Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1934, p. 15

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November 22, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE December 5. U¶'<py and Eva's Show Bout" w111 be presented by Miss>Julia Sale with a. cast of. fifty from our oWn church. Thursday evening, Deoember r the Aladdin Playors from, radio stati»n WLS are producing. an oid-time drama. Friday evening, December 7, wIIi be, a gala nlght whien well-known radio char- actera' will. predominate. Plan té do your Christmas shopping and eat, yoqur nieals at the fair! Dr. Ethan. Colton, authority on Inter-, national, relations 'and author of "The XYZ of Communism," will speak on "N;ew Deals at Home and Abroad" at the suxiday Evening club tbis week at 7:30 in the Congregational church. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastoi SERVICES 14:15 a. m.-First service. 9 :30o a. r.-Sunday school and junior aîîd intermediate Bible classes. 10) a. in.-Senior Bible ciass. Il a. m.-Second service. il a. m.-Next Thursday, Thanksgiv- ing Day service. MEETINGS Chiidren's Christian education classes, Saturday at 9 :30, Wednesday at 4. .unday school teachers' meeting, Mon- day at 8 P. m. Choir rehearsai, Wednesday at 7 :45. "The Bible, and the Millenniumn" will be the subject of Sunday's sermon, based on the twentieth chapter of the Revela- tion of St. John. Here is a chapter re- garding whose interpretation there is mnuch disagreenient; but there are su!- ficient elear and unmistakable passages ini the Bible deating with>the saine sub- ject to guard against misinterpretations. Today the Ladies' Aid is having its :Lnuai Christmas sale and supper. be- ginning at 1 o'clock, the supper being served from 5 :30 to 7 p. ni. On Frlday evcning, at 8 o'CiOck, a organ reéital will bc given by Robert Iteuter, orgaKiist Of First TrinitY ehurch ',f Pittsburgh, featuring miusic by Bach, Schîumann, Reger, and others. Mr. ,Reuter is a nephew of our former pastor, the Rev. Mfr. MUeyer, and is recognized qs one of the best among the younger ctu rvh organists. Boaptist Church Wiimette and Forest avenues R.ev George D. Allison, pastor The season of Th anksgiving is at hand, and this church would'do its part in pre- paring the hearts of the people. On Sun- day mnorning, the il o'clock service will be set to this theme in music, song and spoken word. Dr. Allison preaches a sermon the result o! a.study Of "The Causes and Effects Of Gratitude" with especial reference to the book of psaims, the poetry o! grateful souls. In the Chu rch school at 9:30 the samne field wili bie surveyed for boys and girls. In the older groups decisions for discipleshiP and church membership will be invited. Today (Thursday) Llnk 4 is meeting at the home of Miss Annie Beach, 1114 Ash- land avenue, with Mrs. j. W. Bornhoeft and MLrs. W. C. Buethe, asslsting host- esses. Tomorrow (Friday> Link 1 meets with Mrs. Henry, Beach, àssisting host- esses belng Mrs. W. S. Campbell and ivrs. Deming Wolff; Link 2 meets at the home o! Mrs. W. A., Kendrlck, 1044 Greenwood 'avenue; and Link 3, with Mrs. Frank Guthrldge at 917 Greenwood avne iss Foster, Mrs. O. W. Schmidt avneM.A.C. yougbrg assisting. A il o! these groupa meet at il a. m. to sew for the Children's homne at Maywood. On Sunday evening next, B. Y. P. U. wili meet In the Gulld room at 6 o'leock and aIl hlgh school youth are invited to attend. Kelth M. Jones, counselor, will be in charge. AlecoOn Sunday evenlng, wili be the 'services at Irving Park church, Chicago, in1 recognition o! their new pastor, Rev. Albert DeMott. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Clark and the. Rev. and Mdrs. George D. Alilson will represent the Wilmette church., On Monday, there will be a meeting or Girl, Scout leaders In the social hall and o! the Sea scout ship in the rear, build- ing. On WVedniesday evenlng at 8 o'clock will be the annual Thanksgiving testi- mony and praise service. In the First Congregatiofl church, Thanksgiviflg NU-CALK CALKING COMÀPOUND Nt ahfl.»" grade 4J..,fles.wtbGoerument uMile.M Hardware Co* R. W. Cid Next. Lecturer Before N. S. Temple Forum Richard Washburn. Child, formert American' Ambassador to Italy, andi recently special envoy of the Adminis- tration to Europe, >speaks before the North Shore Congtegation Israel1 Forum in Glencoe on the "Changing1 Structure 0f GoCvernments Every- where" Tuesday. evening, December 4, at.8:15 O'clock. Mr. Child bas had a distinguishedi public career. Graduated from