WORLD'S FAIR ci TQYS Opening Saturday, November 124t1i Santa' Will Be Here! A true half-contury of progross, indeed, as wo look back ovor the past 52 yeors, of prosenting Christmas joys to youngster and note the difforencos thon, and NOWI Bring the childron to see the Dols Village. the Transportation Building, Fort Doarborn, the Hall of Science and Inven- tioni You'll marvol with th.m atf the won. dors Santa Claus will produce this seasoni Jusi a Few Bra nd New Christmas Toys "Shirley Temple"Il Dolis $4,e95 Miniature Shir- Isys, .v.ry one of thiem 1 18- inch Jolis with real hair and a do0raàble clothes. Honest-to-Goodness Typewriters Wth steel type. Uses regjulafion size typewriter sheeft;- produces real le*-, fers. Educafional, foot $2 Let's Play Fireman! Note the Streamline! Fire Chief Cars Irish Mails Police end fire chef cars with usai >siren houns and lightsl $1.59 For American maies . ..Young onesi. A sporty streamline affair. DARLING DYDEE DOLLIES Al-rubber Jolis fo be fed, bathed. $49 diapered. just like aàrmal baby. -- Speedy as Can Be! Racyles The vear y1lait w. or din veloci- 9 ,9 5 peJes, you May b. surs. Full. bail- bearing. Others ai $1 3.95. Srigh Red teelForý Movie Hounds! BrihtRd SeelMovie-Jec tors With the Stream, $ ini Will stand $ 3 9 up under the hardesf wear-and-fier. A real bargaini Now the youngsfers can, go fo the movies rtghf af homnel Eas-o.monipulaie machiné wifh po0p ula r film. 6 Filmsj WIorld's fair of Tous-Third Floor. West' WJEBOLD' S - EVANSTON on Davis Street DE SURE TO- GET WAMPUM FOR. YOUR SALES CHECKSI WiImette 1100 NOVEMBER 22. 1934 19 for 5 9< $6,95