Those are the conditions that make the tax levy hlgher for 1933-34, in spite of the fact that the actual total budget adopted by the corporate Village for 1933-34 was $14,000 less than the budget adopted for 1932-33. .'It is unfortunate that our state laws governing tax*levies and the saleof tax anticipation warrants work such a hard- ship. Possibly in time a better plan will he worked out." in This Issue Amlusement Directory. .50-51 Book Comment.....4 Church News.. ..... 14-1 5 Classified Ads......... 52-55. Club Pages . 36.X-43 Editorialý-News-Commàent 30 Junior Life ...16 Major Street Plat........ 10 Music.................. 32 N. S. Personâlities ...... *.27 Society -Pages .........34-43 Tax Tables............. 22 Assessed Valuation Takes Drop; Wilmette, Kenilworth Rates Higher Tic tax rates for the 1933 general taxes -ii New Trier township have been establishied, and according ta Tax Collector Sanborn Hale, the first of the bis should be in the mails this wveek'. Figures compiledl.by Collector H-le reveal îiot only a inaterial reduction ini thc assessed valuation of properties ini the township an which these taxes are levied, but likewise a reduction'in the total rate, -in certain villages, while in others there is an increase. The reduction in the assessed valu- ation of real estate, personal and rail- road property in the entire township. as compared Nvith that of 1932, is $6,636,506. In Xilmette, it is $2,179,142; Kenil- worth, $983,509; Winnetka, $2,682,997; Glencoe, $835,292. Rate Boost in Wlmette The 1933 rate for Wilmette is $5.91, as compared ta $5.82 in 1932. There is also an increase in Kenilworth, where the rate for 1933 is $6.03, as campared ta $5.98 in 1932. .Winncetka, with a 1933 rate of $5.78, shows a decreasé f rom 6.38 in 1932,, and Glencoe, likewise shows a reduc- tion, the 1933 rate being $6.33 as com- pared ta $6.77 in 1932.1 The foregoing rates are made up f rom the levies for county, forest pre- serve, sanitary district, mosquito abatement district, High school, town- ship, school district, village, and park district purposes. As will be noted in the 1933 rate table, published else- where in this issue, there is no state levy for 1933, which, in 1932, amounted ta 50 cents. There is no levy for school district No. 40, -for 1933, this district having been merged inta dis - tricts 37 and 39. Penalty Date January 1 The penalty date for the first in- stallment of the taxes now beiîng put into collection is set -for Januarv 1. 1935. with May l'as the penalty date on tbe seco nd instaliment. Taxpayers are ur ged ta. pay their taxes promptly. Accompanying the tax bills now being sent out, Collector Hale is enclosinig a notice, explaining that his office,, in the State- Bank of Winnetka, 739 Elm street, is open during banking hours, 8.a. m. ta 2:10 p. m..; Saturdays, 8 a. m. ta 12 m., and other. hours ta be pubished in the. local papers.' The notice further says: Get Your Naine Correct!1 Be sure that your correct name and address is on the bill, anîd that 'the, legal description of the property is correct on the real estate bill. Corrections, of name and address should be made on bath the original and duplicate buis before paying the same. Do flot detach the original from the duplicate. Send separate check for personal (Continued on Page 11)

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