Har-1 yard in 1903, he was admitted to the1 New York Bar three years later and9 practiced law until 1917 when he en- teréd war finance work in the United -States Treisury department. Follow-1 ing the. war, he became editor ofl Collier's Weekly, which post he re- signed to become United States am- bassador during the second Wilson administration. While in the diplo- matic service, Mr. Child represented the United States at the Genoa and Lausanne Conferences. Upon his return to this country, he l)ecame chairman of the National Crime commission. His recent visit to Europe as economic envoy of the State department marks his return to the diplomatic service. His findings have been published in part in a sig- nificant newspaper series, wbich indi- catée the interesting substance of what he will have to say from the lecture platform. Mr. Child is also the author of numerous novels and books on pub- lic questions. Course tickets for the remaining five lectures whichi will include such outstanding men as Dr. George E. Vincent, George E. Sokolsky, and John Strachey, and-Dr. Arthur HolIy Compton are now on sale at reduced prices. Tickets may be purchased at the office of the temple (telephone, Glencoe 725) or from Mrs. Barniett Faroil., chairman, 741 Prospect ave- nue. Winnetka (telephone, Winnetka "The Power of a Lie" Wil Be Sermon Theme '*The Power of a Lie" will be the suhject of Rabbi Charles E. Shul- mnx's sermon at the North Shore Cons.zregatioix Israel temple in Glen- coe Sunday morning, November 25. at Il o'clock. The address will treat the subject. of the story behind the Protocols of the Zion trial at Berne. Switzerland. Muisic at the services will l)e as follows: Nia Tovu......__............ ..Goldfarl) Borchu .......... ....Binder Shema...... ....:...... ..........Binider Michoinocho ................Schlesingeir ,rzur Yfisroei ................ Landaman Kedusha........ ..............Idelsohn Mýay the Words................ Idesohn Anthem-"»Behold Now, Praise Ye the Lord,"................... Federlein. Duet-'.'Pasqsage Birds F'arewell" 1 .......... Hlldach Mies Taylor and Mr. Landsman Va'Anachnu .................... inder Largo.........................Perîman Elohenu .........Stark day at 10 a. ni., the community Thanka- giving celebration wIll be held with Rev. Amos Thornburgpreaching. ofdlkidnds KEYS 'Mode from Numbers LINDSTROM'9S LOCK SHOP 122 Ceanra Ave. WiL 3212 Ira DarIinig Now Heada Local Historieat Group. The Historical society of. Kenilworth elected Ira Darling as Ïts president for the coming year, at the thirteenth an- nual dinner and entertainment held Wednesday of last ýweek at the Kenil- worth club. One hundred and tbirty- ive guests were present. Mrs. S. D. F~lood, the retiring president,, gave a delIightful talk. A group of six young arried coples, of which the wives were aIl daugbters of pioneer Kenil- worth families, gave the entire pro- gram, which consisted or a radio skit. Wesley Blom was the announcer. Mrs. Otis Heath (Elizabeth Stolp) rang the gong bebind each news flash. Samuel Clark was chairman and originator of the entertainment, and through his ef- forts kept the audience 'in an uproar. Old-fashioned pictures of Kenilworth BelSSI Inew for> 001»da teiily moneyl We hoLve a~ guyernaketit IIccni.e to buy eld gold, platlnumn and liver. No need to go elsewere-we wIII puy yon la cash or trade for new jewelry. D. PAGLIARULO lia6 Wilumette Ave. Wil. 1061 were also shown. The, Paul Schulzes of Chicago, former Kenidworth resi- dents, were there, with' thear entire family. A Penny social will bie given on Monday, November 26, by the North Shore Camp, Royal. Neighbors of America. The social will bie beld. in the evening. at 8:30, in the Swedish Fraternity hall, 1415 -Sherman ave-_ nue,, Evanston. The -admission is free, it is announced. FURRI ER TrAULOR Relining Remotleling Reliairing My 30 ycars ini Wilniette is mR' a.smrare of giving satisfaction. JOHN T. ROSBERG 830 Park Avenue Phone WiIm.t. e2590 Pre-Holiday Mi ner y SA&LE Here's a variety af fabrcs and a gaIdxy of designs and trimmings at unusually Iow prices. Former $2.95 and $3.95 Values $11050O00$10*95 Former- $5 and $6 Values At Wortkens 1148 Wtim.lte Ave.. - -Wide Range The new Schick INETR ao l1 ade so that it travels over the contours of the face, swinging up, swingzng down-<dng its job. in every position. This is called Wide Range Shaving. ......a.. ~iA~:Q so your dealer to November 22, 1934 WILMETTE' LIFEý

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