WILMETTB LIPE Noveniber 22, 1934 The .SA FR5 77way cef homüe financingfe Convenient mont.hly payments. No mortgage renewals. No costly .mortgige renewal charges,. From , 5to 12 1yearsto pay for your home without financial hardship. Vour home is "'fr-ee and clear" at the end of a definite period. A' long-term first mortgage amortized boan plan that makes home ownership essy! Ask for f ull details about this sa/e and easy method of paying for your home. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of CHICAGO, 105 West Madison Street, Telephon. Randolph 2230 SPONSORED AND SUPERVISED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT First morigage loans on homes front $500 Io $12,000 for repoancisg, buying, building, repairing, and modernixing. SAVE WITH THE FIRST FEDERAL Ail savings and investments fully in- sured a> to $5,000 by the Federal Deposit I ns nr a nce Corporation. W'ashington, D. C.-Certificate No. 95 4% faid las# dividend period. Four savings and investment plans tu suit every person's income: 1. lustallmeu: Thrsfi Shares-rcgulai ,uonthly or weckly payments. An extra bonus of 1%le per annum if thrift programin i carricd out witb. out interruption. .. 2. Optional Payment Thrif t Shares- for people whose incontes are ir- regular. Save any amount at an%, time. 3. Prepaid Shares-f or lump sunt in- vestments. Dividends are credited to the account and compounded semi-annually. 4. FutlI-Paid lniome Shares-f or lump sunt nvestments. Dividends are paid semi.annually in cash. Place your savings wvith the First Fed crut and enjoy sa0el1y and attractiv., returns f rom your investment. I ______________________________________________________________________________ gh ~da fp3 SEAI SCOUT r SHIP OUILMETTE NEW PLAN... A nw pan or he.meetings of Sea Scout.Ship Oujîmette was decided upon last Friday night by the oficers and crew of the ship at the first ineet- ing of the winter season. The planl is as follows The regular meeting, a snappy one lasting an hour and a haif, will start at 7:30 o'clock every Monday evening at the Wilmette Baptist chlirclî. This meeting wi11 be under the direction of two officers, K. R. Borgen and F. Maas. The ti;ue iili be devcted to the passing of tests and ail technical work, which will include a class on the principle and 'operation of gasoline marine engines andi motors. Another meeting under the direc- tion. of D. E. Hall will be called t) order promptly at 7 :30 o'clock cacli Fridav evening at the shop, on1 the Sea Scout lot. Mechanical w-,ork : will be the object of tis îneetin- al d -vill include the building andl repaîring of hoits. aud( anv mecchanîcs ini con- nection mith the class iii engines. -R. D. H. A Photograph by ÇoT 6,Ion The Finesf Gift Of Ail for, CHRISTMAS now carrying a combi et e lne of N: 4EW: FURNITURI at our Highland Park Store CENTRAL 'AVENUE at SHERIDAN OUR AIM to, find furniture of unusually pleasing design and fiac quality and bring it to you at the lowcst. possible prices. Just Arrived!l A new shiprnent of COLONIALMAL Dining room and living room suites as weIl as many oddpicces th.1t make ideal Christmas gifts. Visit Our Mode! Roonis Display Phone Highland Park 181 Secial 35x7 VELOURS $.00 in Folders $ Regjular Priçe $8.00 Phot 8xIO0SILVER-$75 TONES in Folders75 Regular Price$ 12-00 >tography ovf the Highesl quelity Make Your Appointmont Now S. GORD"lON, 624 Church St. GRE. 1300 . vansfon Victors in'.Snipe Race Receive Williams. Cup, Sea Scout Ship "Albatross IF' of Winnietka, on Tuesday evening of this, week, held an open bouse and "bridge of honor." The bridge of honor in Sea Scouting is gmparable to the Boy Scout court of honor. Onie of the features of the program was the awarding of the Commodore Williams cup for np"cIass boats piloted by Sea Scouts, to Ewing Johansen and Bartlet Price who are the winners in 1934's race, saiIing the snipe, "Gladiator." The presen- tation was made by Robert F. Doepel, district chairman of Witt- netka. Stage Initial Session of Game Leadership Series The scoutmasters of the North Shore Area council met Wednesdav night of this week at St. jarne'l school in Highwood for the secotid' fait get-together to discuss their problems and program. A session ini games and game leadership wvas held as the first of a series of such meet- ings, attendance at which will entitie narticinants to» "Gamne Leadershipj Specialization Course" certificates. University of Scouting Ends Sessions Monda y Trhe final session of the fali term of the University of Scouting will be held next Monday ni.ght, Novem- ber 26, at Christ church, Winnetka. The meeting will be the sixth one of this term and a short social gath- ering will conclude the final session. Approximately fifty men have been eîîrolled in the course and have heen studying ways and mens to do their particular job better. At last Mon,- day night's meeting, H. R. Smith-. former scoutmaster of Troop 33. Highland Park, spoke to the menî enrolled in the elementary course on the subject, "Adequate Outdoor Pro gram for Scout Troops." WHO'S WHO IN SCOUTING Titis us the sez'cnth in a s('rh'. of thiumberajl biographical sketches of north shore scouters. WINNETKA CHAIRMAN Robert F.- Doepel. now chairman of the Winnetka district, began his con- nection with the Boy Scout 'movement as scoutmaster in one of the Community House troops prior to 1929 at whichi tinme >he hecanie chairman -of the troop committee of Troop 17 and as- s i st ant district commissioner. He remained as assist- a n t commissioner until 1932. He was aiso a member of the executiee board Robt. F. Doepel. of the North Shore Area council during that time and has served with that board up to the pres- ent. During the year 1931 he was chairman ofi the Winnetka court of bonor, and in 1933 he served as a mem- ber of tbe troop comniittee of Troop 24 of the Sacred Heart churcli in Hub- bard Woods. Besides bis activities, in scouting as the Winnetka chairman, he is the secretary-treasurer of the Braun Broth- ers 011 company. BOYSCOUT NEWS: ,Noveniber 22, 1934 WILM9TTý E LIPE